Born on a rotten day...Gemini 2006 forecast

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Born on a rotten day...Gemini 2006 forecast

Post by rickardr » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:01 pm

You Twins can out-talk almost anyone on the planet, convince anyone of anything, and sell the proverbial refrigerator to an Eskimo. However, when it comes to speaking up for yourself, or convincing yourself that you can achieve a goal, you get tongue-tied. Oh, you're good at manipulating, having a temper tantrum, or sneaking around playing the right hand against the left. But honestly stating in a rational voice, a simple, declarative sentence that you want something, and deserve it, scares the beans out of most of you. Well, guess what the stars have in store for you this year? Saturn's moved into your 3rd House of Communication, and he's there to tell you that it's time to have a few serious conversations--with yourself.

You can chatter endless smalltalk all day long. But the message Mr. Cut-to-the-Chase imparts this year is that you should start spouting what you believe, not what you think will make you the most popular kid on the block. Or the usual blithe B.S. that you love to spew when you try to impress folks with your zingy one-liners. It's not only important that you be honest with everyone you meet, but that you're completely honest with yourself about what you want, or don't want.

You're one of those signs that must interact with other people to be fulfilled (even on the days you'd rather stay under the bed eating chocolate chips straight from the bag). When you learn that your success inspires others to succeed, you'll begin a self-fulfilling prophecy that propels you forward. Saturn's here to help you focus on how you communicate and give you the courage to do it so that your ideas are taken seriously.

As those ideas flit in and out of your head at light-speed on a normal day, I strongly suggest that you bond with pad and pencil, or a mini tape recorder, because with Mars firing your imagination until mid-April, your mind could become a veritable panorama of millisecond flashes of insight and imaginings.

Powerful Pluto continues his crawl through your 7th House of Partnerships and you'll continue to feel put upon by even your nearest and dearest. One relationship in particular could reach the boiling point as you realize that you are fed up with compromising to keep the peace. Twins are known to play both ends against the middle in order to get what they want, while trying to please everyone else. This trait is part of the cause of your never-ending case of nervous tension. This year, take Saturn's cue that honesty isn't just the best policy it's the only one that will set you free in every area of your life.

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