Gem's Tarot Class

This is a forum just for our teachers to post their learning material in Tarot. Any post from students will be moved.

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Gem's Tarot Class

Post by Gem » Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:58 pm

One of the many ideas that I found useful whilst I was learning the Tarot, was to keep a Tarot Journal. A small notebook that had a page for each card and I wrote notes on each, when I had them in layouts, or when I had thoughts about them. I would pull one card daily and look at it asking how it represented me, what power and energy it could show me, and what knowledge it could add to my life. Sometimes I would carry the card round with me and keep looking at it, or use the card as a bookmark in the book I was reading at that time. I was always reading books lol.  No video, sky or internet back then, so I had time to learn and think, and wonder. I used to carry a set in my handbag and instead of reading  a book or paper in waiting rooms I would flick through and look at them.

Pulling one card a day can be a wonderful way of learning. At the beginning I would only use the 22 Major Arcana, they had pictures and so stimulated meanings in me. (The other 56 just had 5 swords or 3 hearts no picture) During the first part of the course whilst we are discussing the Majors perhaps do the same and then later on we can add the court cards and the pips or numbers?

The main thing is to let yourself be won over by the cards, they will talk to you if you listen. Its crucial at this stage to protect your confidence, don't try and move too fast. By all means play with the cards and pull yourself a single card or perhaps 3 but don't over tax yourself or you may very well lose your confidence and feel that you are sinking in meanings instead of swimming.

Meditating with a card is another good way of getting inside the picture, sitting quietly with a single card to focus on and see what you feel. Depending on your depth of meditation and if you are practised at doing this you might find yourself standing next to The Tower and helping the wounded or gazing at the valley below from The Fool's point of view.  either way jot down a few emotions the cards make youfeel and see if these change as your familiarity and knowledge grows?

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Post by Gem » Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:08 pm



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