Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by chakrablockage » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:15 am


Since a long time, I wanted to ask this question.

I am 25 year old Indian boy living in Australia since the last 2 years. I have a social anxiety disorder, which means that I fear expressing myself and socialising with people. Sometimes even though I get angry, I don't express it because of fear or embarassment. And sometimes I get very angry without any reason. Otherwise, I am a calm, thoughtful, intelligent person and people like me when they see me, but after spending a few weeks they start finding me a bit boring.

Since past many years, I am feeling miserable from inside. I feel depressed, anxious and worried. Low energy, negative thoughts, etc.

However, since a child I have had inclination to spirituality and meditation. Sometimes I have deep meditations and feel the joy and calmness very liberating and the only source of happiness for me, otherwise whatever I do or think, I start feeling miserable.

Whenever I meditate (or related activities) I feel pain in my throat and it is very frustrating. I have noticed that whenever I feel angry and don't express it, I feel pain at that same point/place. I also have some sensation in my forehead (in between eyebrowsH) however, this one is a pleasant one and I like it. Also feel pain in my head sometimes (if I am worrying too much, or thinking too hard). I also have a feeling of some space in the heart region (feeling is pleasant). I do not have any sensation in the chakras below the heart. I do not know if this information is useful... but I have a large appetite for sex but due to shyness (anxiety disorder) it is difficult for me to make friends with girls and release sexual tension.

Can you explain this scenario of mine? I want to be a better and a more happy person.

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:14 am

Hi I think for the next couple of days I shall leave this post here to see if you get some extra replies but after that I will move it to our chakra forum where you can find those spcifically wanting to discuss the chakras.

You can use blue lace agate to help clear your throat chakra but usually the best way to work on the first is make sure the bottom four are working ok then start clearing that one.  a chakra meditation guided cd probably would do you the world of good too if you wanted to give one of them a try as it takes you through your chakras.

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Post by richardredhawk » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:46 am

It seems that you need to created balance within the self before continuning on. The pain in the throat can come from you not speaking what it is you truly need to say.
For the base chakra you need to open up and allow the energies to flow upward to the crown. Balance and blocking the negative energies that seems to block you at the solar plexus you need to use a good grounding such as hematite to absorb the negative energies being received and to reopen the base chakra you need to use garnet and possible cinnabar, ruby as well as red coral are also good here.
Now the solar plexus is being blocked and the energies are not flowing upward, this is where the emotional body is stored and from the pain in throat you display it seems that the two are directly tied together. The throat is where we speak our truths and how others perceive us through this speech.
It is being directed to me that you must create balance within the self then you can continue on to create a more stable balance within the self so that you energies flow correctly.
I would like to go futher but am being stopped here.
The most important thing is balance and being grounded is where you need to start then work on the self issues ONE at a time.

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using tuning forks for blockages

Post by drmeals » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:34 pm

I have found a gentle very effective method of unblocking chakras is by using tuning forks with the corrilating frequency assists in unblocking the chakras

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Post by thornn » Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:57 pm

A really good way to clear chakras is to visualise them spinning in an anti-clockwise direction, while saying release all negative energy, visualise this for 2 minutes, then, visualise them spinning clockwise drawing in good healthy energy, again for 2 minutes.
Also, have a salt and coffee bath, sounds weird I know! lol, but it does work! 2 cups of each making sure you submerge your head briefly as well. These are methods I learnt while studying Pranic Healing.

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blocked chakras

Post by Lila » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:52 pm

I agree with some of the above suggestions, you seem to be aware of the sexual energies, use that energy to work through the blocks in the upper chakras. Visualize the energy as a snake spiraling up from the base up the spine, stopping at each chakra

You seem to be very aware of your third eye opening and the desire to be a seeker is powerful. The Rainbow Warrior (those on a Spiritual Seeker's Path) can be lonely, however, you will find many like minded seekers and souls on sites like this one.

About the anxiety, I empathize, I lived with anxiety most of my life, like you, I was shy, withdrawn, uncertain. You can work through the anxiety with or without medication. Try using a mantra whenever you feel anxious, these are my favourites:

"The symptoms are distressing, but not dangerous"
"Do the thing you fear and hate to do and the fear will die"

I realize this is not chakra related but I feel it is important to share. If you are looking for information on understanding and working through your anxiety  try this web site, it changed my life:

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ckakra blockage

Post by stargaze » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:36 am

:smt002 you have be realign with your chakras again. and have about 4 sessions and you should be feeling better.  I know when my chakras out of place I don't function very well and I can feel being out of alignment.  I have a chakra session and I'm fine again.
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Post by soul2ebl » Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:05 pm

im curious to know if your chakra cleasing works...

