Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fives - 5

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:32 am

Even correcting a mistyped posting is a thread? (sorry for my previous posting full of all sorts of typo errors)

I thought this was a new thread, even though I could have sworn that we had done the Fives..... I have just seen that I had already responded to this thread .....
Well, never mind. I have done it again like a good pupil, I am now the teacher's pet - .....  yipppeee!

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Post by Cheyenne » Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:22 am

5 of Swords
On this card we see a man that doesn’t take no for an answer. A person filled with pride. Someone who doesn’t want to lose. And so he fights worthless battles against his better judgements against his so called opponents. He wins. But in the end he doesn’t feel good at all about himself.

5 of Wands
On this card we see a group of people who are working on the same purpose. However because they somehow can’t understand each others language they are now doing their own thing. Their main purpose now turns into a competition: Who does it the best way? Who is finished first?

5 of Pentacles
This card shows the love of a mother. Here we see a mother and her sick child having a hard time in the cold harsh weather. The son is in desperate need of medical attention and there is no money. So the mother is in a desperate state. So desperate that she is selling her body so that she can buy some food for both her and her son. And hopefully the money is enough to pay for the medical expenses.  

5 of Cups
Here we see a man that has lost his dreams and hopes for the future. He has given everything to opening a large company but his dreams went up in smoke when his house got burned with all his money and possessions leaving him with no money. And yet he refuses to look at the bright side and be grateful that he himself wasn’t burned!!

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Post by Erinys » Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:46 pm

5 Swords - The man holding the swords is greedy, he has more than he can handle, the fight is unfair as the other 2 have no weapons.  He seems very smug with himself for having won an unfair fight, he doesnt care.  There doesnt seem to be any blood shed, has he bullied the other 2 with his power and unfair advantages.  The other 2 now turn their backs on him as if to forget and leave him behind, but he doesnt seem to see that his victory has won him nothing but his own solitude.

5 Wands - There is a very unorganized battle or event going on.  Noone seems to notice the other ones intents.  One even appears to be raising his staff in victory when the battle is still going on.  there seems to be a need for someone to take leadership and guide the men to victory or resolution, or they need to focus on whats going on around them.

5 Pentacles - There are 2 people in need of help or aid, they are walking by what appears to be a church but dont seem to notice there is help right beside them.

5 Cups - This man stands alone sad and lonely, while 3 cups have spilled at his feet and 2 cups behind him stand in place.  His bounty in the 3 of cups spilled has been lost, and he mourns the loss, but the 2 of cups is still standing behind him, maybe he cannot see them now, but he will heal and have love again.

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Post by arianna » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:45 pm

The five of pentacles is a picture of two frail women that have been left out in the cold. They seem to be looking for answers in all the wrong places because they are outside of a church but they continue to walk by it as if they cannot see that help is right there - I feel that it represents deep depression or at least someone feeling sorry for themselves.

The five of swords is picture of a "soldier" gathering up his opponents weapons in a clear but unfair victory. I feel that this represents a bully or a person who does not play by the rules and has to win at all costs. I feel that this person is a person in need of help but doesn't know how to ask for it

The five of Cups is a sad person turning away from all that he has - He is looking only at what has been lost and not what is right in front of him - His house is still standing although it looks empty and two cups remain full but his only focus is on the three fallen cups

The five of rods shows five individiuals working separately (no team work) If they worked together then they could accomplish so much but working apart brings frustration and obstacles - It could mean fighting a losing battle or overcoming obstacles one by one

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Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:07 pm

::gasp::  :smt009 Storyline?  I'm definitely not the writer type, for the sake of the lesson, I'll throw down my best shot.

These don't match exactly with the pictures on the cards, but they do go along with the spirit of what the card is showing:

5 of Cups
- I can't believe that we said and did those things to each other.  There is still love between us, but the trust has been destroyed.  Our faith and hope?  Huh!  Well, that's been destroyed too.  Look, I'm tired and so are you, so I think it best that we just count our losses and move forward.

5 of Pentacles - You lost the money I gave you to hold?  That was for the mortgage payment which is overdue, not to mention groceries for the next two weeks!

5 of Wands - This is ridiculous!  The kids were screaming and punching each other this morning and I was so frustrated that I locked the keys in the car.  I really thought that I could find some peace at the office, but the assistants are now arguing over who has to be the one to go lower herself and make copies.  Can this day possibly get any more annoying?

5 of Swords - (When I looked at this card, it immediately brought to mind an exchange that I had with a former boss, an attorney) "Ethics?  I'm not concerned with ethics.  Do you think that someone names 'Ethics' pays the bills? The client will never know unless you tell them and that won't happen if you are hoping to keep your job with the firm.  Now hurry up and get your work done!  Oh, and be sure that you think of something to bill for Mr. A for because I really can't afford to keep giving people their retainer fees back."

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My RW fives storylines...

Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:18 am

- 5 of Wands: "I watched from the upstairs office as five of the students trained for the coming university olympics. I could hear their grunts of effort, their whoops with each small victory, the clacking of their sticks bumping against each other. All in all, it made me wish I had back the energy of youth and all it's enthusiasm and competition.

- 5 of Cups: "He mourned for all he had lost in the past few days. He could not recall a time when he had cherished it so much as now. Why, why did he pay no attention to what he had while he still had it? Maybe for the same reason he was as yet unable to appreciate those things still standing by him in his moment of bereavement".

- 5 of Pentacles: "On they walked in the freezing winter night, huddling and limping under the weight of their despair: their last chance for help had turned them away and now they had no one to turn to, no shoulder to weep on save each other's. So, on they walked...".

- 5 of Swords: "He watched as they left dejected, deep humiliation painted on their faces, unable to look back at the one whom they had trusted and who had so cruelly betrayed them. He smirked with contentedness: another battle won. Not his fault if people kept being so easily fooled, was it?"


The Ancestral Path's 5 of Swords seems to be stealing from others without their knowledge, but does not look so cocky about it: there seems to be a great risk if he gets caught.

Robin Wood's 5 of Pentacles is more static. It looks as if they are unable to recognize or draw strength from the church against which they seek some shelter. Or maybe they already tried their luck inside and were chucked out again. Is the Church able to minister to all the needy, or is this task too much to ask of it?

In the Ancestral Path's 5 of Cups there is a sense of betrayal akin to that of the 5 of Swords in the RW: he feels loss because he cannot have what others have, even if it is not their fault directly.

:smt020 Why, Sabra, I really enjoyed reading your story lines. They were really good. :smt002

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:52 pm

v is a mother and son who have lost everything they are broken and  they see the church and feel the heat warmth and wealth beaming from the window but cannot gain access with there faith diminished they carry on in the depths of winter looking for food and shelter

v swords....a turf war between young men two throw there weapons in because they have much more to lose but the young macho man is arrogance and thinks he is invincible he collects his trophies with glee and watches the losers leave with there tails between there legs but little does he understand they are the wise ones

v wands...this family at war they fight over petty things there is much emotional damage and believe in there own minds not yet learning to compromise their prov-ado and adrenaline accelerates and the consequences are inevitable because they will miss out and there regrets will be too late

v cups....the master has great worry he looks over his land it is quiet and lonely he feels his people have abandoned him he is dwelling to much on what he might have lost rather then what he saved, he must reevaluate and if he opens his eyes and thinks positive he will see two cups are full and the stream flowing steadily in front of him

im afraid my stories are not as in much detail as others but i do believe they tell a short tale

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Post by Shortyfrm » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:44 pm

V of swords

A fierce leader directing to weary soldiers recovering weapons that have been left behind in battle.  The more that they clear, it seems the more discouraged that they get at the realization that there is more work to be done.  Mental and Physical exhuastion at the hands of their leader.

V of Cups

One lost soul that has accepted his defeat.  He has accepted the fact that regardless of what he has done,  it will not bring about the manifestation that he sought.  His head held down as a mark of shame because of that realization.  

V of Pentacles

Two lonely, homeless souls, suffering from the weather of the storm.  But their determination keeps them going, keeps them pushing on to the next day.  

V of Wands

A total battle of wills.  Five young men battling to prove themselves to be the Alpha male of the group.  Knowing that whomever is victorious will gain prestig and knowledge that they didn't have before the battle.

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5's Witches Tarot

Post by windspirits » Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:15 pm

5 of Pentacles- Here is a case of taking the obstacles we come across and making them work to our advantage.  We have to climb up a huge wall of rocks which we have self built throughout our lives.  We now need to get over these walls, or break them down and we call upon the pentacles to help us build the stepping stones of protection to do this.  We can only get to the top one rock or step at a time and we must be careful in our journey to make sure we are safe and once to the top that we are able to continue forward and not fall back down.  It's a heavy load, but with enough confidence and power we will do it.

5 of Cups- This to me is wisdom.  We have traveled so far and now we have come to a pathway in life where we need to crossover and begin a new journey and think about what we have accomplished so far.  We have come to the waters edge to reflect on what has been done, but what still needs to be done.  We gather the wisdom of the wise and reflect their teachings into our life.

5 of Wands- The elder at the top of the rock is wise and knowledgeable.  He is a teacher to the others.  They look to him for knowledge and power.  They listen to what he has to say, leting each and every word sink into their heads and hearts, absorbing his every word like a sponge.  The wise man speaks with authority, he shares his wisdom explaining that the listeners must hold onto what they have learned and pass it onto the next one and the next.  Just behind the wise man is the sea, which can bring with it many mysteries, yet can be very useful to them.  Listen to the rustling of the leaves on the trees, they are shouting and whispering the knowledge in which you seek.

