Is it my imagination

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Is it my imagination

Post by AmeliaEvelyn » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:57 am

I feel as though when I'm asleep something is making my mind open to something or someone.

I often hear people calling my name or I hear bells or the door knock and i jump and sit up in bed suddenly.  My boyfriend never hears these noises.  I go through stages where my dreams seem to mix into reality and it's usually in the morning when my boyfriend leaves early for work.

He leaves and I hear the door shut and then, while im asleep i am aware of voices and running in the house.  I try to wake myself up but often I'm paralysed.  It always happens just after my boyfriend leaves.  I often feel as though something is in our room at night.

Other things that happen when i'm awake are only small- like i will think of a friend or a phrase will come into my head and then i will get a text msg along those lines out of nowhere.  It happens most with my family and close friends.

My dad is very ill and i often get blood noses.. i will ring him and i will have had the blood nose at the same time of night and woken up just like he has in his home 3 1/2 hours from me.  It will happen maybe once every 2 months that i get blood nose and its the exact same time and day he had one.  Sometimes i feel taken over by extreme tiredness or depression and i feel as though maybe im taking on the feelings of others in my family?

Also my grandmother died before i met her and my grandpa recently died.  Sometimes the tv goes off and i immediately have their names in my head.  Is this my imagination?

One more thing- I have a memory from when i was really little floating around the light in my room (i had previously fainted).. also memories of seeing lizard that were see through crawling on walls that weren't really there...

Lots to say sorry- havn't been on this site before or ever talked about these things to anyone other than my mum.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:27 pm

As so many of these things began as a child it would be hard to separate imagination from spirit input.  The reason - children are connected to their source (spirit) until it is conditioned out of them in our material vibration (around 9-11)   They are certainly valid and interesting experiences.  They are a forerunner to current events.

Check out what may be adult happenings and see what answers can be found.  As conversations about such things are new, read all the lesson notes to get a handle on some of your own experiences for questions to form.

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Is it my imagination [Hearing door knocking, loud bells or l

Post by Hilary Taylor » Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:31 pm

It appear to me that you are extremely sensative. I understand that the happenings around you can be quite disturbing if you do not know what is happening. Many other people have experienced these sort of things. Most think they are losing their minds, going crazy, etc. but this is not the case. These people usually turn out to be psychics or mediums. I am not by any means saying this is what is happening to you, but it is worth considering.

My son had similar experiences. When he reached the age of 19 he began hearing people calling his name, sensing energies in his bedroom, hearing noises that could not be explained, etc. I took him to the Sunday Services at our local Spiritualist Church. This showed him that what he was experiencing was nothing to be afraid of, in fact it was quite natural. After a few weeks he asked to join the development group. That was where he learned to control and understand what was happening. He is now a Spirituaist Medium and Healer.

The only advice I can give you is for you to contact your local Spiritualist Church (if you do not know where your local Spritualist Church is you can find it by typing 'SNU' in the search bar on Google). They will be able to answer all your questions as well as give help and advice. They will be able to teach you how to develope your abilites, or close them down for you (whichever you prefer).

Until then, analyse what is happening. Do not accept everything as being paranornal activity. Try to rule out the obvious; people passing outside, neighbours, etc.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:54 pm

Excellent advice!  Depending upon your location - there are national bodies in the US, Canada, England.  For further information in your own area, let us know.

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no its not

Post by stargaze » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:59 am

:) here is a book you should get the psychic pathway by sonia choquette
this will help you out.  your sensitive to other peoples feelings just like I am.  this book will help you develope your abilities even more so and not to feel other peoples feeling.   wear hematite that keeps you from feeling other peoples energy.  My boyfriend and I are very close and I can feel what he is feeling all the time.  and my sister and have the same problem.  and if some one breaks into my car,  I can feel their energy by standing next to my car.  knowing the phone is going to ring and I know who it is that is calling me.  

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:33 pm

It is the taking charge that is important. The gifts will remain and just as strong - even when you take charge and don't allow random events - but use it in focused ways.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:44 am

You are not alone in hearing noises while sleeping (how deep a sleep may be a factor). I have heard knocks on wood that are so real that if I was not aware of the spirits that are wanting my attention, well then I don't know what I would do. The knocks on wood happened while I was awake and in bed, this is the first time that I have revealed this. I have had visions while lying in bed at night, I have seen roman soldiers, I must state here that I WANTED to see visions from ancient times, the visions are very vivid when they do come and they only last a few seconds. I have told myself that I will try this again sometime, to mentally try to invoke images of whatever I can think of. I do not believe these images are coming from my own subconcious at all because the images have there own mannerisms and move at there own accord.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:03 pm

The best place to work on your own consciousness is in meditation. Sleep is to refresh body, mind, spirit and dreams tend to come when the subconscious wants to aid the conscious process.  If we precipitate it we are not allowing the rest so needed.

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