Can depression be healed thru Reiki??

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Can depression be healed thru Reiki??

Post by ria » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:34 am

Im going thru severe depression following breakup with my boyfriend couple of months back. He is marrying someone else next month and more than him im counting the days to his marriage. He is a colleague, and I hv no escape but to face him daily in office and witness his excitement and happiness and overhear his phone conversations with his fiancee….its getting worse  as his marriage date is approaching… trying my best to remain positive, but the moment I face him, im under deep stress. I bunk office at the slightest reasons and im peaceful on days when he is not in office… presently im totally in shambles and would be grateful for any help.
Thanks in advance…

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:15 am

Yes...if you believe that Reiki can help you with this, then it will.

Lost love is hurting a lot and you will have a period with depression and heart ache, so it is very important that you start working with yourself to get over it.

This you can do by focus on all "small" negative features he have....and say to yourself...ahh good it was not me that had to marry him. The main thing is to get away from those happy thoughts you have about him and try to even it out
Since you manage fine when you not see him, I think it is more that you have build  "rosy thoughts" about him and you and these need to be destroyed.

If you don't manage to do this, you might even evaluate changing of work, but that is not recommended because the best way to learn is to face the problems.

I give you a big Grandpa hug and hope you will manage a speedy recovering.....start dating other...look for the good life...don't sit home an build air castles!

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Post by ria » Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:24 am

thank u rhutobello, for your big grandpa hug... i needed it very much.

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Post by Gem » Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:07 am

Hi ria,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling so low. But what an insensitive person your ex is! If I was in your situationI am afraid that my sorrow would be turning to anger at the way he was treating me in a postion at work that I had no escape from. Anyone that would be so heartless isn't worth your time or energy, you are so much better off without him.

Reiki can help, as can many complimentary therapies, especially crystals like Rodonite and Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz, also Green Aventurine, just by holding them or carrying a small tumbled stone in your pocket. But the most important thing is for you to move on. Is there a way you can find a new job? Move departments or offices, maybe even do different hours? Can't you explain to your boss how this is making you feel?

I really do think you have to help yourself here and maybe even scream and shout and make everyone realise you are a person with feelings and this still hurts!

I will add another hug from me  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ria}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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Post by ria » Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:26 am

thank u Gem. I cannot move departments or find another job at present. I do not wish everyone to know what im going thru as im a very private person and only share my grief with my friends outside the office. I do not wish to make a spectacle of myself by telling my other colleagues abt what im going thru . its not going to help. But, i do hv good friends outside office whose shoulders i use to have a good cry... thanks for the hugs...

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:49 am

hi ria,
its sorry to know tat u broke up. but just relax and meditate a lot. it will help u get ur concentration back. God Bless U.

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