Vampires and Symbiotics

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Vampires and Symbiotics

Post by Gem » Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:07 pm

I thought that this might help some of us.
Magical self defense

Psychic Attacks & Psychic Vampires

Definition: Living person who "drains" others emotionally either empathically (draining the auric life force) or metaphorically (someone who takes emotionally without giving anything back; a "user").

Psychic vampires feed off their victim's energy, or prana (the Hindu name for energy or life force), in the same way that mythical vampires drink human blood to feed themselves. Not all psychic vampires are doing this consciously though. People who are emotionally needy or manipulate others to get their own way by making them feeling guilty are unconscious vampires. Spending time with a particular person can leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally. This is an indication of psychic vampirism. Some people consciously take other's energy by tapping into their victim's aura and draining the energy that way. People who are particularly sensitive or vulnerable are more likely to be a target for psychic vampires. Fear leaves people open to this form of attack.
Let's face it--we've probably all fallen prey to a psychic vampire, possibly without even knowing it. It may have been a chance encounter with an energy predator that left us temporarily exhausted, or possibly along-term vampire interaction with serious wear-and-tear effects on the mind and body.

Psychic vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. As consumers of energy rather than blood, vampires of the psychic kind exist in many guises but with one common trait--their own inadequate energy system compels them to tap into and feed upon the energies of unsuspecting host victims. The immediate results of such a one-on-one vampire encounter are anew but temporary surge of energy for the psychic vampire and a serious loss of mental and physical energy for the unsuspecting prey. If you suddenly feel emotionally or mentally depleted, you may be under attack by a psychic vampire. The unfortunate effects of prolonged energy loss are damage to the energy system itself and in some instances, serious illness.

As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men or women, young or old. They can be tween, teens, or adults. They can be professionals in business suits, wealthy dot. comers, dapper CEOs, ultra-groovy rock stars, or construction workers in hard hats. They can be a business associate, next door neighbor, or even family member.
This is from New Worlds, Issue NW023 by Joe Slate:

Psychic vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. It exacts a heavy toll-it demands life-force energy and in some instances, it literally destroys lives. At a personal level, it wastes our energies, dampens the immune system, and undermines the body’s natural defenses against illness. At a global level, it can literally drain the earth of its survival resources and interrupt its harmony and balance. It follows that finding ways of preventing psychic vampirism, or successfully counteracting it, must be among our top priorities. There are several forms of psychic vampirism, each of which demands a host victim.

In the one-on-one vampire encounter, the psychic vampire taps into the energy system of a selected host victim for the express purpose of extracting energy. Typical one-on-one psychic vampires are not agents of evil bent on the destruction of their victims. Furthermore, they possess none of the supernatural powers attributed to folklore vampires. They function instead from a position of profound weakness. Deficient in energy, and with their own energy system usually impaired, they seek other energy options-the energy system of a host victim.
Almost everyone has experienced the common vampire interaction that left them both mentally and physically fatigued. Unfortunately, the psychic vampire’s energy system is only temporarily replenished, thus requiring repeated attacks. For the host victim of recurring attacks, the consequences can be extremely harmful.
In the group setting, psychic vampirisrn can involve multiple vampires and victims. It can occur within groups and between groups, with power, wealth, and control being among its major goals. Highly competitive groups whose goal is to subdue or defeat the opposition, along with heated political campaigns, seem particularly vulnerable to group psychic vampirism. In its most dangerous form, it can include the organized activities of predator gangs, criminal groups, and drug trafficking networks.
Even major corporations have been known to stoop to psychic vampirism. Any organization that exploits human beings has clear fingerprints of psychic vampirism. Big Tobacco with its long history of predatory marketing practices, some of which targeted children. Enron Corporation’s vampirization of its beleaguered employees are examples of corporate psychic vampirism on an alarming scale.
The globe itself is vulnerable to psychic vampirism that recklessly exhausts its natural resources, pollutes its environment, threatens its species, and erodes its potential for progress. Psychic vampirism’s consequences can span centuries. It can affect everyone and in some instances, it literally puts the future of the planet at risk.

