Mediumship and trying not to be AFRAID!

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Mediumship and trying not to be AFRAID!

Post by believer » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:49 pm

Okay, I keep saying that I want to be able to be in contact the with spirits and spirit guides, but when I actually come close to it, I am saying out loud not n0w because I am so freaked!!!

This past Wednesday, early like 1:45 am, I awakened, but not opening my eyes and felt someone touching my hair/head and it sent chivers down to my toes.  My first thought was what the heck and then I said to myself not now, I am too tired and need sleep, please don't bother me anymore and then looked at the clock.  I have also felt someone touching my hand right before I was drifting off to sleep.

So is this my imagination at work or is this a time that they come around?

How can you become brave enough to figure this out or open your mind even more?

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Post by Doe » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:27 pm

I think that "they" can come around at any time, but that you are more open to being aware of their presence in the middle of the night when you're tired, or have been drifting in and out of sleep, or have had your mind opened a little bit more during dreaming.  That's been my experience, anyway (although I can fell the touches during the day as well).  If you're being touched by spirits, in all likelihood they're not there in any way to hurt or frighten you (when they are, it's a different sensation entirely!).  You said that you wanted the contact; they're just letting you know that you now have it.  Consider yourself blessed.  (However--something I have to work on, too--there are protection rituals/exercises that you can and should do too.  Most spirits are benign presences, but every so often you run into a trouble-maker--just like with the living!)


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:37 pm

Take charge!  Can't say it strong enough - Take Charge!  This is about you, not about spirit.  If spirit entities coming to you in the night are your spirit guides, they can be told to come when you are awake.  Then, you have to make a time that is comfortable for you.  It is like making an appointment - same time, same place to go into meditation and meet/greet your guides.

By taking charge you can use the techniques that connect you with your own loving spirit guides in attunement and leave the others alone.  You will form a real partnership that allows for trust and confidence in your guidance.  It is up to you to make this happen, so that the fears can be released.

Start with tools of your own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) to strengthen and empower yourself.  Then as you do the medication techniques you can feel empowered and in charge of your own mediumship.  It is important to be your own boss in this talent.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:29 am

Spirit is giving you good advice, you need to let them know that you have a life here and they and you need to work time into your schedule for spiritual things and that they can't interfere with your sleep or other aspects of your life and stick to it. If you have to be forceful in telling them, like you would a wayward child. They are here to help you be all that you can, and you have to chose to go down that road, if you aren't ready for it let them know that you can't handle the touching and to please knock it off til you can and suggest something that you think you are ready for like seeing them in dreams, or hear them say something... But it has to be right for you. Take it at your pace and like spirit said take charge. it's your life, you wouldn't let anyone here get away with it. Best of luck to you!!


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Mediumship and trying not to be AFRAID!

Post by believer » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:19 am

Wow,I need to read more and learn a whole lot more.  I guess in some ways, it would have been easier to have had this happen as a child - lol then I could just write it off as a bad dream.  I started saying a prayer over my boys regarding surrounding them with White Light, I guess I should say it for myself too  :smt002 .  

Do you think this could be the start of something, since I occassionally hear a voice calling for Mommy and now the touches?

Spiritalk, you are so wise - Have you ever thought about writing a book?

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:42 am

I guess that each has their own way of trying to open peoples eyes to the fact of spirituallity and it extent and shortcomings.

I have freindly spirits that when they speak to me sometimes nip at my toes or something to get my attention, What sort of goals do you have for your energetic development how can we help bring you to knowledge that we think might help you.

Most start with the chakras, but i dont know.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:36 pm

Actually believer, I have written 2 books.  The fact is it needs to be written down to help people understand their abilities and talents.

Always use the protection techniques around yourself.  That is very important as it is a filter of negativity from within or without.  Putting it around your family is also good.

Just keep telling the interfering voice to turn around and look into the light.  As it is a child you can tell it that there is a hand waiting to take them forward.  All in all, you need to help them get moving on.

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mediumship and trying not to be afraid...

Post by believer » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:32 pm

DragonKnight, when you speak of Chakas, are you referring to meditation and opening them there?  At this moment, I have no rhyme or reason for a plan to get better at getting more in tuned with spirits.  I have always had things happen weird or I knew things about total strangers, but not all the time and when I started asking questions, then I would freaked myself out when I knew the answers.  People always told me I was just very intuitive.  Perhaps the touches and the voice is a way of letting me know that I am more open and now is the time to train.  I have grown more from this board in a few months, than in years of reading books.

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:43 am

Yes that is what i was refering to when i said chakras, Really you can open and ballance them without meditation.

I think thats cool that you feel more open

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Post by shasha888 » Wed May 28, 2008 6:45 am

First off...I think the spirit has the hots for ya...l0l..=] J/K

Well's no surprise youre afraid..Most people are. Shoot..even I get scared when I face them.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 28, 2008 8:43 pm

Knowledge is power.  And certainly with all things metaphysical, psychic, mediumship there are no end of opinions of the facts.  The more you know, the less it can serve to frighten.  Approaching all things like a new experience each time, will help to see it in the realms of learning and growing without fears.

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being touched

Post by believer » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:19 pm


LOL, I can't even imagine glancing at one for more than a second and still standing in the same spot! How long have you been seeing spirits and do they come to you at will?

All has been quiet here lately, maybe my mind is too stressed to pick up on anything.

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being touched

Post by believer » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:22 pm


As always, you are so right, I only wish we could stick a sd card in our minds and get to that best spot sooner  :) !  


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fear is your own creation

Post by AnaCaro » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:23 pm

I have been seeing spirits since I was a young child and I never could sleep. Our society and ideas about spirits are very currupted. We think they will harm up and we are harmless to do anything. But the truth that I see is that they connect to your consciousness and you experience them through ectoplasm (which is a fluid substance that some people have connecting the physical to the spiritual realm). Your consciousness creates the reality that you are experiencing, so if you believe they will harm you well you may create that experience. When I get afraid of the spirits I connect to sometimes they slam the door and drop things but it is me who is allowing this to happen. In reality I have full control. But it is only by being fully connected to God and knowling the light and love that I experience and perceive in God that  force will protect me, empower me to do what is needed during any difficult time. I and you were given the gift to experience spirit it is now up to you and I to chose our own truth and whether that is to experience our spirit reality in fear or in love.

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Seeing spirits

Post by believer » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:21 am

Do you see the spirits when you just glance in a direction, perhaps distracted and then when you stop and think, "What was that?" Then the image is gone or do you have control of the situation?

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