Has Anyone ever use an Oujia Board

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Has Anyone ever use an Oujia Board

Post by Killian67a1 » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:28 am

I have. I will never use one again!! No telling what you might encounter from the other side. If you have one, BURN IT!!

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Something like that...

Post by Svanprins » Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:30 am

I didn´t use Oujia Board but something like that to call spirits and talk with them. It was NOT a good experience I must say. I stopped to use this method after my best friend death. She was the one who recomended to me not to continue talk with spirits on "the other side"...

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Oujia board

Post by Utopian47 » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:42 pm

I've played a game online that uses the image of one but never a real one. I'm little curious what would happen if I used a real one but my imagination can get out of hand when I'm nervous or scared so it is probably best if I leave that alone.

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:03 pm

yes i have used a ouija board... and it was a scary experience i will not do it again.

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Using a Ouija Board

Post by KFerg » Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:24 am

WOW!  I just read all of the previous replies & I am suprised by all of the fear expressed. I DO agree that the board is not a toy, & that you can open too large a door. However, when operated with caution & intelligence it can be a true comfort.
I can hear & feel spirits, & I have a friend who can see, hear, feel... all of it. She reads people like some of us read books. We smudge the house prior to using the board, demanding that only those who are for the greater good may stay, opening the front & back doors at the same time after we've smudged to let the negative out. Then we place at least 5 quartz crystals & 5 candles around us (to create a pentagram) which gives us a safe place to work. Using more crystals & candles will give you a sacred circle. We join hands & ask that if anyone in the spirit would like to communicate with us to please do so, to use the energy of the earth, & we always state that our intentions are loving & that we don't have any intentions of harming anyone. We always feel calm before, during, & afterwards. We have learned that spirits are able to help us from beyond, that our ancestors have messages for us, & that we need to respect those who have passed. We finish by "closing" our circle, thanking those spirits for their visit & wisdom, sending them much love before we end our sessions. We record every question & every answer. It has taught us a lot, & convinced us that we are loved & cared for by the dead. We have also learned that my friend's mother has inadvertently sent an elemental to us to "teach us a lesson." We learned that her mother didn't know she was doing it, & that her intentions were not to hurt us, that indeed her intentions were actually good. We will get together tomorrow and perform a banishing prayer together. I think fear feeds the desire to scare, so if you're afraid while using the board, you'll get more of the same out of it. But if your intentions are to learn & love, you'll draw the appropriate energies to your sessions. Wishing you all much peace and love, always. k

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:48 am

I have had good and bad experiences with the Oujia board I havnt worked with one for years  .I do own a few spirit boards  that i dabble with from time to time . i recently went to a flea market and seen one that was mounted on a wooden table  stone inlay in believe  it had to have been over one hundred years old  .at the time i didnt have enough money on me .but when i came back to buy it .well thats always my luck  .someone got a very good piece ......

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Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:46 pm

I have too used one, but it has been many years. It scared me quite frankly. My friends were talking to a demon. I have never used one since then.

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Post by Shortyfrm » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:49 pm

I have never used one, as a child, my mother would have killed me if she found something like that around or knew I had dealings with it at all.  She feels it makes spirits unrestful without purpose....

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Ouija reply and elemental update

Post by KFerg » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:29 am

Spirit boards aren't for everyone, and they certainly aren't toys to be played with. (Just my opinion.)  In an earlier reply, I set out some of the rituals my friends and I use to create a safe atmosphere for all concerned.  As for the elemental that my friends mother accidentally sent us, we said a banishment prayer, and my new board "The Psychic Circle" helped us to close the portal it used to reach us.  I am starting a new topic titled "The Psychic Circle" is superior to the "Ouija" and why I think so.  I think "The Psychic Circle" takes a more responsible and informative approach to spirit boards.  I will also repeat the rituals we perform before and after to help anyone who is interested in trying it to use it safely.
Adventure on, in love, not fear. Happy new year everyone, and I wish much love to you all.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:40 am

I didn't own one as a child, so at a sleepover one night, a friend and I made one.  Of course we did the thing where we accuse the other of moving it.  It told me that I was someone's guardian angel.  Considering I'm still alive, I pretty much disregarded what it said, I was only 12 or so.  A few months later we had another sleepover and tried again, just for the fun of it.  She said her aunt had died in a bus accident, and that she wanted to see how she was and if she had passed over well and all.  I don't know who came through, but they said that her aunt was in hell and that she was miserable, and all the things associated with it.  My friend became very upset and starting getting angry at the board, insisting that it lied.  Shortly thereafter, our board began to smoke, Creeping me out.  A wisp of dark smoke began to come from the center of the board, which sat at our knees.  The board didn't singe, or harm us, but she screamed loud enough to wake up my father ( who is a veeeerrrryyyy sound sleeper) and he came running downstairs to see what was going on.  Needless to say, I haven't used one since.

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Post by maria bayarre » Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:36 pm

Hi there,

I once used a Ouiji board with my close friends and we were given definitive answers to our questions.  I held the meeting at my home - after everyone left there was a very strong spiritual presence and a child spirit who was in a mischievous mood stayed for the remainder of that night.  I believe we open up channels and we allow certain spirits in to our magnetic field - either to help them or to receive messages we need to receive for ourselves or for others.

Carried out with respect and necessary protection the Ouiji can be used safely.

In love and light,

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Post by tourbi » Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:36 am

I have used the Ouiji Board.  I think it is a good tool.  Like any other tool, it needs to be used with respect.  
When I worked in the New Age Bookstore, I would sell them and explain that it was like inviting people into your home.  I would suggest that people put a circle of protection around themselves and the board.  Just as we lock our front doors and don't let just anyone into our homes from the street, we need to be careful about inviting spirits into our homes.
Altho I believe that there are entities (disincarnate beings) are always coming and going in and out of my home, most know that I didn't invite most of them to stay.  They move throught without making a disturbance.  With the Ouiji I am inviting them in to visit.  I want to make sure they will leave when the party is over.  
Having had to clean homes when the spirits didn't leave, it's not fun.  
They are incredible tools.  Use them wisely, with people who are equally careful and be willing and able to ask your guest to leave when it's time.

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thank trickyvicky6

Post by qwerty108109 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:12 am

Thanks for the story, but like many methods of predicting the future like the Ouiji board or even palm reading, they have a way of backfiring eventually.  If not have a lot of psychological effects accomodated with the experience.  That's why it is best to keep out of methods of predicting the future. :smt077

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creepy thing

Post by budman200236 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:11 am

my friends tried it out....and after they starting to freak out from the thing they just left it where it was....and went to sleep...as they were laying down to sleep the thing started to move on it's own.  Glad I wasn't there!

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Post by tarottart » Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:20 am

That kind of freaks me out a bit Budman, your friends just leaving it there and going to sleep, they left themselves open for anything. I hope they are all right. I'm glad I wasn't there also. I once read a very good book on Ouija, guess where the library found it, in a school. The reason being was the person who wrote it thought that because so many children played around with it, and got themselves into deep trouble it would be good to write how to use it properly without any fear of things going wrong for them. I will have to find my notes, don't have them with me, and get the name of the author.  The book was actually so good.

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