Part One - The Major Arcana - 0

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Post by pirbid » Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:41 pm

I look at the RW when getting my feelings for the card, then see what I get from some others.

The Fool in the Spiral deck is the only one I've seen to look a bit fearful, may be that's why he needs additional assistance, hee, hee. He also seems fascinated by a vision of... the Holy Grial? Funny, because I seem to remember the Ancestral Path as actually linking the Arthuric legends with the suit of Cups. We'll see when we get to the Minor arcana.

Thank you for your comments ;)

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:15 pm

The Fool, i see his arogance and he is without a worry in the world carefree and selfish and used to getting his own way

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0-The Fool

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:55 pm

I use The Witches Tarot  this shows 0-The Fool.

My take on reading of this card is that the Fool is a free spirt traveling on his way across the plane.  He has a map or a guide in his right hand and he carries just the items he feels he will need for this journey which is very little, for he will be able to pick up the necessary things along the way.  His clothing is sorted so that should he encounter warm elements, then he will be able to shed some of them, and should he get very cold and tired he will be able to use part of his clothing for warmth and shelter.  He is strong but will make you question your actions.
0-The Fool.jpg
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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:36 pm

The fool is a risk taker.  As he stands on the edge of the cliff, he knows he could fall off, but he doesnt care.  He likes the unknown.  He has a very open mind.  I feel he is an apologetic individual, therefore he carries a rose in hand.

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Post by farafina » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:39 am

The FOOL to me is someone who does not like the routine, who just wants to pack up and leave. Commitment and assiduity are not his favorite things in the world. A little reckless at times, he is not always watching where he is going. There is movement, and there is change. Nothing is permanent.

I must admit it is not a card that I like too too much because it is sometimes hard for me to know what it means in my readings. I think I need to focus a lot more on this one and come back.
OK, I am back. I just thought I would add that the light luggage means that he is not letting himself be weighed down by difficult memories, or by past experiences. He does not let his past get in the way of his future.
Also, there is the idea of always starting over...? Never settling down.

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Post by mary grace gabriel » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:01 pm

I can see someone very free and full of hope...innocent..fresh..trustworthy...brave. someone ready to face the world no matter what life would bring him..from the dog in his side, i can feel that friends will have light feelings on him and will find him easy to get along with. Everything he wish and hope will be favorable on him

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Post by sweetykat » Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:18 am

to me  the  fool  is  fun loving  and  unsuspecting he is  unaware  of  certain  dangers,  childlike  and carefree

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Post by appylover » Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:21 am

I see a person taking off on their own for the first time. Full of adventure without a care in the world. Their innocence of what life may hold that they don't see the obstacles and hardships they might in counter on their journey.

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New decks!

Post by pirbid » Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:26 pm


I think this post is jinxed! This is the third time I have to start over due to power cuts and slips. If I cannot make it this time, I think I will leave it for a more propitious time.

Llewellyn's Fool is riding, like the hero Peredur whom he represents, so is less innocent and carefree than RW's. He is more skilled, purposeful and sure that he will gain the opposite side of the precipice. The similarities are the white mongrel jumping at his side and the bundle carried at his shoulder. I also find the landscape beautiful.

Marchetti's is like a joker from a standard playing deck, juggling all the astrological symbols around. He looks carefree if not innocent and reminds me a bit of the World, who seems to dance in thin air surrounded by a wreath. This Fool has the Magician's baton at his feet, so must have considerable skills to begin his journey.

Universal's Fool is, ironically, the most similar to RW's. The main differences is that he is sitting at the edge of the precipice and waving a huge banner from which his usual bundle hangs. But the most amazing difference is the strange creature laying by him, which looks like a cross between a goat and a monkey. There are also several butterflies flying over his head.

Which of these do you like best? Hard decision...

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Post by Mia93 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:24 am

Gem wrote: Image
Rider Waite
I see naivete and innocence.  This person hasn't become cynical because of negative experiences in life.  It also seems as though he is moving away from that innocence, with or without intent.

Thoth Deck
The primitive wild eyed look was disturbing to me the first few times I looked at it.  He doesn't appear to be the picture of innocence as The Fool in the RW deck.  

A tiger is attacking his leg and he is standing in an unbalanced manner above a crocodile (?).  There is a caduceus with a dove and a butterfly (transformation?) following, all of which appear to be spiraling around the fool.  Representatives of all of the elements are present in this card, and there are 2 babies in the card as well, but I can't figure out (at least for now) what it all means.

The main keywords for me, which is the best that I can come up with for now 'impulse' or 'primal urges'.  It seems to be an extremely complex card for me.
The Fool - Thoth Deck
s_fool.jpg (12.66 KiB) Viewed 4834 times

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Post by beleever » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:55 pm

There is a picture of Celestial Tarot deck Fool card on page 1.

I see someone who is carefree, has great faith that everything will turn out for the best and is a bit of a risk taker also. Someone who looks on the brighter side of life. Someone young who has just started out on their journey, or newly aquired freedom, unaware of the dangers surrounding a situation or maybe not willing to see them anyway. No reservations about trying something new. Life is exciting.

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Post by cedars » Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:52 pm

The Fool... Oh the fool :-)
Rider Waite.

The foolhardy romantic, ready to give his white rose to whoever comes across his path.
His colourful attire, adorned with earthy colours and his only life belongings tucked away in his small parcel attached to his stick/staff, this man is more concenred to have a rose in the other hand than any other material necessities, i.e luggage. I see his eyes closed; he is either so sure of himself and does not care if he falls off the cliff, or his free spirit which is in search of various experiences in life is so strong, that he does not give a damn if he falls off the precipice.

However, all the external attitudes and careless flare depicted by the Fool should not be taken at face value; he is not a fool as such, but intelligent and determined enough to go our to have those new experiences in life which probably means he may have been leading a very boring and an uneventful life.

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the fool

Post by stillwalkn » Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:45 pm

The fool tells us to have faith that whatever comes our way in life, we can handle it. It calls us not to be afraid of the heights and the edges we must walk along on our path. It shows someone who is not afraid, but is caught up in the journey and is filled with delight. In my deck he has a mischievous grin and the full moon is lighting his way. He is wearing high boots, like a traveler. The card evokes being on the journey of life, or some smaller journey that is part of our life's journey. In my deck he is almost dancing along, such a sense of freedom and being up for whatever comes.

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The Fool

Post by stillwalkn » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:02 pm

Here is the Intuitive Tarot Fool card. Yippee I found a site that displays all the cards, so I can share them with you all.

The Intuitive Tarot: The Fool
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Post by xaxaa » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:20 pm

I would divide this card in two parts. In the first part I see a beautiful day and a young person going on a trip...he looks pretty happy and he's holding just a small pack and a white flower...
The flower for me is the romantic way he looks at the world and his happiness and naivety...
But then comes the second part of the card...where the ground is not that friendly...there are snowy mountains and he's almost falling the cliff!
He's in mortal danger!!! And the worst is that he totally ignores it! His last hope is to listen to the dog who is trying to warn him.
In a reading I would say that the person is in a real danger, which he ignores...and that he has to be careful and try to listen to people who are trying to help him!

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