DISCUSSION ON CHAPTER 1...Psychic? Medium?

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DISCUSSION ON CHAPTER 1...Psychic? Medium?

Post by swetha » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:35 pm

What is a psychic?
What is a medium?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:36 pm

Hi..., newbie here.., name's AJ.

The difference between a medium and a psychic? Here's what I always tell my students and clients.
All mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. It's comparable to that of the medical profession. There are general practitioners who specialize in treating the basic needs of their patients and then there are specialists who work in a specified field such as surgery, psychiatry, neurology, or pediatrics.

A medium (or channel/channeler) specializes in using their psychic abilities to facilitate in communicating with non-physical spiritual beings.

Something to keep in mind is that mediumship is a part of the psychic development experience and the actual act of being a medium presents itself as an opportunity once you realize that it's something you can do. Mediumship is NOT an ability in and of itself, but rather, it is something that you CHOOSE to use your abilities for.

If mediumship is something that you're interested in doing then make this your intention. But don't try to rush into it because if you do.., you'll never get there. Like astral projection, mediumship is one of those things you discover that you can do once you stop trying.

Any true psychic would agree that psychic development is a never ending process; there is no final point of maximum wisdom or ability to be reached. However, there are still levels of awareness within the development process that must be acheived before one can move forward. Communicating with spiritual forces is a consequential result of ones expansion into the higher realms of consciousness.

Part of what makes psychic development so much fun is discovering all the cool things you can do with them and mediumship is just one of them. Also, like I mentioned earlier, not all psychics are mediums but it is important to understand that this has nothing to do with their abilities or lack of experience. For them.., it's simply a matter of choice.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:27 pm

While mediumship certainly uses the psychic sensitivities, it also attunes to spirit realms.  Psychics generally work from the energies that are all around our world and the people who occupy it.  

Spirit guides is the topic that brings that some clarity.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:33 am

In the above posting you wrote:

Mediumship is NOT an ability in and of itself, but rather, it is something that you CHOOSE to use your abilities for.

This suggests to me that mediumship is a matter of the person concerned making a conscious choice or decision to use their psychic abilities in order to effectively attune to Spirit.

Although I do not regard myself as a trained medium, all of my experiences with mediumship have been spontaneous (including several times right in the middle of giving an intuitive psychic reading).

If using your psychic abilities to function as a medium requires a conscious decision to do so, why is it then that whenever I intentionally set out to invite spirit communication I am always met with a deafening silence? If however I am currently choosing to act as a psychic only, on many occasions spirit communication happens relativey effortlessly.

I have even experienced what I believe was genuine spirit communication while watching a television program related in some way to psychics, mediums or the afterlife!

Is it simply that I am trying too hard when I set out to invite spirits to communicate with me, or is the decision to function as a medium being made on my behalf, at other than the conscious level?

Any assistance and feedback regarding this matter would be most welcome,


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:27 pm

The above write up was NOT from me.  As a matter of fact, some of the questions you posted were on my mind too.  I moved the post from the Q & A general board to bring it into the proper perspective.

All mediums begin with being psychic.  Psychics are not necessarily mediums.  Starting from that premise, when you do your psychic work, it could possible be, you are exercising mediumship abilities and do not even realize it.

Psychic work is about the energies around and about the client.  Being able to foresee the future is usually based upon the best prediction of the energies, as they now exist.  (If nothing changes, this is the outcome).

Attuning to the spirit guides of our mediumship is the important aspect.  Go into a meditation and set up the invitation to your own personal spirit guides in your place of peace, through a symbol and supplying a seat for them to commune with you.

Being consistent and constant in the meditation (same place, same symbol) is important and can set up the atmosphere to know the change of energies when the guide(s) are present.  The more you work with them, the stronger the partnership attunement.  The change of energies tells you it is time to listen to the thoughts of your mind.  That is mediumship.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:05 am

Thanking you sincerely for getting back to me so quickly about this. You are absolutely spot on when you mentioned the need for consistency and creating a symbol which would be recognised by both your guide and yourself as representing your intention to open up to Spirit.

Unfortunately my chronic breathing problems have increasingly prevented me from being able to go into trance as I once did many years ago when I worked in a closed development circle under the supervision of an experienced physical medium, and even regular meditation is becoming a huge challenge. When you cannot easily draw a breath it does make it difficult to as fully relax and let yourself go as you would like to, but I try to do what I am able when I can. I have even tried the special breathing exercises which are claimed to increase your lung capacity over time, but not surprisingly there is a problem there as well when you already cannot breathe freely.

I have also in the past had variable success with directed lucid dreaming and attempting to stay on the fringes on consciousness for as long as possible, but once again my laboured breathing frequently prematurely pulls me out of this highly relaxed state before I can really get any benefit from it with regards to developing my still largely latent abilities as a medium.

