The Isa Upanishad.."A book Review."

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The Isa Upanishad.."A book Review."

Post by acaveyogi » Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:00 am

Guys as a mystic yogi, I find this little book, found in "The Upanishad" writings (Hindu Scripture) very interesting. This book is only a page and a half in english. Talk about a quick read :) !

So anywho guys, this little book is (if one is interested in the really old yogi stuff and what they were up too) chalk full of interesting clues! If one knows what they are looking for and is actually interested in this stuff.

Last edited by acaveyogi on Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by dhav » Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:52 pm

where do i get the book online John?

dhav ;-)

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:36 pm

Try this will find links to both original and translated text :)

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Yogi Stuff...

Post by acaveyogi » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:58 pm

dhav wrote:where do i get the book online John?

dhav ;-)
Dhav I actually do not know :) I am using the Penguin Classics translation, "The Upanishads". Which is probably out of print :) Me being old and all.

Rhutobello (God bless his soul) seems to have found the internet connection to this book. Totally too cool!

I was waiting for the "Revelation" topic to slow down before I dipped into this topic. Multitasking is for me abit of a challenge.

What I am contemplating doing is to quote the whole doggone book, a little bit at a time and discussing it in sections. :) Realitve to the complete yogi experience, this book is not complete. But it does talk about a part of the yogi experience that todays "Yoga/yogis" have no idea about. At least those that are commercial.

This is our challenge guys, "Can something that has to be experienced for it to be understood, be explained to those that have never experienced it? So that they can have a look at the experience."  

With your guys help and interest, I think that it can be done.

Basically what this little book is talking about is, the beginning of the "ascension meditations." Which is actually "Yoga Two". Everything that is being taught today is actually "Yoga One".

And what we are sort of exploring here is whether or not one can skip "Yoga One", and go streight to "Yoga Two". :) At least the beggining part of it.

Thank you for your interest and future input! Everybody is welcome.



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The Isa Upanishad..Explored

Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:08 am

So lets start here: Paragraph "one", my english version:
the little book Isa wrote:"Behold the universe in the glory of God: and all that lives and moves on earth. Leaving the transient, find joy in the Eternal: set not your heart on another's possession."
:) This little paragraph is an enormous amount of fun! :) I do not know what else to say! It basically says that you are stuck here or you are not.

This world of things is what this little book calls the "Transient". And it explores how attachted you are to the "Transient". This world of things starts with possessions. "What do you actually need to feel secure in this world?" And if you actually feel secure in "this world", are you willing to leave it? It is the old getting a rich man/woman into Heaven thing.

I have no idea what is going to happen if we create paradise on earth :) nobody is going to want to explore Heaven :) at least for a thousand years! Paradise can get boring you know :)

Input guys, is welcome relative to this first exploring this first paragraph (or just about anything :) just stay under the radar of management. They do define reality, which is actually a good idea!). Is all well so far? And not, is actually ok. No problema.

Love you!

Last edited by acaveyogi on Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by suzisco » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:10 am

I thought it meant the transient life you lived on earth as a mortal.  We become attached to the material world and are less inclined to return to our corporeal state once we have tasted the pleasures of daily life.  Also when we have a beloved we need to remember that person we do not own and are with only for a short period and death means separation along with the separation from our children and family. These are bonds that may stop us from finding joy in the eternal.


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The Isa Upanishad..Explored

Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:27 pm

suzisco wrote:I thought it meant the transient life you lived on earth as a mortal.  We become attached to the material world and are less inclined to return to our corporeal state once we have tasted the pleasures of daily life.  Also when we have a beloved we need to remember that person we do not own and are with only for a short period and death means separation along with the separation from our children and family. These are bonds that may stop us from finding joy in the eternal.

Hi Suzi and welcome to this topic! I am sorry that I missed you in the last topic, but things kind of drifted there. :) Which is ok, stuff happens. But anyway, I am sorry.

corporeal state is not actually what this little book is about. It is about "Physical Immortality". Some of those dog gone yogis actually did that (left taking their bodies with them and a bunch of different others did this also). So what we are actually exploring here is, how did they do it? And the little book "Isa" has some important clues :) about how this was done.

