Shadow People

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Post by Doe » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:37 pm

Nice to know I'm not alone in that!  Really cool things have happened like that, too--songs appearing on my iPod, for example, that I didn't put there, and that are completely relevant, or apparent explanations for things.  I love my life these days!  Sometimes I think I'm "bored" with my daily life, and then I think, "You're BORED?!!!  Are you nuts?!!!"


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Post by looking_glass » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:40 pm

In the words of a famous yellow man..."doh!"

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Post by Doe » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:24 am

Very funny--Doe/"DOH"!  We're big Homer fans around here (especially my 9-year-old son!).  Some day I'll write here about how I came up with that "handle".

Hoping that my computer doesn't crash when I hit "submit",


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:15 am

       *smile* I was very happy when I found this topic at first, it kicked off my first friend on this board, of which I have been hooked on since, although I don't always have a lot of time now days to get on and read and post as much as I want to. But the things that happen to me are crazy and yeah sometimes life gets to ya. But at least I always have company even though people think I'm nuts for 'talking to myself'. Though if I have my hair down they just think that I have blue tooth. LOL I think that is the best thing ever.... I don't look so crazy for talking to people that others can't see.... or hear.... *sigh* it really takes places like this to bring us together to make me think that there is a real reason why I am like this and that I don't need to be taking meds or locked up or something.... *smile* They will drive ya nutty if ya let them, just let them know that there are rules and the ones that are mad at you, tell them that you can't and won't deal with them like that and that they are not welcome in your home. Then  use what ever blessing ritual that your religion has... it really helps to keep the peace in your life.


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Post by Doe » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:28 pm

Hi, Nyte,

Yeah, I really struggled with the whole "Am I just becoming schizophrenic?" thing for a really long time.  But it's been over a year, and I go about my daily life/work the same as I always did (maybe just happier!)--I figure that, by now, if what I see is no more than psychosis I'd be a terrified, stark-raving lunatic by now, but I'm still the same relatively boring person I always was, and no one seems concerned about my behavior (I do keep the talking to spirits on the telepathic level when other people are around!).  It was a huge relief when I finally realized that I wasn't losing my mind--mental illness is no joke, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Early on, when I was worried that maybe I was just losing it, I really started to panic one day.  I started talking like crazy to D.  (see my posts under "Mediumship"), telling him to PLEASE prove to me that it was all real and that I wasn't going nuts because I have a son to raise.  I was terrified for a few minutes, and then suddenly I felt him touch my head in this very gentle, reassuring way--it was a perfectly clear answer..."You're fine; I'm here."

I also found this, which may be helpful to others: ... hallu.html

And yes, I do believe that in some instances the "spirit thing" may be responsible for people losing their minds, especially when the people don't have any other support, or don't understand what's happening, or believe the malevolent spirits who tell them that they're messiahs, etc.  (They used to try to tell me that D. and I were Jesus and Mary Magdalene in previous lives.  Right.  Sure.  And if you believe that I've got a nice bridge over here in Brooklyn to sell you... :smt002 )


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:52 pm

       *smile* I am happy to see you so at ease with who you are... I know that I did that too for awhile and when ya finally figure it out that you don't need serious help. (I too agree that mental disease is very serious and that it shouldn't be laughed at, unless your laughing at yourself for thinking you were when you are clearly not) Not all spirits have our best interests in mind and some of them like to play 'pranks' (which aren't funny) on people who are gullible. Like you did by asking for proof and by trying to search for answers in a world where answers are not easy to come by, you showed them that you aren't that way and that you will stand up for yourself, often that is all it takes.

My best friend Jenny, often looks for the experience and not the point to it or the reasons why it happens, she is still fairly new to it all, but she annoys me more than not by telling me that this or that happened and not what was going on or what she was thinking as it all affects the outcomes and why we see and feel what we do. She has been feeling down a lot lately and didn't make the connection that she wasn't doing the little things that make her happier... sometimes ya just need to sit and think...

I am very happy to find out that you do..... Take care!


