Myth and Reality.

Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Myth and Reality.

Post by WanderingSoul » Mon May 21, 2007 8:11 pm

1. Atlantis.

Atlantis was a story created by Plato to teach people the value of caring about your fellow humanity. The people of Atlantis were very wealthly, very technologically advanced (they had electricity while the rest of the world was still using candles), and very self-centered. Other civilizations came to them asking them to share their knowledge, and they would always refuse them. Their lives were great, and they felt like they were dominating the world. They were on top of the proverbial peak of society, so to speak. So, laying about in all of their luxury; came a great flood that sank their city and destroyed everything they had worked for. The same story happened in reality to a city called Pompeii. Atlantis is fictional, Pompeii was a real city that was destroyed by a volcano.

2. Bigfoot.

Is Bigfoot real, is there actually a seven foot tall ape-human like monster wandering around in the woods? Hell no.

It might be possible that there could be a really fugly smelling homeless person wandering around the woods, but you shouldn't confuse those sort of people for bigfoot.

3. Area 51
Does Area 51 actually have aliens and stuff there, is there a whole bunch o' shit that the government doesn't want us to see there?

Answers: Aliens, not really. Top secret technologies that the government wants to keep secret? Yep. Nuclear missiles? Yep.

Area 51 is pretty much a governmental testing grounds out in the middle of nowhere, where no one can bother them about it, and no one can see what they are doing from a distance for example, and steal the designs. The United States' most powerful ally is its secrecy.

4. Cow Tipping
Yes, people knock cows over.  :smt064

5. Actual Aliens

Do aliens exist? Are we all paranoid? Have they abducted cows? Have they interrigated people?

Ok, first of all; just to sum this up shortly. Aliens exist. Have they ever visited Earth? No. Have they ever abducted anyone? No. Have they ever taken cows? No.

We can figure all of this out by simply using some reverse logic. If you were an alien yourself and you found Earth, you'd be pretty much terrified of the people here and leave it the hell alone.

So as for UFOs crashing, people seeing them, people getting abducted, bla bla bla bla bla. All fake, never happened, mostly likely never will in our lifetimes either. Mass Paranoia. But, we should never throw out the possibility that they are out there.  :smt002

I guess that's about all the topics on the board here.  :smt016

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat May 26, 2007 6:03 pm

Thank you for some logic. Sometimes it gets frightening the way peoples minds work, area 51 I've heard of it seen it X files but being in GB it doesn't mean that much. But as to the rest - carry on speaking the truth.

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Ancient Aliens

Post by tengypsies » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:59 am

After reading a book called The Twelth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin, it discussed a myth about ancient aliens that were creator gods that created mankind.   Zecharia Sitchin wrote a series of books on this subject calling it The Earth Chronicles which are interpretations from cuneiform.  There were 4 creator gods that created the first thinking man called Adamu.  The Adamu did not have an "Eve" for a partner but was paired with Lilith.  Then the creator gods created another thinking man called the Adama, they produced 7 of them along with "Eve" which were 7 as well.  Thus creating the various roots of color of mankind.  The creator gods were from a royal family.   The father was called "Anu" and he had two sons "Enlil" (Jehovah) depicted as the Tree of Life and "Enki or Ea" who was depicted as the Tree of Knowledge.  His daughter "Ninmah" was depicted as the Tree of Wisdom better known as Sophia.   The Tree of Life symbolized the creation of our ethereal spirit, The Tree of Knowledge symbolized the creation of our Soul, and the Tree of Wisdom symbolized the creation of our flesh.  Thus creating a three dimensional form.   The creator gods came from a planet called "Nibiru" which orbited our solar system every 3600 years.  Based upon cuneiform, they inhabited Earth for 432,000 years creating a colony which was the reason why civilization flourished in Mesopotamia.   They taught mankind many skills including Farming, Shepherding, Building, Irrigating, just to name a few.  They were interested in mining for Gold on our planet and transporting it back to their home planet.   There are many stories depicted in cuneiform similar to the bible.  However, these stories are 1,000 years older than the Old Testament.   These stories were left with the Sumerians which depicted their ancient history.  Although they are myths, I feel that these stories are based upon fact.    I would recommend Zecharia's books for reading if you are interested in the subject of ancient aliens or of pagan Gods.

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Re: Myth and Reality.

Post by Angelique » Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:57 pm

WanderingSoul wrote:1. Atlantis.

Atlantis was a story created by Plato to teach people
I'm not sure I believe in the reality of Atlantis, but I do enjoy reading up on it occasionally because it is intriguing. I won't discredit it because I don't know if it existed or not.
WanderingSoul wrote:2. Bigfoot.

Is Bigfoot real, is there actually a seven foot tall ape-human like monster wandering around in the woods? Hell no.