In today's world everybody knows that "Physical Immortality and Ascension" is not possible. The best that we can do is to do the best with what we have and hope for some kind of a "spiritual" thing after we wonder off or Jesus actually comes back. Legend (written) and folklore (unwritten) seems to indicate that there is/might be, another option. With this book review of "Isa", we are exploring this/that other option. :)

The first paragraph of the book "Isa" says that we should first and probably always "focus" on the "Eternal" and not on the "Transient." Coveting your neighbor's stuff, is focusing on the "Transient". This will not do. :)

Next paragraph:
The little book Isa wrote: Working thus, a man (I suspect that this also includes a woman :) ) may wish for a life of a hundred years. Only actions done in God bind not the soul of man.
What in the heck are they talking about now? Ah man!

Input? Suggestions?

Love you guys!


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:29 am

I assume you must read "man" as humans.

If anything is immortal in us, it must be our spirit.... the rest is only produced by molecules from an "blueprint" defined by ours parents genes... which also deliver much of our inherits and way of acting...when we die.... most of it dissolve goes back to nature except the bones that seems to have longer life....However, this is just how I see the physical cycles :)

I see our body with both brain and heart included as a "car" and I see our spirit as the driver. This way I can understand that we don't always follow our brain, that we can evaluate with our heart, and even take a combination of those two.

Since the heart has no brain.....and the brain ... if it was the only thing producing ideas , it always would believe it was right, we must have one that control it all and can evaluate those signals the brain send out.... and that must be the spirit.

Just like we control our pc..... it has many possibilities.... but it needs to be watched by a person (spirit) who can do the final evaluation.

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:40 pm

Just an observation of how wonderful it is that this Holy text has no ending.

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The Isa Upanishad..Explored

Post by acaveyogi » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:11 pm

Rhutobello wrote:I assume you must read "man" as humans.

If anything is immortal in us, it must be our spirit.... the rest is only produced by molecules from an "blueprint" defined by ours parents genes... which also deliver much of our inherits and way of acting...when we die.... most of it dissolve goes back to nature except the bones that seems to have longer life....However, this is just how I see the physical cycles :)

I see our body with both brain and heart included as a "car" and I see our spirit as the driver. This way I can understand that we don't always follow our brain, that we can evaluate with our heart, and even take a combination of those two.

Since the heart has no brain.....and the brain ... if it was the only thing producing ideas , it always would believe it was right, we must have one that control it all and can evaluate those signals the brain send out.... and that must be the spirit.

Just like we control our pc..... it has many possibilities.... but it needs to be watched by a person (spirit) who can do the final evaluation.
Hi Rhutobella sir, and welcome to this topic discussion!

There are two objects in a succesful messageboard: One is activity and the other is information. The management of a messageboard defines what is acceptable activity and what is acceptable information. And this is how things should be!

Rhutobella sir, if you and Ms Suzi wish that immortallity and ascention as a possiblity should not be explored, then we should quietly put this topic to rest. We do not need to talk about this stuff. It is no problem, I wish no conflict with you guys.

I love your guys messageboard! It is just figuring out how to fit. I depend on you guys to give me clues on how to fit. "A man pontificates on what he knows." Mark Twain/Samuel Langhorne Clemens. I can pontificate on a whole bunch of stuff, it is just a matter of figuring out what you do not mind that I pontificate on. You guys are helping me run a learning curve. I like you and I want to be here. As a registered user I am attempting to fit into the world that you have created and maintain.

I guess Rhutobella sir, I am afraid to contradict what you and Ms Suzi have posted realitive to this topic discussion. Or actually even discuss it.

Angering management is very serious stuff.

You guys are loved!


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Post by suzisco » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:39 pm

lol goodness i didn't realise i came accross as so petty minded.  I joined in because i was interested and ventured and opinion.  Your thread acaveyogi is very interesting and i would hope that you continue with your most excellent work.  (just for future stuff, if i am here on mod duty I tend to be pretty open and say its mod stuff, other than that i participate like an average Joe and try to learn from other interesting people).

I in my interpretation was misguided and thought you meant ghostly ever life, I was unaware that people actually really lived physically for longer than 114 years (max).  I promise to be a better student acaveyogi and will apply myself more dilligently.


