Mermaid past life.....

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Mermaid past life.....

Post by missy » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:10 pm

Hi all, new to this site but not new to past life regression and such.

First of all, I noticed a few posts down, there's a post that argues the possibility of a soul reincarnating from an animal's/plant's body into a human's body. I, for one, believe very strongly that the same soul can start out an animal or a plant and end as a human being, and vice versa. The reason for this belief is plain and simple, I was an animal in a previous life. Throughout my entire life, especially as a young child, I've had many quite vivid dreams of being a beautiful Canada Lynx running through a beautiful boreal Canadian forest, and then remember being captured in a cruel bear trap and being taken away by a hunter (who seemed to be Asian). The dream would end there, but every now and then I'd have an extension to that dream and I'd find myself scared s**tless in a cage watching the Asian man skin a helpless animal. Then it was my turn, the man repeatedly smashed my skull in with a hammer which didn't kill me and I was skinned alive and fully conscious. Most horrible end to a life, it has terribly affected me emotionally in this lifetime. I still burst into tears everytime I think about it. In case people are still skeptical, there is quite a lot more evidence to my belief of this that I won't go into unless someone asks...

Back onto the main topic, the past year or so I've been having dreams of swimming in the ocean. Sometimes I'll be swimming close to a reef, other times I'll be swimming along side whales. I never really got a good look at myself though, so I was led to believe I was in the form of a fish or dolphin or whatever. And then one night, and lots of nights after that, I finally saw myself. I had a long, very pretty goldish yellow scaley tail and features somewhat like a human female, but my fingers were quite long and webbed. I also had breasts like a female. In this dream I was just resting in the water, and then I felt something brush past behind me so I turned around and there was another mermaid. Her face was close to that of a human but still not the same. She had quite a long face, and instead of ears there were a pair of gills. She just floated there looking at me with a playful look on her face, and then I realised we were playing tag so I swam after her. We swam so fast, faster than any sea creature I've seen, it was the most awesome feeling, I'd say the rush I got was equivalent to flying. The dream ends there, but continued a few nights later with the mermaid I was playing with swimming out of sight and me being chased by a hammerhead shark. Although this shark chased me I was still too fast for it. That's it for the dreams.
I also feel I have a strong connection with the ocean. I just want to swim, and strangely enough I want to swim topless. Coincidentally, I am a very good swimmer from birth, no lessons ever needed, and I'm a very fast swimmer compared to most.
I know that by telling you this I'm pretty much asking to be admitted into an assylum. I sort of don't believe it either. I have no belief in mermaids whatsoever. But it seems too real to pass it off as "just a dream". The feelings I felt, the things I saw, the sounds, all felt way too real. I'm hoping for a reasonable explanation besides "it was just dreams". Otherwise, could mermaids really exist? And was I one of them?
Sorry for such a long post, I like to talk :P

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Post by wyldorkid3 » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:07 am

I dunno if thats possible, but it sounds absolutely beautiful. I love mermaids. Mermaids and fairys are my thing.  Im so sorry about your experiences as the breaks my heart. Ive never heard of the idea of being animals in past lives, but of course anything is possible. And if you say you think you were a probably were.

Hugs peace and blessings.

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past life

Post by adam smith » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:42 pm

you could have been a mermaid all myth have some fact in them you mermaid could have die out over the years and it could be you may come to know life as per your dreams they have something to teach you so you may want learn from them it was once said we could change form at will in our dreams then you done what most only dream of that anice thought as far as being nuts you want to write your dream as story and make money other have we each bring something form our past life with us dreams or knowing about something you know with knowing that the best knowing of all so I like here more from you on posting here and as always have a nice day:-)

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Post by SilverMoon7 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:33 am

I have a thought...  there are theories out there that some dreams are crossing into parallel dimensions, and that time isn't linear, but dimensional, and that our souls do not belong to this single dimension, but to many.  Maybe you're not experiencing past lives, but crossing into other dimensions, where other splits of your soul exist.

it's an interesting idea, anyway...     :smt017

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Post by missy » Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:55 pm

Sorry, haven't been on here in a while :)

Silvermoon, that's an interesting theory you have there. I'm actually hoping that that is, in fact, what is happening, it's just the best feeling I'd love to be able to go through it again and again. Although, ever since I posted this topic, the dreams have stopped :( If it really is a past life of mine, I guess my dreams were wanting me to tell people about it and tell them mermaids aren't the fictional beings people make them out to be.

