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Need some insight.

Post by soulsearch » Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:35 pm

My husband is doing well in his career, but the pressure of work is really high.He takes on added stress then it actually is. The matter of perceived stress than actual stress. But it does effect him mentally- sleepless nights, work tension.

He wants to change is job.He has been working in the same firm for the past 6-7 years infact this April he took a transfer to another city.

I just want some guidance as to see how to deal with this stress and is there a job change in the next 2-3 months?

Thank you for taking out your valuable time.

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Post by cedars » Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:51 pm

hello Soulsearch
I do not wish to sound like a moderator in here, because I am not, but you are asking a reading for a third party i.e. for your husband and his career prospects and so on. May I please encourage you to rephrase your question for yourself, having YOU as the querent, seeing how you can best cope or get the best guidance in this situation for yourself?

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Post by Gem » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:10 pm

Thanks cedars :)

Soulsearch why not ask your husband to join and request a reading for himself? Here at Mystic Board we do not allow third party readings, readings that are for someone other than the person posting that is. Or as cedars suggested, reword your question please :)

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Post by soulsearch » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:23 am

Thank you Cedars and Gem. Please excuse my naievity. Rephrasing the question.
What can I do to make his transfer/ or curent situation less stressful.
Do you see me shifting residence in the next few months. Would it be far from my current place ???

If I am asking wrong questions then kindly excuse me. I am deeply praying for my husband's change of job.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:34 pm

Hi soulsearch.

I wonder if doing a general reading wouldn't be better. After all no matter how you try to rephrase the question it still boils down to you asking for a third person. The stress your husband experience is felt throughout your family as you all share the same "space".

We can go as far as to say, perhaps you experience his stress even more also being a woman, you tend to be more empathetic than men.

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Post by soulsearch » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:47 pm

Thank you Payewacker for your response.

I dont know how to rephrase it further.Like you said -Maybe a general reading would give me some answers.

thank you

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Post by soulsearch » Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:05 am

Can somebody help me with a general reading. I was stressed a lot few months ago..more with things which do not effect me directly. But I have started praying a lot and it has greatly helped me.

Thank you

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:17 am

Hi Soulsearch,

I will do it for you, we've just been so busy the last couple of days that it has realy had a "standing like a tarantula on steroids" effect. I need to settle down myself it's not good to rush things.

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Post by soulsearch » Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:21 am

Thank you Payewacker.

Please take your time, things are pretty much in control here. Its only that by managing so many things  my energies get depleted. "Down but not out ".

I hope you get settled and things ease up for you. "standing like a tarantula on steroids" does sound really taxing. Take care !!

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Post by Gem » Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:23 am

Heehee, what a great expression, I have visions of Payewacker with hair on end lol. It is a hard time all round at this time of year so readings may take a bit longer, especially tarot readings that take far longer than most others :)

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:50 pm

Hi Gem,

Frightning  :smt002  :smt005 , but surviving.

Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:16 pm

Hi Soulsearch,


Your significator gives us a good idea of your current situation. The Queen of Swords, she is the Queen of adverse emotions, pain and mental suffering. That which comes with her is sadness and bereavement. However, we also need to recognise her good side, if needed she has self-confidence to tackle things and force her goals until she reached them. I’m trying to block the thoughts regarding the origin of your situation, being the stress felt by you, passed on by your hubby. And in fact a little difficult to absolutely be neutral. Your first consideration was for something new or even an enterprise of your own? Has any-one been thinking of a kid?  

In the second house we sit with The Devil, one thing which you seek so badly, has a dual influence which you perhaps are aware of.  We are looking at where this situation may take you, both sides being in willing bondage. Be careful then for your planning to become an absolute obsession. We must also look at the possibility of your liberty being suppressed, the most important thing you need to do is to rely on your strength and commitment to change, this will ultimately be your saving grace!! But importantly, you may be presented with a shortcut, this may be what you want, but how about what you need? At this stage it would be vital for you to examine the situation with clarity of mind and a neutral approach.

With the Eight of Swords (-), Don’t expect to have everything resolved at the wink of an eye, there are chances that you may still have some adversities, fortunately these can be withstood and slowly the bonds holding you will start falling away, creating freedom, release and new beginnings. We see that the fours are linked to permanence or a solid foundation, with the Knight of Swords (-), we can see the urgency of the problem at hand. The situation in which you find yourself and for some time already is potentially explosive, well we know it, this is a matter which couldn’t be changed, because you had no choice. I wouldn’t want to say this was a period of stagnation, more a time in which you had the opportunity to establish your financial stability as well as developing a strong base from which you can move forward. In this then, let’s not look at the negative aspect of the circumstance actually created; look at what you achieved instead.