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Post by Doe » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:59 pm

Hi, Nyte,

Well, SOMETIMES that's all it takes, but there are some stubborn ones (I always remind myself that, although some things are bound to be different, spirits were living people at one time too!) with too much time on their hands, or something, and really go out of their way to work my nerves (it is MUCH better now that I realize that there's really nothing to be afraid of, and just let it all kind of roll off my back--sometimes I still get freaked out, but not much).  On a couple of occasions I've told a spirit who was trying to scare me, or something, that she or he just sounded like a bad, low-budget horror movie, and should get some better lines or find something else to do!

You're right--the things going on in your own life do seem to have an effect.  The consistent message that I've been getting for a long time is that I need to learn to love myself.  So, I thought--what makes me love myself?  Exercise and taking care of my body in other ways, doing something nice for someone, getting off my butt and cleaning the house so it's nice for my son when he gets home from school, writing something good, sitting in the sun for a while--simple things, but they do seem to make a difference both in how well I see things and in my interactions with spirits (again, not always, but usually).  It's a learning process, but, as I wrote today in an earlier post, I think I've got time :)

Thanks for the nice post.  You sound as if you put a lot of thought into all of this, too.


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:42 am

For me it is more kinda lived and learned and it's now common sense and that makes it a little harder to deal with stubborn people.

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shadow spirits

Post by alex_1982 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:09 am

i see them too, but i thought that it was an optical illusion

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Post by Doe » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:45 am

I saw them a lot when I first started seeing spirits.  I'd see them in the dark; they were just dark shadows seeming to fly almost in formation past me and through the room--they never bothered me, but it was strange.  They were somehow just less "sophisticated"-looking than the other spirits I saw...somehow they seemed less capable of complex thought, or something.  I don't know who they were, exactly, but they didn't seem malevolent in any way.  I don't see them any more, but I don't think they were optical illusions.  They did seem to  have some kind of purpose, and to be kind of in their own world.  Who knows?  Wish them well; they won't do you any harm (at least that's my impression!).


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:18 am

I have to agree with Doe on this one, they more than anything want to be acknowledge, at least in my contact with them and once you have done that they tend to move on and do their own thing.

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Post by ShadowPeople » Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:07 am

Here are the 3 types of Shadow people.  


Category 1
This category falls into drugs use, seizures, and other mental issues. This category covers a very vast description and is known to have descriptions that may or may not match what others describe in category 2 and 3. Category 1 actually may not be considered shadow people at all due to the non consistancy in the descriptions.

Category 2
This category falls more into the ghost and spirit category. The descriptions in this category are as follows: non human shaped shadows or masses of human shaped shadow people in one place, insect shadows, animal shadow people, and women shadow people. These are mostly see thru shadows. Category 2 shadow people tend to be drawn more to a location than a person. It is common for this category to actually try and not become seen. Light may affect this group.

Category 3
This category does not fall into the ghost or Spirit category. This category has only 2 types of shadow people, One tall shadow man and several small hooded "twin" style shadow people. These are usually seen non see thru however they may be see thru. This category is more drawn to a person rather than a place, this category may actually be drawn to a certain spirit or ghost as well as humans. This category tends to not care about being seen. Light has no effect on this group.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:57 pm

Very interesting information on shadow people.  Is there a book or resource for this information to learn more?

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Post by skywatcher3 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:30 pm

All my life I felt like someone or something was next to me. My mind seemed to never be quiet. Then I read if you feel that way or have negative thinking tell it you are not going to entertain them anymore. I told it that and suddenly things got quiet. I was stunned. My mind is so quiet now. Why did not I come across that sooner?? And then this morning I found my wallet chain in a knot!! My wife is not typical of doing such a thing and we live alone or I thought so. This happened once before. Do have picture of it. Plus last night I swear someone yelled in my ear waking me up. I saw no one. I was alone upstairs cause my wife snores downstairs and I need my handsome sleep. I think my spirit guide is named Raphael. Dont think it is archangel Raphael cause I called Raphael,not archangel Raphael. Is that possible? After I did that those odd things happened that night. Thanks for the info.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:58 pm

Spirit can manifest many things in our physical world.  How interesting about the chain.  But it would indicate they are still around.  Perhaps you need to not only tell them to go away, but to also suggest they turn around and go into the light.

In terms of who we call upon, it is up to each of us to be comfortable in that experience.  I do not recommend names for guides as that limits our attunement to that particular name.  Guides change over time and when they are not longer valid for your growth.  So be open to that as well.

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