An internal form of vampirism, parasitic vampires are twice the victim-they are both vampire and host. Examples are phobias, obsessions, compulsions, and an array of self-defeating stress reactions-each of which is like a blood-sucking vampire with a demonic appetite. The more they devour, the more they demand. By attacking from the inside, they drain their host of essential energy, and eventually grid down the energy system itself.
Some warning signs that may make you aware that you are being preyed on in this way are: tiredness, fatigue, depression, headaches, nausea, dizziness, feeling drained, anxiety, panic attacks and nightmares. If the attacks continue, then the victim can become very ill, both physically and psychologically. Some people believe that the practice of psychic vampirism can make you live for ever.
Understand, psychic vampires are typically not mean, cruel people. Oftentimes, they are totally unaware of their impact on others. Initially, they are quite charming and attractive. They draw others in with their cunning and guile. Like vampires displayed on Hollywood's silver screen, psychic vampires avoid looking at themselves in the mirror. This avoidance of mirrors signifies a psychological tendency to avoid the self. The psychic vampire avoids, at all costs, self-examination. As you know, vampires literally live in the dark. Similarly, psychic vampires refuse to become enlightened by the light of knowledge. They lurk in darkness, under cover and unaware of how they negatively influence and drain other peoples' emotional energy.

Having avoided self-reflection, these individuals naturally deny responsibility for how they affect others and how they attempt to live off the energy of others. For instance, a typical interaction with a psychic vampire might appear like this:
The PV usually begins a conversation with a complaint of some sort. If the person they're talking with chooses to respond with a solution, optimistic comment or some other positive response, the PV will literally live off that person's positive energy. Rather than do this for him/herself, the PV relies on other people to provide him/her with this type of energy. As the word "vampire" conveys, the PV saps the energy of others, which is why the other person ends up feeling emotionally drained.

It is not unusual for a person who is ill or feeling inadequate emotionally to draw upon or deplete energized individuals of their life force. These "suckers" are not bad people, most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing. Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves. The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.
The hard part in dealing with these type people is that initially they do implant themselves into your lives as friends. Then through a slow process the friendship is replaced by a constant draining on you. Being that we know that some people take longer than others to get through their issues we continue to try to help. What I have discovered in them is that they do not really want the help to improve their lives. They want to release the energy to someone else so they can continue on their way. They are in essence vampires of your energy and need to be removed from your life.
Do not let their issues become your issues. Refuse to accept or absorb their issues as your own. Become aware of what individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them. Using the Visualization Techniques that you’ve already been learning in this course- Build walls of protection or create a bubble of light surrounding your auric field.
The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.

This is another form of psychic vampire with the exception that these creatures survive on the draining of negative energy alone.
As an example, usually they will seek out and draw strength from sickness in any human they encounter.
In draining the negative energy a victim invariably feels better and is possibly even healthier.
The difference between the two forms is that symbiotics drain negative energy with intent but at the same time do not usually wish to harm their victim.
However psychic vampires drain any energy they can, sometimes harming the victim.
Please note though, some psychic vampires and symbiotics are not evil! They can be good and bad just like you and me.

Traits of A Psychic Vampire
experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection
needs constant reassurance
never feels satisfied
seeks nurturing
low energy - fatigued
Symptoms Of Psychic Attack
leaky or diminishing aura
loss of energy
muscle tension
mental confusion
chronic fatigue
sleep disturbances
depressed mood
physical illness

Among healers the sharing of energy is referred to as cording. This cord represents life support tubing energetically connecting two individuals together. Babies are born with a cord attaching them to their mothers, this is natural. But there comes a time for a mother to Cut the Apron Strings allowing her child to go out into the world on its own. This is appropriate. If the mother fails to break the cord, the child will eventually attempt to do it. This too is appropriate.
Actually if the energy sharing was done equally it would be silly to have the cord in place at all. It is possible to be in a relationship without cording one another, in fact it is preferable. Couples that share one life source ordinarily create a relationship in which one individual becomes weaker, the other stronger. The weakened person feels collapsed because of giving away his/her life source. The stronger person feels great for a time, but his/her appetite may very well increase, craving more and more of the shared energy.

There are different types of situations we face in life that are difficult. Ending relationships ranks pretty high up in the "tough stuff" category. It doesn't matter if you were the person who walked away or if someone else left you, a loss is felt either way. It is especially painful if a relationship ends without closure. Unfortunately, often times when people "breakup" what they don't realize is that they may very well still have cords attached. The intact cord keeps an open channel for continuous feeding on each others emotions and anxieties.