Either way, thanks for the responses I just felt I needed to get it off my chest :)

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Post by LunarAries » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:57 pm

I don't know if it's possible either, but if it is I'm pretty sure I was. but not exactly a nice one.
I slightly believe this because ever since I was four years old my father bought me this figureen that was hung on my wall of a mermaid with firey red hair riding a black whale. Every single night I was terrified and haunted in my dreams by it, of it burning down my house and chasing me and threatening to murder me and even where I'd just be in these strange hallways hiding in a cubby whole crying and watching it float by. It was the most terrifying thing ever and it would speak to me in my dreams telling me to hurt my mother and get me to act and talk in the total opposite way or else it would come to life in reality and harm my loved ones, all the time since it would effect my subconscious and I would act like the most horrible child ever to my mom in opposite of expressing love when I really didn't mean it, it was like something else would take over but at the same time I felt it was true.. as if she'd (my mom) done something to me I could never forgive her for (when she didn't). I'm sixteen now and just last night, in two years (besides this other time where I dreamt it was back but not moving and silently crept up to my friend and I stomped on it) that it was floating around my room and I was screaming but couldn't do anything.
I don't know if it's some dark entity that took form of it or a ghost that held onto that figureen or some past life haunting me but whatever it is I just wish I could truly figure out what it is.
all I can make sense of is how it effects me in my personality of zodiacs, like my sun sign cancer (how its totally mother loving) but my moon of aries effects that by fire and combat and my gemini rising splits these in too two opposite beings and personality's because I'm NOTHING like my aries moon to other people besides my mother.
I just don't understand why my aries moon makes me so war mode and especially with my mom and how she is innocent.

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Post by tengypsies » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:43 pm

I believe myths have a true connection to past lives where we could have had a life of a mermaid or an animal.  Myths have a direct connection to the underworld.  You seem very attuned to your past lives and they have molded you into the person that you are now.  In ancient times in Mesopotamia, there were symbolic codes used for creation.  Cattle was used in code for the creation of mankind.  The symbol of fish was used too which could very well define life as an aquatic creature.  Just as fairies were connected to cherubim, having multiple pairs of wings.  The old creations could have very well died off due to natural causes whereas mankind survived with the help of God during the great deluge.  Trust in your memories.  Great suffering scars the soul and leaves a deep memory of existence.  Thank you for sharing.

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Post by EmeraldWings » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:33 am

Oh definitely! i posted earlier about my past life experiences as dragon. Yes, I've had many visions and dreams of going back and forth into my dragon and human form. My dragon form is small (for what people think of dragons) about the size of a great dane and is very green with leathery wings and very bird-like features. She even has some feathers along her neck and poking out from the elbows of the front limbs.

I definitely think that you could have been a mermaid, and what they said about dreams crossing dimensions is a very interesting theory and could be very probable.

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here's my 2 cents

Post by GINA-BELLE » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:04 am

while i am just now starting to look into past life and past life experiences i have always had a connection to the mythical and unexplainable.
I have always loved the idea of mermaids and i have to say when "the little mermaid" came out she was my idol for a long time...and since water and me go hand in hand (aquarius) water had been my life for so long that for a long time i actually wanted to be the person who created a city under the sea :)

since then though i still would love to i have noticed a dramatic shift into the past, namely british history. since i was born in the UK and moved to Canada in 1995 there is a good chance that somewhere down the line there was some royal influences but i have been strongly drawn to one person in this normal? i mean i feel like i could hear her thoughts as i read through novels of different them novels, or historical biographies........i am starting to feel very vunerable...any suggestions on anyone/anything that can help me explore this?

thanks for you time and Patience.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:32 pm

I thought the whole point was that inorder to be reincarnated you had to have a soul?
Animals might be our best friends but souls? - NO WAY.
As to the mermaid idea - didn't realize myths couds reincarnate.
While we are on the subject of  reincarnation I'd like to propose a vote of thanks to all those members from the Indian sub-continent, whose ancestors came up with the concept, and who must spend half their time on here laughing hysterically at the curious veiws westerners have on it.
Reincarnation is to with lessons learned or not learned and the karma that comes from this, it has nothing to do with fluffy animals being hunted.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:46 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:I thought the whole point was that inorder to be reincarnated you had to have a soul?
Animals might be our best friends but souls? - NO WAY.
I found this curious. Why wouldn't they have souls? From a me I've thought..maybe they have souls to "record" how we treat them, that is if the soul's purpose is to record our lives here, the lessons, pains experienced?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:51 pm

I'm thinking there haven't been mermaid spottings because of the overfishing.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:35 pm

I am an atheist - I don't believe in reincarnation either, I'm just repeating what I've read about it, personally I think it's a load of bollocks - like any other belief in a supreme being/afterlife.
It's all jam tommorrow, jame the day after, never jam today, well I like jam and  really believe I can can have it today.
Sorry jam = jelly for those over the pond.
But all that apart, mermaids for gods sake, just becaus I dream I'm on stage at the Bangladesh concert with George Harrison et al does not mean I was a guitar in a past life.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:35 pm

Could you tell that gibberish like this is what I hate?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:37 pm

I am impressed by the use of "et al" hahaha

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