Doomsday? Something Big? Soon?

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Doomsday? Something Big? Soon?

Post by dreamwalker502 » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:35 pm

Ok, I can understand with all of the issues the world is going through and all of the weather occurances, it would be easy to say that the world is coming to an end.  Soon?  That seems to be more of our natural linear thinking.  Soon from who's perspective ours or from an enternal diety's standpoint?  So, I try to refrain from using the word soon.  

I have noticed that many around me have been going through unsually harsh times.  This does tend to lend to some concern.  Usually, I only see these issues in respect to my own family.  Issues pertaining to monetary, health, and just plain bad luck seem to be bearing down on most that I know in the southern United States.  Not all of course, but curious anyway.  

I have been having several vivid visions as of late, but they are in bits and pieces.  Therefore, almost unintelliable to myself.  These do revove around the shifting of mountains and the changes in the weather. But, the shifting of the plates and weather changes are already widely known, so there's nothing new there.  I feel that the message lies in the speed in which I see these occuring (within the vision - not in our sense of time).  Because I see these in a fast forward type, I feel that these are things that the earth is having to do to protect itself.  

Ok, here's my quick personal stance on the environment.  Whenever you have a multitude of habitats surviving and evolving within a set size environment, you can expect adverse impacts on the environment as a whole.  Nature then kicks in by altering the terrain and needed to sustain its survival or the habitats adpat and change as needed to survive.  The long and short is that the world would have entered certain environmental changes anyway as needed for survival, but has been force to enter these changes faster than its normal cycle due to our massive impact.  

This is way I definately enjoy personal readings as opposed to global ones.  Way too much to interpret.  

Just my thoughts....

Take care!

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Post by Samson » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:38 pm

Hi dreamwalker502, you say that you have the gift of sight and with this gift you should be able to see what's coming as there are so many who can feel it like myself, I know from fact that there will be a great change going to take place and you are right about what is happening to this planet, what you see is the first step to the change that we will be experiencing and as time goes you will see the steps that will follow until the change is complete and the world is brought back into balance.

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Post by shona123 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:36 am

I have been having several vivid visions as of late, but they are in bits and pieces.  Therefore, almost unintelliable to myself.  These do revove around the shifting of mountains and the changes in the weather. But, the shifting of the plates and weather changes are already widely known, so there's nothing new there.  I feel that the message lies in the speed in which I see these occuring (within the vision - not in our sense of time).  Because I see these in a fast forward type, I feel that these are things that the earth is having to do to protect itself.

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