One way to cut the cord, so to speak is to do a visualization similar to this one that I teach:

Go into a meditative state.
See your body.
See all the cords extending from your etheric body. Some of those cords you will want to keep, be they relationships with your kids, SO, spouse, family, parents, friends, etc.
Some of those you are going to want to sever; ex-bfs, ex-husbands, friends and family that are no longer in your life, co-workers from jobs that you don't even work at anymore.
See those cords attaching into your body with a bungee-cord type of hook/attachment.
Pick one cord at a time...pull that cord towards you to give you a bit of slack to be be able to unhook it from your body without tearing it out.
Cut the end of the cord that was attached to you...sometimes just a blade or ax won't do it. Sometimes that hook will be as big as an anchor. KNOW that you will have whatever tool available to you that will cut the end off that cord so it can not reattach itself to you.
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CUT THE OTHER PERSON'S END. You only need to worry about your end. Without the hook on it, it can not reattach itself to you.
Now, that experienced psyvamp can reattach that cord once they realize they are not attached to you any longer. So you may need to do this several time over the course of a couple of months.
I've been known to call on Archangel Michael to cut one cord with his flaming sword. I just could not get it done on my own. Needless to say, that one never came back.
Another way of subtle protection upon which you will not have to concentrate is by using herb pouches, or gem stones that you carry with you or wear in the form of a necklace etc. These can be quite good, but do remember to take them off and cleanse them every so often as they will suck in the negativity etc and you may find it will begin to affect you mentally and physically.
Now -- what is the difference between a psychic vampire and a psychic attack? Here is an excerpt of an article written by Christopher Penczak:

Psychic Attacks
Psychic attacks come in many forms. The simplest is an everyday experience. Someone says something bad about you, makes a judgment, calls you a name, yells or curses at you. The person is directing his or her energy in a harmful way toward you. If you are not strong enough in self-esteem and personal power, these little attacks take their toll.
Do not become paranoid with this information. Do not go running around accusing everyone who does not agree with you of a psychic attack. Such negativity is not meant as an attack. It is an unfortunate by-product of how our society conducts itself. This is a simple, subtle way harmful energy is directed. We all do it at times. Most often, we do it to ourselves. We judge ourselves as not worthy, not attractive, not lovable, and these images become thought forms, packets of energy, filled with a poor self-image. When people experience an "attack," they usually are experiencing and clearing these thought forms. Be aware and responsible of your own thoughts, directed towards yourself and others.
Other thought forms and astral entities have a life of their own. You might feel a malevolent presence or voice. These are the reported demons and devils plaguing mystics. They take the form of your greatest fears. Their goal is your fear, your attention, your time and energy. They draw energy from you to feed their existence. Ignoring them is an easy way to break their hold. Laughter is even better. If you don't take them seriously, they will lose power.
The last kind of psychic attack is the most rare, coming from another practitioner of the magickal arts. These attacks come as curses, wishing bad luck, nightmares and psychic or mental pain. Usually, the person knows you and will have some vendetta against you. My mother's godmother practiced folk magick in her Italian community and broke curses all the time. Belief and giving into the curse is the worst thing you can do. The more you feel you are cursed, the more the universe responds. No one can curse you unless you let him or her.