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Post by nnt » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:37 am

I wish you well.One thing that you may want to try is to remain quiet in your day to day life.Meaning speak only when it is necessary.This is will get you back in touch with your inner self that will direct you to the right path.



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Re: using tuning forks for blockages

Post by Maris » Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:53 am

drmeals wrote:I have found a gentle very effective method of unblocking chakras is by using tuning forks with the corrilating frequency assists in unblocking the chakras
yes, I fully agree - if You are not familiar with advanced methods, You can use a special chakra music from Steven Halpern, who is recognized as a leader in this field.

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Post by MacLir » Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:13 am

Pardon me, but can you describe what method that you use? I think you use a method that activating the Visuddha(Throat) Chakra or a method that activating one of the chakra above it. Since you're--forgive me if my words seem rude--an introvert person, your Visuddha Chakra must be greatly blocked. The pain that you feel is because spiritual energy is trying to open the chakra. So, I suggest if you feel such pain, take a rest from your spiritual activity--to decrease your energy level--until your pain is gone. Or perhaps you might reconsider to change your technique. Use a technique that activate one of the chakra below the Visuddha Chakra.
    Do not force to open your chakra. You must let your body to make adaptation. It's just like when you come up to the light after staying quite long in darkness, your eyes need time for adaptation.
    I can tell all this because I had & still have the same kind of experience. Oh, & one more thing, do you practice Grounding? It's an important technique that should not be omitted. Grounding is useful to release excess of energy that otherwise can overload your body & causing harms. You can find many techniques of Grounding from the net, use one that suit you most. Or you can use my technique as follow: Sit or lie down(but preferably lie down) & close your eyes.  Now, begin breathing deeply & slowly. Release your tension with each enhaling & exhaling. It doesn't matter if you fall asleep. When you feel enough, open your eyes to end the practice.
    About your sexual life, I have a technique to increase spirituality through sexual energy that I will explain later in my next post.

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How To Use Sex As Spiritual Practice - The Secret Behind Kamasutra

Post by MacLir » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:53 am

When I read your topic, it seemed like I was seeing my own self many, many years ago, when I was still a teenager. The difference is, I couldn't found the kind of girl that I like in my environment; err,how to explain it? I hardly found the right words....Perhaps it's more precisely if I say I was just incompatible with the girls in my environment.
    Previously, I always held myself back to explain this method. It's not sufficient--I presumed--to explain it in English, 'cause I'm not proficient in it. I have been wanting to explain it in my own native tongue, Indonesian, but this kind of topic would most likely be banned in my country, & can cause many trouble.
But seeing your topic, I think The Goddess has paved the way.
    So, lets get to the theme. Many have known about Kamasutra, & there's even a movie entitled with it. Kamasutra is the method to prolong sexual act, but it's just the shell; like in martial arts, there is outer strength, & there is inner strength. The techniques in Kamasutra are like outer strength, useful but to use it to the utmost advantage, one must not forget the "inner strength".
    In Christianity, there's a teaching that I think is pointing to the importance of sexual energy. It's in the story of The Fall of Man. The forbidden fruit which was eaten by Adam & Havah(Eve) is considered as sexual intercourse. The main aim for the method is also to make oneself achieve immortality, perfection; because it is considered that the wasting of sexual energy has resulted in degradation of mankind--physically & spiritually.
    This technique commonly used in Taoism--secretly, of course. In The States, the well-known Taoist Master, Mantak Chia, also teach this technique. I have read his book about it, & his method is quite hard to explained, but seems easy to practice. Mine is the other way, very simple in explanation, but might probably hard to do. But each person has his/her own compatibility so each person must find the right method that perfectly suits her/him.                                  