5 of Swords- Dangers are lurking at the bottom of the rocks.  The girl has been freightened and the men with the swords are defending her honour.  One man lays wounded as he managed to get part way to the top and the others destroyed his intent causing him to drop his sword.  One man is searching out the sea to make sure there are no others behind him.  They all seemed determined to spare the girl from her horrible encounters.
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Post by farafina » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:02 pm

5 of wands: As the three sons of Magdalene walk by their mother's field, they find that the neighbour's two sons have been taking naps on their mother's cauliflower. Quckly, the situation leads to a fight in which he 5 young men, armed with the sticks they find lying around show how their egos can have the best of them.
After all, what they are fighting about is not that serious. And also, they know deep inside that they are simply yearning to fight real battles with real swords like their fathers.
In addition, they all grew up together and deep inside, they care deeply for one another, like a big family.

5 of swords: Marc who is a mean-spirited and overly aggressive young man, find himself abandoned by his friends after he defeated them once again in combat. He stares at them haughtily... Too busy revelling in his pride, he does not realize he is losing friendships.

5 of pentacles: For the poor and the one that society has abandoned, the handicaaped and the miserly, there seems to be no hope. Wealth and the warm comfort of a home and of a roof is only something they can observe through the windows of the wealthy. As for them, they have no access to it. They are cold and hungry.

5 of cups: OH THIS ONE LEAVES ME PERPLEXED...  :smt017  This man having spilled the precious wine and juices out of his three golden cups is so focused grieving over this loss that he fails to appreciate the two cups that are still full behing him... Maybe he should be grateful for what he has and sto worrying about what is gone?

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Post by appylover » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:00 pm

Five of Swords: I see this guy as a bully,insensitive. He had been having a great time with his friends when all of a sudden things changed. They started arguing,he has used his words to humiliate,embarrass,and taunting them so he could win,but at what cost. The lose of a friendship.

Five of Wands: After seeing what happened on the beach these friends had a new idea and decided to have a healthy competition without using harsh words and possibly losing a friendship or becoming an outcast. They have seen what has happened to the less fortunate.

Five of Pentacles:  Those who have fought and lost everything. No job,home,friends,financial loss. They feel like they have been left out in the cold with only their faith to get them through.

Five of Cups: All the while knowing that while they are feeling sad and depressed and worrying about their difficult and hopeless situation, you will get through this. Their is light at the end of the tunnel. You will survive.

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5 of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:58 pm

Swords: the battle is over.  One man stand triumpant.  He has proved his point and won the battle.  The other men are beatened and leaving the area. they have nothing else left in them.  They put down their swords and are leaving without them.  The winner is picking up the spoils of war.  Going off to fight another battle another day.

Wands: The men of a small village have come together to build a hut.  The job is large and can't be done just with one.  The men are confident that  they will get the job completed.  They are working together.  No one it trying to be the leader.  They are all equal and equally building the needed structure.

Pentacles: two poor people move through the city too filled with pride to ask for help.  They move forward having no faith that things will turn around.  Theyare not looking for help.  They just know to move forward.

Cups: The man has just suffered a great loss.  He is stuck in his own pain.  He can't move forward or in reverse. Instead of seeing he still has something behind him, he only looks down pondering his loss.

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Post by Mandimedea » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:16 pm

5 swords, He won, but he is all alone.  Did he really win?  Hollow victory, greed like a bully-only he is satisfied. maybe he won by default, or by cheating.
5 wands, I see a group of people working on a project, they look like maybe they are struggling a bit, maybe not agreeing on everything and they are discussing things, doesn't look like they are out and out fighting tho.
5 cups, dissappointment, ending of a fight, maybe marriage, or a loss of respect from someone.
5 pentacles, looks like they hit rock bottom, homeless or lost.  Lost hope and can't see the light and warmth coming from inside and walk past.

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The 5's

Post by Jess37 » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:31 pm

hell my name is Jess and I am new to the forums I figured I would just jump right in.

The 5 of coins- loss, financial poverty, sickness, pain, emotional pain, lonely, hungry, desolation, but there is hope, the lighted 5 coins in the window

The 5 of swords- ego, one upmanship, determined to be right at all costs, false pride, think they are winners but they are smug jerks, they play reverse psychology to win even tho they are wrong but they are dillussional in thier own world

5 of wands- conflict, trying to talk over each other, trying to prove a point and win the point but getting now where, its not major blowout tho, typical time to time arugment

5 of cups, sadness, sorrow, loss, but not all is lost there is hope, just to caught up in the sadness to see that tomorrow is another day and your starting a new day ahead of the game.

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How do I know to go on to the 6's

Post by Jess37 » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:34 pm

Hello again I am still learning how this works, I just downloaded the software, but I am very familiar with Tarot, but I am appreciating that I can brush up, I am also learing that sometimes in a spread, 3 or 5 there could be two seprate instances going on and that at times its not as bad as it seems.

I can appreciate the fact that the forum allows one to brush up on their knowledge and interpretation of the cards, thanks for this!

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