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:43 pm

First of all.... it is allowed to discuss with management, just like you discuss with any other member, we are no different.

Second, I might have misunderstood your angle for the discussion, since I just read about "immortality" and gave my view on it, if so, then I am sorry.

You just go on..... and, please don't have to high respect for " management," we are just ordinary members who try to make this place as nice as possible. :)

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Damn :) and Opps!

Post by acaveyogi » Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:57 am

suzisco wrote:lol goodness i didn't realise i came accross as so petty minded.  I joined in because i was interested and ventured and opinion.  Your thread acaveyogi is very interesting and i would hope that you continue with your most excellent work.  (just for future stuff, if i am here on mod duty I tend to be pretty open and say its mod stuff, other than that i participate like an average Joe and try to learn from other interesting people).

I in my interpretation was misguided and thought you meant ghostly ever life, I was unaware that people actually really lived physically for longer than 114 years (max).  I promise to be a better student acaveyogi and will apply myself more dilligently.

Thank you Susi! Your input is very appreciated! If I had a choice (as I said in the topic "A Mystic challenge") to interact with a moderator to rep mangagement, on a one to one bases, I would choose you. I just would.

So may I run this by you as a loved moderator that I can appeal to? This topic that I have created in "Book Review" is in the wrong place. It turns out that it should be in the "Reincarnation Forum." Opps! :)

The Book "Isa" is about how to "not" to be "Reincarnated". You and Rhutobella have actually brought that to my attention. The sentence/paragraph that we are now discussing actually defines the book. I was all "sexed" up about the last part of the book and kind of missed the second paragraph/sentence :) I hate it when that happens!

Suzi :) if this topic was in the "Reincarnation Forum" this topic would be about, "How to not be reincarnated." and we would all be on the same page. "Is reincarnation real and if so how can it be solved?", would be the topic under discussion.

Suzi would it be possible to move this topic to the "Reincarnation Forum" and start over? I screwed up, again! Argg!

I actually do love you guys and really want to be a part of what you are dong!


john acaveyogi

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Post by suzisco » Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:18 pm

No your topic is doing great here, it does exactly what it says it does, its a book review and discussion.

So no reason to move the thread, you can start a thread about how not to reincarnate in the reincarnation forum if you would like to start a discussion there.


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Post by acaveyogi » Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:56 am

suzisco wrote:lol goodness i didn't realise i came accross as so petty minded.  I joined in because i was interested and ventured and opinion.  Your thread acaveyogi is very interesting and i would hope that you continue with your most excellent work.  (just for future stuff, if i am here on mod duty I tend to be pretty open and say its mod stuff, other than that i participate like an average Joe and try to learn from other interesting people).

I in my interpretation was misguided and thought you meant ghostly ever life, I was unaware that people actually really lived physically for longer than 114 years (max).  I promise to be a better student acaveyogi and will apply myself more dilligently.

Suzi what happened is not your fault. It was my fault. And Suzi :) I do not want you to be a student. I ain't seeking students. I am a free lance messageboard consultant here. And I do not want any money from you guys. This messageboard is on the verge of mega and we are all a part of that. If at all possible. Everybody here, that is an old timer and who is a part of managagement, have put in the time, out of their lives, to contribute to the success of this messageboard. And going through the transition of being just another messagebord to mega is a rare oportunity to explore.

Messageboards are a part of the new internet. To be bought and sold like all the other parts of the internet. In an internet reality there is no difference between this messageboard and "Google" or "Yahoo", once one attempts to go commercial.

If I am any good at being a messageboard consultant and you guys go mega, I and you are home free at no cost to you. And it should be understood that you and the management team that you are on and all registered members now and future are training me (and I have been at this for ten years now) for a job that I really find exciting. I love people and I love people getting together and just discussing things. The internet is an awesome gift to this reality. And like everthing else, it is a science. Which we are all exploring now as/in a commercial reality.

I really want to be a part of what you are attempting to do and I am really good at what I can do. If you guys do not win, then I do not win and I don't get a job in a whole new field that is just opening up as a messageboard consultant. Messageboards are going commercial and how does one do that? :) There is a trick to that, most messageboards fail. We are studing the clues. And it is a science.

Thank for letting me be here!


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