When I read a card in the fifth house, I always ask: why,what and when? The preceding cards has positive but also negative, how then do we reconcile these influences. The predominant thread in the first 4 cards may be seen as a question and a possible solution, with the Three of Wands (+) we see you already establishing your security, the question being, how did you do so? You managed to protect your financial endeavors, this part and parcel of the current situation, so then we see your ability which you have already developed But now, the most important thing to consider is not to act impulsively. This card also indicates success being achieved with cooperation and maturity, it is now so important to use your experience and common sense.

We are entering a field whereby you will understand that somehow we all need to find a common ground of balance and how to achieve this. House six is ruled by the Lovers. Here we are looking at the Five of Wands(-), what it explains, in no uncertain terms, is the possibility of you moving into unmarked territory, which will automatically put you at a disadvantage. You therefore need to attract partnerships of opposites or uniting your own emotions and goals, again you are advised not to make hasty decisions and refrain from rushing in, just to burn your fingers again. Another very important fact of this life changing decision would be to look for hidden agenda’s, they would most definitely not be evident now, but investigate carefully, just watch your back.

In House seven, ruled by the Chariot,-movement-, courage, control and managing forces pulling you in differing directions, interestingly we have the Hierophant (+), looking at alliances, mercy, goodness once again moral courage. This house is the “YOU”, your attitude to your situation. However this card, in representing you, you run the risk of surrendering real authority and personal growth to a belief in your own infallibility. Trying to decide vital issues on behalf of someone else may give you a feeling of achieving the impossible, in choosing this approach may cost you exactly what you so desperately want to acheive. In the Hierophant we also find another twist to the tale, this card also represents someone who has the actual power to advance or defeat you. You must decide if the advancement you want is worth placating this person.

Therefore linking houses six and seven, we can see your movement forward may depend on a team effort and not that which you can achieve on your own, this partnership or union needs to be build on a dual foundation, ensuring you being able to weather the storm, with more vigour.

In the Eighth house we get a wild card, or to some, sour milk in the coffee!! The Tower (-). We need to remember the impact your situation has on you. Your mental attitude or strong motivation is explained as a burden comparative to “calamities”, you are perhaps riding a seesaw of good and bad, this causes you to feel as if you have no control over your situation or house and perhaps a feeling of loss. Remember, you have built a strong foundation, so even if the Tower should tumble, the opportunity to rebuild a better, brighter future, is so much sweeter. Experience the unexpected change, attract it, make it your property, live it!!!, just remember the soft warning of hidden agenda’s.

Now getting to house nine, this position is very important, probably the most powerfull position between 1 and 10, in representing completion but not attainment, which is reserved for 10. here we stand back to see what happened, the search for what you’ve done, earned and achieved. This card also describes your hopes and fears, the Sun (+), success. Although this card doesn’t really predict an event, your personal perception changes your environment, having the correct frame of mind, using your ability to make decisions despite what others would say or think, creates the sense of achievement, and ultimately your personal success. In essence you also predict your own future by what you say, how you act, don’t try to deceive yourself, although you are where you are, should motivate you to push ahead, break those bonds and find your freedom. In the Christian Bible we see the power of positive confession, “Whatever you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, you shall surely have it” POWERFULL!!!

In position 10, we see the Two of Swords (-). In this card we need to also look at the dual nature of the High Priestess. The duality being between Jachin and Boaz, one signifying the start or beginning the other the end, the subtle stalemate arrived at, a balance, being blindfolded, she seems to have based her action on intuition and a knowledge of which direction to take, this being the positive move toward a something new. There is also a bold statement in the Moon appearing in its waning cycle, the Two of Swords are directly linked to the High Priestess and in particular the crescent Moon, look at how the Crescent Moon corresponds. Therefore the rest of the Moon is hidden? I think as this card shows you the possible outcome or end product, we again see the urgency of investigating that which is in the fine print, another aspect is that we must remember the Moon moves into its full cycles as well.  The light omitted by the Moon is only a reflection from the Sun and doesn’t create it’s own. In this sense we can truly look at the partnership of the Sun and the Moon. These two cards are also linked in the Death card. The columns of the Moon and the sunrise between them. How good to know there is the possibility of the old slipping away, making space for a brighter new!!
In closing, the Two of Swords reversed absolutely warns us to be on our guard for the same situation to repeat itself. We see the positive inclinations for sudden change in the Major Arcanum; these cards also present you with a possible solution; the intuitive knowledge, and ability to make life changing decisions. Leaning on your experience and inner strength, will ultimately decide your future.  
Consider that life exist around choices you make, sometimes it’s easier to make the correct choice if you have some direction and knowledge. It is also so important to remember the choice you make should fit what you want!!! After all, you have to live with your mistakes or successes.