Perhaps as part of the support being provided within your course for developing mediumship, interested students could  discuss with you ways in which people with disabilities of various types have overcome the types of problems to which I am referring. Does having physical disabilities thereby prevent someone from becoming a relatively effective medium, as many mediums in the literature have suffered from serious and even life threatening illnesses before discovering that they possessed significant psychic and mediumistic skills? There is some suggestion that long term illness weakens the bond between the spirit and physical bodies, making it easier for the medium to move more freely between the different levels of reality as part of his or her mediumship.

As you can plainly see I still have quite a few questions to ask you over the coming months, but I will turn over the discussion to others for now, and I thank you once again for offering me the opportunity to be able to share with you what is difficult to impossible to talk about with the people around me. In Western Australia especially, but to a lesser degree in other states of Australia mediumship is not only frowned upon, but is regarded as a criminal offence. It seems like the Fraudulent Medium's Act of 1951 is still being applied here to every person claiming to be a medium, whether they are fraudulent, or whether they are in fact genuine.

http://www.psychics.co.uk/bca/fraudulen ... ct1951.htm  


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:36 pm

Does having physical disabilities thereby prevent someone from becoming a relatively effective medium, as many mediums in the literature have suffered from serious and even life threatening illnesses before discovering that they possessed significant psychic and mediumistic skills? There is some suggestion that long term illness weakens the bond between the spirit and physical bodies, making it easier for the medium to move more freely between the different levels of reality as part of his or her mediumship.

On the contrary, everything I have read indicates that those with a physical disability are strengthened in their spirit attunements.  Some of the best recorded mediums opened during a time of confinement for physical disabilities.

I have personally experienced how close we can draw to spirit when we are willing to let go of the physical body.  The attunement is on the spirit and it is whole and well, even when the physical does not indicate that state of being.

It may be fears that is holding you back.  And who would not be fearful if the breath is taken away?  What I would suggest, is to continue to make spirit attunement and to suggest in your instructions to spirit to please relieve the fears of the breathing as you struggle to maintain and strengthen the spirit attunement.

In Arthur Ford's book, it was suggested that his guide, Fletcher, was keeping him alive during a heart attack.  He was strongly suggesting to those in the room to get a doctor before he released his attunement.  This indicates, to me, a means of attunement that is spirit rather than the physical body.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:45 am

Thanks J, :smt006

I am actually familiar with the work of Arthur Ford, but I was not aware up until you mentioned it of his heart problems.

I feel that you are right on in believing that me not being able to breathe freely is causing me to withdraw out of fear, and I thank you sincerely for your advice and support in this matter.

I also wanted to apologise to you that many of my questions have not fitted well so far into the framework which you established for your course. Unfortunately my questions are so many and they frequently involve several overlapping areas of knowledge at the same time.

Thank you for dealing with this relative confusion in such a professional and sensitive manner. I have been looking for assistance from someone such as yourself in developing my mediumship for some considerable time now, so I can be a little impatient and seem pushy at times in my enthusiasm to make the most of your generous offer of this course while I feel that I can. Your efforts on my behalf are always greatly appreciated.

Cheers my friend,

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:59 pm

The questions fit perfectly into what is being offered.  Without the feedback how would we know what people need?  And sometimes just the right question helps others as well.  Never hesitate to ask.

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Post by BLACKIE » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:22 pm

I'm a little confused, lol I'm just begining this journey. I know when I feel things or know things, my heart races, which scares and I know it is my #1 fear.

So here's my question, do I just go with it? I know I can slow my heart done in a few second ( i worked on that)

my other question is dose depression or anixety play a part , and if you take medication for it

what about head injuries

sorry if this is in the wrong place, I keep posting in the wrong section

im just excited with all this information and feel normal here

thanks more than you know

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:49 pm

I had a common cold one time and the nose was stuffy, the whole bit.  When I rose to work with spirit (in attunement) there wasn't the least sign of the cold.  As soon as I sat down, it was right back.  (We do tend to hold our illnesses).

The fact is....when working in spirit we do not need to experience anything that the physical body has been experiencing.  One of the simple rules is.....FLOW SPIRIT FLOW!  When we are in attunement, it is with body, mind and spirit.  We are fully in tune so that the flow of energies can take away all disruptions as we attune to spirit.

I have found more than a fair number of mediums who suffer depression.  It can be because of the sensitivities.  And perhaps we are just too empathic and leave ourselves open for depression.  Before taking medication try meditation.  Opening the mind/spirit to meditation tends to help balance all things and keep our heads clear.

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phychic medium

Post by lluvia » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:51 pm

whats a phychic,a phychic to me isthat uses mental forces such as telepathy,extra sensory perception.

whats a medium? A medium to me is a person thats contacts or connects with the spirits of the dead.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:34 pm

A medium uses psychic sensitivities to form their demonstration.  So the two are quite intertwined to some extent.  At the same time, a psychic does not attempt to contact the spirit realms and works with the energy of the material world.

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Post by lluvia » Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:34 pm

:smt009 ok so what i call mental its energy insted?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:15 pm

We have rates of energy from the mental world (thoughts go on all the time in our heads - some say 1000s a minute) and another in the spirit world and the material vibration is the grossest of all - being heavy and recognized in all we do on the earth plane.

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