Scorpio Darkness

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Scorpio Darkness

Post by rozrokz » Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:59 am

I have always had this dark side (star wars LOL). And it comes out when I feel sarcastic, moody and skeptical and gun people  :smt067 down with brutal (honest?) remarks. I try to stop myself but it seems to have a life of its own. :smt096 . After awhile, it seems to go away and I am all sugar and spice again. My hubby can't make out what to do with me at times.
Those "surround yourself with a white light" exercise don't seems to work for me :smt012 .
Do other scorpions have this period of moodiness?

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Post by ScorpioDragonGG » Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:52 am

I would call that PMS, which can come 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your menstral cycle OR I would watch the phases of the moon. 3 days before and 3 days after the full moon can make a lot of people do things they don't "normally" do on a day-to-day basis. Even some headaches, migraines and body aches have been reported happening more often or stronger during the full moon phases.
Whatever affects you, there are other, more effective techniques than the one you mentioned. Try to find a relaxation workshop or group to go to and practice their techniques until they work. Not all of them have immediate results.
Hope it works.

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Scorpio darkness

Post by thunderponi » Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:09 pm

:smt074 Yes, regrettably. :smt093 It takes a pretty strong person to tolerate and forgive some of the stuff I say. It all seems to be the truth at the time, but it's usually and unfairly harsh, or overly intense truth, :smt077  but uneccesarily negative rant. It comes from being hurt and having fear of that hurt repeating, at least for me. :smt093  The scorpion sting is no joke or exageration. :smt084

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Hi Thunderponi

Post by rozrokz » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:28 am

I see we are born in the same year and your birthday is just one day earlier than mine.
So we have both Rooster and Scorpion trait which is unfortunately brutally frank honesty and we can be very secretive (I like to call it my CIA mode).
I know what you mean about hurtful retort although it is the truth. It somehow came out much more hurtful the way we phrase it than with any other sign. The tongue-whip.  :smt079 . Deadly! LOL
But there is no second guessing our absolute loyalty and faithfulness.
Great to see you in MB.

warmest regards,

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Post by thunderponi » Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:01 pm

I did not notice that we share the same birth date year and are one day apart. I'm sure that contributes to our similar intensity. I tend to be very sensitive about my privacy and keep some personal matters, opinions and interests completely out of view of anyone that I consider outside my precious inner circle. So that's probably similar to being secretive. For example, people I am aquainted with but aren't close friends have no idea what my politics, religious views, ambitions are and rarely, unless I'm in a very public relationship, do they know who I am seeing.

The Scorpio loyalty can be a disadvantage when it comes time to see a person for what they are and recognize the impact on you. The people I'm loyal to tend to be placed on a pedestal and no one had better say anything bad about them, long past time to bring them back down to earth.

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Post by Sleepygurl » Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:59 pm

And here I was thinking I was a weird freak...gosh it really helps to know tht i'm not alone...phew!

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Scorpio Darkness

Post by yusufpainter » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:20 am

I share your thoughts exactly, so many times I regret things I have said and done to others
how does one come out of it ???

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Post by rozrokz » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:04 am

Hi Yusuf, you know what... I tried controlling saying those things which are true but will hurt people anyway and I find it makes me feel miserable instead. I'd much rather say it, get it out of my system and well suffer the consequences later. The truth bites, but that is what it is the truth. It is not a story, nothing was made up but people don't like to reminder of their faults. I have my fair share of faults and I won't shun from it if somebody tell it to my face.
People are hypocrites. Because sometimes when I quarrel with people who I thought were close to me and they used something that I have done in the past (which I told them) to hit me than I think this people are cowards to hit below the belt. Absolute bast***s and they will definitely be getting my scorpion sting.
That is why I don't tell my secrets to anybody anymore since I can't trust anybody at all.
So don't feel bad, Yusuf. We are in the same club :smt004

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Post by Sleepygurl » Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:29 pm

But sometimes I do feel sad tht I have hurt my loved ones with my sharp I think maybe diplomacy plays a huge role....*sigh* how I wish I am diplomatic....! Wishful thinking I'd say...but sometimes I feel tht I'm driving my beau away cos of my lashings....!

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Post by rozrokz » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:05 am

Sleepygurl wrote:But sometimes I do feel sad tht I have hurt my loved ones with my sharp I think maybe diplomacy plays a huge role....*sigh* how I wish I am diplomatic....! Wishful thinking I'd say...but sometimes I feel tht I'm driving my beau away cos of my lashings....!
Depends on whether the lashings was called for or you are just taking out your frustrations on him and that is wrong.
Like I hate my hubby to call me when he is in the toilet. (yep the toilet :smt018). I tot about just bearing with it but I felt today I hit the roof about it and told him in no uncertain terms that he won't call like his father or family on the mobile while he is answering the call of nature and how am I any different. People sometimes take each other for granted because we never tell them so and they think we can accept such behaviour.
Yes, what we need to learn how to phrase our sentences right and make the lashings sounds like words of concern and love :smt005. Must learn it from the Libra (the zodiac a$$ kissers or to put it kindly diplomatic lot).

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Post by ghotie » Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:54 am

The scorpios I know have a tendency to be brutally honest and I hate lying.  They also have a quick temper!

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Post by ScorpioSister » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:42 pm

You got me at that , that is so me. you dont want to my sting

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Post by Sleepygurl » Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:17 pm

Yeah ur can nvr be more accurate....

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Well, now......

Post by khb21603 » Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:15 am

Let me tell you that we all have that side that slips out every now and again.  :smt065 God help those who happen to be in our way. My husband and I are both Scorpios and we have big blow out fights where we tell each other basicall what we think. Sometimes it can sting like a huge bee sting, but we end up making up and loving each other more. Every one has a dark side, but I think scorpios are extremists who are either very, very nice, or very very evil. God help us all.

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being brutal can damage life

Post by soniaexpress » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:58 pm

being a scorpio, as I am I fine my self being very critical at times, I hold back a lot of things that I would say, because I know the damage it can cause, I am very secretive and love the mysteries of life, I am drawn to them, I feel very out of place, because noone else thinks like I do, I would love express my self, so usally what I do is go to a room by myself and kick and scream and go in to my shell kinda to be alone while the rest of the world thinks I am happy go luck kinda girl, so I hide my emotions alot just though I share

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