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Post by soulsearch » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:34 pm

Thank you Payewacker for such an elaborate reading.

I think I could relate most of it and correct me if I am wrong. We moved away from our hometown few months away due to my husband's change in job. It was a BIG struggle for all of us with a new environment. We have two kids and they too had a tough time.We are now settling down.The only factor which makes us not completely happy is the stress levels in his job. Otherwise we are pretty much settled.

Lots of oppoutunites are knocking.Should we explore or not is something we need to assess.WHich is a tough decision because it would involve relocating me,kids and home..and what if stress levels are present there too.

I think your prediction was quite to the point but there are some points if you could elaborate.
There is also a bold statement in the Moon appearing in its waning cycle, the Two of Swords are directly linked to the High Priestess and in particular the crescent Moon, look at how the Crescent Moon corresponds. Therefore the rest of the Moon is hidden? I think as this card shows you the possible outcome or end product, we again see the urgency of investigating that which is in the fine print, another aspect is that we must remember the Moon moves into its full cycles as well.  The light omitted by the Moon is only a reflection from the Sun and doesn’t create it’s own. In this sense we can truly look at the partnership of the Sun and the Moon. These two cards are also linked in the Death card. The columns of the Moon and the sunrise between them. How good to know there is the possibility of the old slipping away, making space for a brighter new!!
What is the take the risk or not. From the cards it seems not to...

Thank you Payewacker for spending your time and energy.I know you are pretty busy.  :)

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:30 am


What I did to hopefully give you more of an indication is to isolate specific cards especially those of advise at the end of the reading.

House 2 Devil (+): Obstacles.
Traditionally the Devil stands for evil, but it does not have this rather frightening meaning in a reading. This card lets you know that you are caught in an unhealthy, unproductive situation. You may be in the dark about something - ignorant of the truth and its implications. You may be obsessed by a person, idea, substance or pattern that you know is bad for you (or maybe you don't!). Sometimes this card reflects back the negativity that has made you doubt yourself and your future. We are prone to many errors in life. Card 15 lets us know when they are serious enough to require attention. When you see the Devil, examine your assumptions carefully. Make sure you are not working from a false picture of yourself and the situation. Hold fast to the highest vision of who you are.
House 7 Hierophant (+): the You
The appearance of the Hierophant is significant regarding group activities or fitting into structured Orginisations. Although it may indicate restriction and suppression. This card is indicative of environments emphasizing belief systems eg; procedures facts rules, etc. He also the interpretor of doctrine and limitations evident in structured corporate Orginisations.
In readings, the Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves.

House 8 Tower (-) your house.
Sun - enlightenment, revelation (supporting card tower)
How you respond to the Tower's change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. In fact, you may feel tremendous release that you have finally been forced in a new direction. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it.

House 9, Sun (-): Hopes and fears
Tower (supporting card: sun)
In readings, you will understand Card 19 if you imagine yourself to be a Sun God. How do you think and feel? You have total confidence in yourself. You are not cocky, but profoundly sure of your power. You have unlimited energy and glow with health. You have a greatness about you and stand out brilliantly. Finally, you see and understand all that is happening within your sphere. When you see this card, know that you will be successful at all you undertake. Now is the time to let your light shine.

Before we go n to card 10—final outcome, I want you to see the support between the cards in house 8 and 9, they support each other both ways.

Card 10—Two of Swords (reversed)

Here we find a blindfolded woman, protecting herself with two broadswords crossed. With the moon in the waning phase we can see that you need to consult your intuition more than your heart. Above all your common sense should not be forgotten. It also signifies that a truce has or will be reached, a stalemate. This is a position of “calculated trust”, a precarious situation of balance and harmony. This card is not about winning or losing, it’s more impartiality from both parties, an uncomfortable business or personal relationship, based purely on achieving a mutual goal.