It might be possible that there could be a really fugly smelling homeless person wandering around the woods, but you shouldn't confuse those sort of people for bigfoot.
::laughs:: Amusing answer. Does he exist? Who knows? In addition, another video was taken of Nessie a few days ago and was in the news. I like to try and keep open minded there are explanations for everything, but some of those explanations are yet to reveal themselves. I look at it like this, scientists are constantly discovering many life forms they thought went extinct or did not exist at all. So, it leaves the door wide open.

WanderingSoul wrote:5. Actual Aliens

Do aliens exist? Are we all paranoid? Have they abducted cows? Have they interrigated people?

Ok, first of all; just to sum this up shortly. Aliens exist. Have they ever visited Earth? No. Have they ever abducted anyone? No. Have they ever taken cows? No.
I believe other life forms exist outside of our planet and I don't believe with a universe so vast and undiscovered we have our own special corner in the market and are the only ones that exist.  Do I believe they have visited? Yes... I was a child when I saw my first and only UFO and all I remember was we were on the expressway and it was low and hovering; most everyone on the expressway pulled over got out of their cars and we all looked up at it in awe and watched it.  I remember coming back home and telling my friends we saw a UFO and they didn't believe me. So of course I embellished the story like any kid does to make it more believable and told them it swooped down in front of the car and we had no choice but to pull over. I have never lived this one down... to this day, my brother who was with me when we saw it makes fun of me for exaggerating (as a child) what we saw. If I say something he thinks is exaggerated, his first words are always "And this UFO swooped down in front of the car." It cracks me up...

Do I believe claims of abduction? Mmm... tough call. I think it's possible it's happened. But who knows? I do know the movie "Fire In The Sky" was very disturbing to me not only because of what this man says he experienced, but it made me think of all of the animals on our planet and how we basically do the very same thing to them that this man claims was done to him by aliens. I could only imagine how frightened and terrorized a whale, a shark, a dolphin, a tiger, etc... must feel when a scientist darts them with a tranquilizer takes them to a lab, does tests on them, tags them, puts a homing device on them for further study and then sends them back all groggy or cages them up somewhere to be displayed or tested.

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:09 pm

No there in fact is tons of evidence for Atlantis that nobody hears about, artifacts with carved words(king chronos of atlantis)

crystal pyramids found under water in near bermuda triangle, various roads , evidence is found all over the world. evidence for Lemuria has also been found .

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:09 pm

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not sure

Post by Gooleander » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:03 pm

not sure what I believe on this.

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Post by needhelpbad » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:17 pm

What myths do people think are the most likely to be true?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:43 pm

Read my blog about Malta, are these things true? I think so at least.

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I live in Roswell, NM - relating to the alien comment

Post by StaciBabie » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:26 am

Yeah, I disagree with the alien hype, because I have to deal with it the most... Plus I work Front Desk and one of the best hotels in town, (roswell, NM 1947 alien crash / weather balloon) and I don't want to encourage the people that are already freaky enough, but...

My great grandpa who was a Chaves County Sheriff and there was sworn to silence, he said that there were actual bodies though, that's all he would said, he would get very hush hush...

There is a picture with a captain, or some high ranking millitary person, holdings papers that if you look closely you can see some very interesting writings.

That same high ranking millitary officer was later deported (for lack of the correct word) to another country, and was told not to come back...

Just some facts to ponder... Just coincidence??  

Like I said, I don't want to encourage all the weird people that come here to be even weirder, but there is just so much evidence going for an actual crash, and lacking evidence towards the weather balloon....

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myths or fact

Post by stan-wells » Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:18 pm

Interesting comments - I love contempt prior to investigation - I have no reason to believe that any of these were real or that they were fake.  

Sightings of UFO's - well "Project Blue Book" determined that the vast majority of the sightings of UFO's were explained by other means, but that left several (hundred) unexplained.  Now whether or not UFO's carry aliens or were remotely operated - we sent quite a few unmanned crafts before we sent a manned craft.  

Alien abductions? If we found a sentient life form in the form of a mammal on another planet would we take it home and test it in our labs?  Would they call them abductions or collecting specimens?

Big Foot, Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman/Yetti .  Why not.  We are still finding specimens of other animals that were never known before - and with all our intelligence (??) we haven't attempted infa-red scans of the planet in areas they are sighted to see what can be found.  Maybe they are not dumb animals that wish to be found by us civilized persons.

Atlantis - being a parable for Plato to teach us about interaction? Not likely.  Of course Pompey was thought of as a myth until we found it.

Of course, with all of our intelligence and wisdom and knowledge - the planet was flat until 1500, the sun revolved around the earth and there were just 7 planets in our solar system - if people were meant to fly they would have wings and super highways weren't built until the 1950's.  And Bill Gates himself said there was no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever need more than 640 KB of RAM in a computer.  

It seems our intelligence fails us when we forget we are human.  


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Post by Metatron » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:19 pm

Myth fact or fiction I believe to be superfluous. This drive to cut the world up into little pieces in the name of science is not always helpful. If big foot is out there let him sleep well tonight knowing that the 'humans" aren't coming to get him.  :smt015

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