Psychic Defenses
All psychic defenses are based in building your own self-esteem, personal power and confidence. Some contain more physical acts, but ultimately it is your will empowering those acts.
To purify a space and prevent unwanted, harmful energy from entering, burn purifying herbs. Frankincense and myrrh are a favorite of both witches and the Catholic Church. Native Americans use sage, cedar and sweetgrass. Southern American cultures burn copal. You can also use lavender or cinnamon. These substances naturally clear a space. Salt absorbs harmful energy. Iron grounds the same energy. Horseshoes were pointed down and hung over doors for this purpose. Iron nails are placed in house frames for the same reason. Potions and oils made of these substances are worn for protection.
(Let’s see….that would be the smudging lesson we’ve just covered)
Magickal symbols of protection can be worn or drawn. Pentacles, crosses, the Star of David and the Eye of Horus are strong protection symbols, and you can usually find jewelry made with these symbols. Wear this jewelry with the intent of protection. A banishing pentagram, a star drawn starting in the lower left corner, dissolves harmful thought forms and removes unwanted spirits. Repeat it as many times as necessary.
(We’ll get to this one very soon)
During meditation, start by visualizing a shield of clear crystal around your entire body, about three feet away. State "This protection shield protects me from all harm and reflects love back on the source of the harm." Never send energy back to do harm; it will again return to trouble you. Even if one attacks you first, you are not justified to curse back. By sending love, you neutralize the harm. Wishing good things on your enemies can be the key to defeating them. They will be so happy with what they have that they stop bothering you. Bless your harm away, and more blessings will return to you. Similar protection shield visualizations can be used around your home, car, loved ones and pets.
(Hmmm…this would be the Grounding, centering and shielding lessons we’ve been doing all along…see--told you all this built on each lesson, so far)
Sometimes binding spells are necessary. Write the name of the person meaning you harm on a piece of paper. Put it in a bottle, bound with black thread. Fill the bottle with sea salt, protection herbs, iron filings and things like John the Conqueror root. Seal the bottle and ask that this person harm you no longer. As long as you do not open it, the binding will last. You can put the bottle in your freezer or bury it in the backyard.
As a last resort, call upon your guardian spirits. Call on your guardian angel, your spirit guides or the Goddess and God. A student of mine protected himself by asking for help from Mother Earth and drawing Her energy up and directing it to the malevolent spirit. Be creative when protecting.
As you claim your power and grow in your magickal abilities, you will move in harmony with the universe and attract less attention from such darker entities. Others wishing you harm will effortlessly roll off you because you know your place in the cosmic dance of life. Nothing can make you skip a beat of your dance.
This is from sacred-texts, an article by Zhahai Stewart:
What to do if you think you are being attacked. 1 - Question if it is really either imagination, or coming from within yourself. Something may be trying to get your attention, but it may not be external, and by focusing on an external "enemy" you may be missing the point. 2 - Check to see if you are yourself inadvertently sending something out; maybe someone is just reflecting some energy back! Nothing is gained if you get into adversarial mode in that case. Many people have been taught that reflecting is the proper response. 3 - Put up a grounding shield. Ground it out, send it to the Mother who can recycle the energy. Grounding is usually taught to every student. If you don't feel you can be a "conduit" safely, ground it by reflecting it downward to the Earth; that is a big target and easy to hit. By grounding it out, you are protecting yourself, yet not being caught up in it. What not to do. 1 - Figure out who is sending it and counter attack. You might be wrong, and may be starting a feud. You might be right, but they may not realize that they are "sending" so you may start a feud or cause unnecessary harm. Even if you are right, you are escalating a feud, of which we have too many. This is commonly discussed as a bad idea. 2 - Put up a reflective shield which will return the energy to the sender.This is commonly discussed as a good idea, but we disagree. We think this is unwise. For one thing, it is not necessary; if you can make an accurate return reflection, you can certainly reflect it to Earth instead (where it can be recycled). There is no reason you should not be able to ground out more energy than you can accurately reflect to the sender, if viewed properly. For another, your accuracy in returning it may be less than perfect. You might hit close but not close enough; if you can't reflect it to earth, youare going to have trouble reflecting it to an unknown person. Sometimes this is discussed as if once you return it, the sender will just stop; because they will awaken to what they are doing, or because the returning energy will be too much to handle. The thing which is seldom mentioned is that if the sender (assuming there is one) was consciously attacking, they will likely already be prepared with their own mirrors, etc. Great, if we put near perfect mirrors at each end and pump in energy, maybe we can get a psychic laser effect; guess who is just on the other side of the mirrors to catch the intensified leak thru? If they weren't aware of sending, they will probably just assume they are being attacked and take countermeasures. If they follow the 3 steps above, fine, nothing is damaged. But many of them will immediately think they have to put up a defensive mirror, or maybe worse (see below; they may decide to teach you a lesson for attacking them). Few people naturally respond to perceived attacks positively (especially if they are in such a bad mood already as to be sending without even realizing it). Another serious concern is getting drawn into a unacknowledged feud by your own weaknesses. It is often agreed that one should reflect back exactly what is received, without adding anything of one's own. But the same people who advocate that may use terms implying "returning it with enthusiasm". There appears to be an easily tapped source of self-righteousness in most people feeling attacked, and it is _very hard_ not to get drawn into imagining, at some level, the satisfying effects of the energy going back to the attacker; that draws one into a "counter-attack" even without realizing it. Grounding it does not. Watch for yourself when people are discussing "returning to sender"; see if there isn't very often a hidden desire for revenge or retribution lurking there grasping for their "control panel" - and deflecting their normal attempts at staying centered by claiming to do no more than is "justified".Justified is not the question; self knowledge and balance are. There is another thread which shows up often in discussions like these; the need to "teach the sender a lesson". In some cases, I have even heard this justified as "protecting the community". This way lies many pitfalls. Did the goddess give you an "agent of threefold return" marshal’s badge, that exempts you from any consequences "because you are just an agent"? That hubris is gonna teach some hard lessons, but the self appointed marshall may be the major recipient. It would be a little bit healthier to just shed the self-righteousness and call it an ego driven feud. "Teaching them a lesson" gets filed under the pitfalls of righteousness, the ways that one's own weaknesses seduce one. Also consider, what if despite your initial impression, the negative energy is really coming from inside, from part of you? Are you going to be better off "reflecting it back" (maybe with additional conscious or unconscious oomph) or grounding it? "Gee, I returned it but good, and now they have stepped it up; the sender really needs a lesson!". That may be more true than you know, bucko. Notice that nowhere do we say that one has no "right" to put up a reflective shield; of course one does, and is fully justified. Also, possibly, unwise. There is a distinction between what one has a "right" to do in "self defense", and what is wise to get drawn into. Reflecting it is neither necessary, nor likely to produce positive results, but if _that itself_ is the lesson to be learned, what can I say? Each chooses their own path, and that is as it should be. At least if one has considered the above, one should know what they are stepping into.