    Here's my method. First a little explanation of Microcosm Orbit. In Accupuncture, there's a channell called Microcosm Orbit in human's body. It has the same depth as the tip-point of the spinal column. The orbit begins from just the middle between genital & anus--called Perineum, going upward to the top of the head & then downward(you must place your tongue to the palate to establish the connection in the mouth) in the front area of the body, continuing to Perineum where it begins. When you're doing sexual act, & approaching orgasm, begin to draw your sperm upward--using Microcosm Orbit--to the top of the head(or you can draw it into your brain). After the climax is over, descend it--also using the Microcosm Orbit--into the center point in your stomach, right behind the navel, the point which in Taoism is called Dantian(Tan Thien)--& I used to rotate the sperm 24 times deosil(clockwise) to compress it. If you are successful in drawing the sperm, you can feel the orgasm emerges, not in the genital but in the brain. It takes many practice to succeed; for to really be able to draw the sperm, one must do this approximately 10.000 times. I myself gained proficiency after about 4 years of practice.
For Neophytes(Novices) who want to prevent ejaculation, can press the Perineum while orgasm.
    One who have mastered this technique, is no longer controled by sex, instead he/she controled it. Of course women can also practice this method, & it would be a lot easier to them, because they just have to pull their orgasm--that is the sexual energy--upward to the top of the head & then save it in Dantian. For anyone--just like you--who is hardly find a lover; after mastering this technique, the lover would surely come, just as miracle. How long will you get it--after you have mastered it--depends on how simple or difficult what you're wishing of. It could take 1-3 years long.
    And mastering this technique will also bring you to Shaktipaat(Initiation). As an Indian, you might already be familiar with that word, & the other one: Viryapaat. Viryapaat(Virya=Water) appointing to ordinary humans who can exert only water from their body: saliva, urine, mucus, sweat, sexual fluid, tears. But when anyone successful in making transformation to his/her body, that is when Viryapaat turns into Shaktipaat(Shakti=Vapour). Especially for sexual energy(& Kundalini is also closely linked to it), when someone still in Viryapaat, his sexual energy flows downward--like water. But when you can change that & raise the sexual energy upward, you're just like vaporizing it; water becomes vapour.
    So you need not find any Guru to give you Shaktipaat--& actually, no Guru can give Shaktipaat; like computer, you must buy the hardware(harddisk perhaps, or graphic card, or whatever) & the technician(the Guru) only installs it. But with this method you can also 'install' it yourself.
    A problem that occured to me while practicing this which the solution I have came up with is when I still unable to pull the sperm upward, sometimes there was a really annoying sensation in the penis. It was like I need to urinate but nothing came out, or like an orgasm without end. Orgasm is very pleasant, but what if it never ends? Very uncomfortable.
The solution that I found is by squating untill that sensation is gone, & if it's not enough, while squating, pull lightly the penis so it's pointing upward.
    After you have a partner it is good to teach her this technique so you can practice it together. In sexual intercourse, any who reach orgasm can draw the energy & circulating it in Microcosm Orbit, & when reaching the genital, circulate it in the orbit of the partner's body, so you make something like number 8. Keep circulating it untill the sensation of orgasm dissapear, & save it in Dantian.
Another advantage for mastering this method, you don't have to use Viagra, Blue Moon, etc, anymore. A Taoist master can have sex non-stop for days & nights just by the help of this method.
NB :
    On my previous post I gave a method of Grounding. There's a breathing method that I used there. But it doesn't mean that you must concentrate on the breathing. The keypoint is relaxation; it's not a meditation technique. 'Cause meditation will accumulate energy while the purpose of my method is to release excess of energy. So do not concentrate on anything. Let your mind wander, daydreaming, whatever, but keep your body on relax condition. I use that breathing method only on  beginning, about 2-3 times, then discard it; but each time I feel my body tensed, I use it again.
    I learned that method in Faerieland, & the Faerie who gave it used the term of a plane or a child that being grounded to explained Grounding. A child or a plane that grounded means it is being cut from activity. So, a Grounding technique must also prevent a person from any activity. That's why it really no problem if you fall asleep during this practice, for  that is the point. The technique is made to resemble sleeping. I myself had the same Kundalini Syndrome, 'till now, though has decreasing a lot. Before I learned this method each time I woke up from sleep, I felt the symptoms(the pain) decreased, so I already had figured that sleeping can diminish the radiation--the excessive spiritual energy.

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Post by wgamer » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:09 am


I need some clarification on your method.

My understanding is: the microcosm orbit starts at perineum, travel through the spinal chord at the back of the body to the crown chakra and travel back down to the perineum in the front of the body. right? and by drawing the sperm upward do  u mean that one should visualise the sperm being drawn upwards from the perineum at the time of ejaculation? also should it be done in the front channel or back channel. which channel to use to get it down to the navel chakra? and by rotation u mean the sperm has again to be moved upward thru the back channel to the crown and back down to navel thru front of the channel of the orbit?  wat to do at the end of roatations? leave it at navel or bring it to root chakra/perineum?  any preliminary chakra opening that need to be done for this exercise?  your explanation would be highly appreciated.

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Post by decentgal » Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:06 pm

there is another technique called triple lock to convert sexual energy into spiritual energy.

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Post by wgamer » Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:19 pm

Decentgal, cud u elaborate please.

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