Positive:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Truce, stalemate, an uncomfortable business or personal relationship, reserved trust.
You have or might enter a business or personal relationship in which both parties are working together to achieve a mutual goal. The deal is that, both of you don’t really trust each other enough. You can see this relationship based on a game of chess, by which every move must be well considered and done to only ensure balance. Although you may work together in harmony, always check your back. Make sure that whatever you do, you strengthen your position. Be sure this is what the other partner is doing. You are able to balance the situation using your intellect and experience.

                                                                                                       An unfavorable business or personal relationship, dishonor, trickery and deceit.. Beware of the same situation again. Antagonism from an opponent.

You have or might enter a business or personal relationship which has or will turn sour; both parties are working at achieving their own selfish interests. Be warned that this situation may cause losses due to trickery and false pretences. Don’t exclude yourself; you may have been the one to cause this circumstance. The stalemate reached will soon be over and you will find yourself in the same position again. Put on your running boots and be gone with you, but, be sure that there is a great possibility of deceit and trickery. You may also find that a lot of matters have been hidden from you all along. Expect open antagonism, even hate!

What I’ve done, is to give you my full interpretation of the Two of Swords, Positive as well as negative. The other interpretations of the Major Arcanum are drawn from another source, by which I was looking for other possibilitie as well.
Should we therefore take the three Majors and put them in a three card reading on their own, you can see the development on it’s own!!
I also include a further four cards in my Celtic spread, theses cards are placed in a row down from card 10 to 7. They either supports or oppose the card in the house which they pair up to. These four are read upright only!

House 10:
Two of Swords (rev).

unfavorable business or personal relationship, dishonor, trickery and deceit.. Beware of the same situation again. Antagonism from an opponent.

Opposing or supporting card:
Nine of Pentacles                                                        You have the wisdom and experience you need to properly manage your affairs and to handle any problems that may come up in the future. Your goals are well and truly accomplished, or soon will be. Your prudent management, planning and actions have been your strong point.

House 9:

Triumph, success, happiness, accomplishment, contentment. Achievement; success and honors. A new beginning, a birth (as of a child, a project, an idea, a career). Material blessings, a joining (such as lovers) which will be happy.

Opposing or supporting card:
Five of Cups
Following from four where you were starting to feel bored and recognizing your relationship becoming stagnant, you are now at a point where you can’t even realize the good in your life. You are disillusioned even bitter about that which you have. Therefore all you see now is the negative, the losses. You may have grasped the “better” option and things didn’t turn out so well. The bottom line is that you should stop and smell the roses. Don’t be blinded by the thorns as then you will always be discontent. Start picking up the pieces, glue them together, this situation is only temporary. There is still hope, you need to look for that positive spark, continuously remind yourself  to press ahead, and the difficulties can be overcome.

House 8
Still foretells calamities and losses, but of a lesser importance in your life; they will disrupt your life while they’re going on, but they don’t mean the end of everything you’ve built. A sudden unexpected change. Oppression, adversity, deception, tyranny.

Opposing or supporting card:
8 of Cups
You have or will reach a point at which that what you’ve hoped for will be yours for the taking. So, taking that which you hoped for is entirely up to you. The reason why you haven’t got it is because you’re plainly scared to seize the moment. Trust yourself a lot more, and you will see that you are able to climb the hill, in fact, step over it because it’s an ant hill. The situation you may be facing, once acted upon, will reveal itself to be a lot less significant, as how you think. The secret is to use your inner strength to support you, and you will be the winner. Whether you get what you want.

House 7
Mercy, goodness, kindness, alliance (including possible marriage). Creativity. The search for truth. Understanding and inspiration. Religious needs and inclinations. Moral courage; the ability to go your own road if you believe its right, despite opposition.

Opposing or supporting card:

Wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment. Hope, happiness, intellectual fulfilment. Satisfaction, hope, bright prospects, destiny, insights. Progress toward your goal; understanding to what those goals should be.

The above explanations are for the four cards of advice at the end of the reading. I didn’t change or unessesarily elaborate at all.  The descriptions are as per my own interpretations of the Cards. You need to now read these cards side by side and see how they refer to specific issues. Based upon this you will be able to make your decisions.

For me to give you an absolute answer  would not be wise at all. A lot of factors decide your decisions, which may change in the wink of an eye. Don’t live your life by the Tarot, let the Tarot only support and enlighten you .

Blessed be

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Post by soulsearch » Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:20 am

Thank You Payewacker,

I am going to take time to understand this reading. If I read it in bits I cannot understand or maybe understand some of it, but I am going to comprehend every statement.

No I wont live my life by the Tarot. But I will def understand its guidance.Please keep watching this thread I am going to revert soon.

Thank you and many hugs.

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