Scorpio and Love

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Post by khb21603 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:15 am


I totally agree. My temper is my down side. :(
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Post by nisha26 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:22 pm

Hi I would like to know what a scorpion man would be like when they are trying to hit on a girl? Are they generally themselves or they are just trying a tad too hard?

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Post by khb21603 » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:55 am

In my opinion, they are totally honest about their feelings. My hubby is a Scorpio and he was totally honest and sincere with me.  Some Scorpio men can get obsessed with a woman, but not normally.

Although, I think some men can be slick no matter what sign.
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Great post - wish I could control the negatives

Post by scorpy1030 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:41 pm

Great post.  I wish I could control my negative aspects.  I have scared away my husband into the arms of another woman I think.  But then I think if he can't handle my intense moments then is he worth keeping?

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:44 am

nisha26 wrote:Hi I would like to know what a scorpion man would be like when they are trying to hit on a girl? Are they generally themselves or they are just trying a tad too hard?

All depends on his Ascendant sign. You need to understand there is far far more to astrology than just ‘sun signs’ firstly there are 10planets in the sky and 12houses and any one of these 10planets can be in any one of these 12 houses – so there’s 144 possible combinations there –

What is vitally important is your ‘time of birth’ and nearest town and then go to free website like to calculate your natal chart, you may have to reduce the image in Extended chart selection to 63% save to your hard drive, then upload here.

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

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