Think about a psychic vampire that is in your life are you going to be able to counter them now?

Is there a situation that you thought was a psychic attack and now you think it isn't? How are you going to change your attitude towards it?
Last edited by Gem on Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by epsilonsmirror » Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:39 am

hi gem.
This was extremely helpful to me.
I am a symbiotic I think.
But I dont generally use the negative energy raw.
I almost always put it through a rectification process that grounds and neutralizes the harmful energy.
I generally just let the pv drain my energy because I have fostered Intillect into my etheric bodies.
this is why I was asking how many we are supposed to have.
I have nine.
My meditation is usually to draw the negative off and my etheric shells convert ignorance to knowledge and send it back to the pv.
This usually makes them stop the vampirism entirely in time.
I think they just need subtle micro teaching.
they always resist in some form but gradually they start to think and feel better and the vampirism stops.
First start meditating inwards and then contemplate outwards I=I should help this process.(Because they wont or cant self reflect you must do it for them by your own self reflection.)
I=I is called cohesion that which holds all things together.(involution/evolution) its not seeking to reflect at first only to correct and build.
This sidesteps the darkness inclination.( teach yourself flexibilty and creativity)
Then the etheric bodies begin to appear as better health and thinking , it only gets better with time and practice.
And this way you build yourself a rectification process that works on the molecular and sub-atomic scales of being.
This in turn re-educates the vampire usually turning them into a symbiotic teacher as well.(may take more than one lifetime)
But that is where the vampirism starts you know, ignorance at the micro-infinite produces ignorance on the macro infinite.
In order to stop the macro you must stop the micro.
Use of spirit grounding crysrals like obsidian,black onyx,jet and hematite are extremely helpful.
Also put your energy in a self addressed envelope if you get my meaning.
Even emotional intillect is extremely helpful to stoping vampirism.
If you are educated they will be to sooner or later.
Being this way helps you survive as well as them.
Also use water,set aside a clear plastic glass.
Scuff it a little with sandpaper or a brillo pad.
Write a set of directions in an ancient script,Runic,Theban,geometric or whatever works for you.
The directions should be simple like find a better way to increase physical/body intelligence.
Whatever you do keep this knowledge to yourself.
If someone drinks the water unknowingly dont worry the good you intend is for others as well.
What helps you will help them.
You can also use mini-scrolls in the water.
Make sure to use translucent rag paper...You can get this at a artist/craft supply store.
Write the instructions in wax crayon of your choice.
Roll up the scroll tight and tie it with string.the scroll should be small enough to float freely in the glass.(I use more than one tied together with the same string.)
Activate the scroll with boiling water.
Do not drink the water until the scroll is resting at the bottom of the glass.
Keep the scroll covered with water.
Recharge the scroll on every refill with Hot tap or boiling water.
This works I use it myself.
Consciousness will increase....... you may be suprised by how much a simple thing can work to further your being(I was).
well any way I created my own cure.
perhaps you have a better way,let me know what you think gem.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:45 am

Interesting thoughts, but don't forget the best stone for this, Black Tourmaline or Schorl :)

Thanks for replying , I sometimes wonder if these long posts just get ignored lol.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:46 am

I am a symbiotic I think.
But I dont generally use the negative energy raw.
I almost always put it through a rectification process that grounds and neutralizes the harmful energy.
I generally just let the pv drain my energy because I have fostered Intillect into my etheric bodies.
this is why I was asking how many we are supposed to have.
I have nine.
Tell me more please... have I missed a post somewhere about 'auras'?

