Today's personal Rune reading

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Today's personal Rune reading

Post by LyndaLBD » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:12 pm

Cross runes  - I prefer a full spectrum reading and below is todays' reading results - Dec 27, 2k7

Laguz - in reverse
This is a period of stagnation.  Also you may experience a lack of creativity.  For a male, it may mean treacher from a female.  For a female - it means that the female doesn't trust her intuitions.  You have to try your best to get out of the position you are in immediately.  (Yep, at this time, with the temperatures the way they are, can't really get any work done down at the storage unit turned studio, just waiting until the next storage unit opens and I can rent it, and start moving stuff around - so yes, this is a period of stagnation with tons of hope involved)

Ingwaz - Markstave

This signifies a period of hard labor and work.  There may be a movement, but no end is achievement.  This may also refer to impotency.  (Yep, lots of work ahead, but can't really do what I am hoping to do until specific tasks are completed and then move on with my art work.)

Thurisaz - markstave
When reversed it shows end of good times, and beginning of bad times.  It may not be easy to heed the warnings, but it would be wise to do so.  This also indicates you should not act on impulse.   (The part of NOT acting on impulse is a wise decision always - beginning of bad times - I'm going to wary of this, as hubby goes on a trip to San Diego and his new job starts after he returns, it also means it will be a time of motivation for me to get started on my own work, and not hunker down at home with the depression that could get us all in the winter.  The Indians would call this period Malaise, because we need the sun and green things growing all around us.)

WunjoThis rune is referred to as the "wish card" and is the happiness rune.  This is a very good omen and may bring good news.  This brings harmony and good luck.  This strengthens the family bonds and increases joy and contentment.  There will be a lot of laughter in your life and change your luck.  All your wishes will be fulfilled.  (My wishes for the new year are to be up and moving with my art work - to break out of the old and into the new as well as lose a few more pounds in my effort to lose the weight needed to be at a healthy point in my life - I have about 20 pounds to go to get to my goal.)

AlgizThis rune means defense and protyection.  This is not in a destructive manner but protection from evil.  you need not worry about harm from any untoward source.  This also means achieving your current goals and being satisfied about it.  This is a very positive rune and is a rune of good influences.  (This is interesting, to say the least.  Defense and protection - I shall see what this means in the future, because I don't see the need at this time - but if and when the time comes, I hope I have these on my side)
Thanks for taking the time to read this and wish you all the very best for the New Year and please, think before you go out to party - resolve NOT TO DRINK AND DRIVE!!  . :smt051
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