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Post by epsilonsmirror » Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:58 am

Okay, the way I understand the situation the aura is the simplest of the etheric shells;
the body,s physical energy shell.
Inside the aura are usually 4 colors and I have seen up to nine evident in some spiritual teachers
never more than that though.
When you build, correct and excercise the astral,crown and brow chakras together by travelling in a wakeful meditative
state you multiply and increase the intellect of the other etheric bodies.
There are the aura, lower astral,lower mind,and soul of the body(the egyptians called these the ba,sa,and ka with the aura being the bodies second double)
then spirit,s mind,the soul,s high mind which is the souls connection to the spirit mind and spirit double.
The spirit is pictured as a pair of upraised arms and the double is the mirror images of the body,soul body and spirit body.
The ba is a small bird with a human face and the spirit is the image of the person with a pair of upraised arms above its head with a toungue of flame between them. [ ! ]
Aura,lower astral,soul body,lower mind,high astral,soul mind,spirit body,spirit mind, spirit astral.
The aura sometimes doesnt contain the information about the higher etheric forms.
And the only way to know is interaction on one of the etheric planes.
My shells take the raw energy and program or teach it to raise itrs consciousness and it always starts within the emoinal body shells the astrals and lower mind regions
and works its way up from there.
Always start with the root of the being and work up and out to the other shells.
The energy doesnt always bear a color,sometimes th etheric bodies are colorless or clear translucent.
I believe everybody has nine shells, but it takes prolonged work and intention over at least 10 years to start the crystallization process.
The process requires daily attention (people who have meditated for About 7 years at least once daily have about 6-8 bodies apparent.)
Those who do mare usually have the nine shells but they are usually not distinct entities.
Constant work and attention are needed to establish all the shells as distinct entities.
Does this help?

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Post by Angelique » Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:59 am

Why didn't you link this to me when I wrote mine?!!!   ::pouts:: Saving link for future reference, it's very informative. ::big hugs::

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Post by virathree33 » Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:55 am

Thank you so much for this. I have been wondering about psychic vampires for a while. I didn't quite understand what they were, but now I do. Appreciate it!
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Post by KHEM » Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:02 pm

The best way to protect yourself from a real psychic Vampire (a conscious and malicious one) is to think like one. For that you might want to read "The Psychic Vampire  Codex" by Michelle Belanger ... 296&sr=1-1

It will help you to strengthen your defenses...
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Post by buby1984 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:01 am

my home is near it bad?

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Post by KHEM » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:13 am

If you think so, yes it is...

All I can say is to find a place that is not any near such places for the sake of your peace of mind and that of others.
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Post by Gem » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:03 am

buby1984 wrote:my home is near it bad?
Of course it isn't. But , like Khem says, if you don't like ti then you should try and find a way to move away or you will always be unsettled.

Me? I like the energy that comes from old churches and graveyards, so I am quite happy near one :)

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Post by weezerwall » Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:48 pm

Hi Khem  :smt006

The picture you used in this post is absolutely STUNNING!  Did you do this yourself??

I also like your approach to the psychic vampire discussion. It's very wise to to UNDERSTAND the "forces" one is confronted with.


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Post by weezerwall » Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:18 pm

Thanks everyone for this wealth of information!!  

Valuable strategies for "defense" and also a reminder to be conscious of how I personally "give and take".

I have found that the Sapphire Blue Pomander and the El Morya Quintessence from Aura Soma combined with brief visualization provide quick, but effective "relief" from vampires and the general "psychic drain" we're often exposed to - until we can get to a quiet place to perform some of the rituals mentioned.  


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Post by KHEM » Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:33 pm

weezerwall wrote:Hi Khem  :smt006

The picture you used in this post is absolutely STUNNING!  Did you do this yourself??

I also like your approach to the psychic vampire discussion. It's very wise to to UNDERSTAND the "forces" one is confronted with.

Nope, I didn't Weezer! Thanks!
Yes, understanding how they think is really important and will definitely help to take time to do so.

However, in a lot of cases, it is our ignorance of the working of our defense system that brings those so called "attacks". It is a lot of the time self inflicted our ills by rehersing negative emotions,thoughts and the like.

There are plenty of methods and thanks for pointing the ones you did.
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Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:52 pm

Post by Shadowdonavan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:10 pm

Believe it or not not all of us Psychic Vampires  just suck energy till we cant anymore. i take no more then is needed and luckily i work in a very big place. a call yeah there are plenty of people and i never take more then would be noticed. so please dont make us all out to be bad people just becuase some are. i will admit sometimes i might get carried away in the rush of how it feels to take someones energy which i know is wrong. but....well.....i dont know i just read the second post on here and i will try it.
Last edited by Shadowdonavan on Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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