Spititual Experience

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Spititual Experience

Post by div_tan » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:28 pm

Hi All,

My name is Divakar, I recently started Reiki1, our own aelis2004 or aelis :) has attuned me, in my second healing on my self which I was doing casually in bed, I was holding the position with my hands on my pelvic area and meditating on Lord shiva ( On namah shivaya) and the mediation became intense and after I while I got very focussed and relaxed, I could feel a blistering warmth flowing in my pelvic area, and also I saw some symbols in dark red or black in red background, these symbols looked like some japanees or chinees alphabets, These syybols were like energy sprouting up and fading very fast, and also I saw a lotus which turned into white light. I also say a trishul (Lord shiva's Weapon)

After that I saw my brother who recently passed away, I tried to communicate and then the image faded as I could notice a element of fear in me, I felt a surge of emotion in me when this happened.

After that I kept thinking about it, I did not visualize what happened, it happened straight away, I felt very relaxed and energetic.

I feel very good about this occurance, Please let me know your feedback.

Best Regards,

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Heart healing

Post by aelis2004 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:38 pm

Hi Divakar!

I suggest you try doing self-healing on your heart, this will help you with any lingering emotional issue connected to your brother's death. It can be very powerful, removing emotional blockages and a lot of other stuff on the way..... place your hands as it feels more comfortable over the heart area. I would keep my right hand on the flat part of my collarbone area and the left covering the left side of your chest. So you actually get the fingers of your right hand pointing left and the fingers of your left hand pointing towards the right. The hands only slightly touch each other and give maximum coverage in the heart area. Furthermore, it is a fairly comfortable position to keep and you can easily fall asleep at night.

The symbols you saw are most probably Reiki symbols, in fact they are Japanese. When you will do Reiki Level II you will learn to use some of them for healing. Reiki symbols are placed in your aura at the time of attunement by the master and they linger there for about a month waiting for the occasion to enter in your body along with the Reiki energy. When they do enter, you will feel energy surges in your body and more bubbling energy in both your hand palms and the soles of your feet, which correspond to the activation of the 11th chakra.
See the 11th chakra post in the Chakra forum

The red (dark red symbols or black on red background, you say) is the colour of the first chakra, which covers your pelvic area. So in fact, apart from the warmth itself, you also experienced the colour of the first chakra. You did quite a bit of healing, and this proves that it worked well, since you felt both relaxed and energetic. Way to go, Divakar! :)

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Post by div_tan » Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:35 pm

Thanks Aelis,

I tried the position you mentioned and I felt very good. also since a few days I dont feel the same heat in my hands and feet and energy, I am not sure, maybe I got used to it, I feel good but dont feel the same energy, is it because I am healing myself and others, also one day I felt exhsusted and felt fatigued, why is it?


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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:23 pm

Hi Divakar!

There are days in which one feels the energy better than others, and some days you hardly feel it at all. Yet the energy is there, and even if you don't notice it, it is flowing. All texts concur in this, you should not worry and do your healing just as usual. It may also be that the person being healed does not need huge amounts of energy for the healing to take place, so really there are so many variables...
Try standing still and place your hands as if you were healing someone sitting right in front of you, placing your hands on his/her shoulders. Close your eyes and stand in that position for about a minute or two. Can you feel the energy flowing in your hands? That usually does the trick for me. :smt002
Hope this helps! :)

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:28 pm

Dear Divakar,

When beginning Reiki 1, some people experience a de-toxification process in their own bodies. The main thing is to drink water water and more water! And be a little mindful of your diet for 2 or 3 weeks.

Your own body is clearing and healing to the Reiki Attunement. It is a natural process and you may feel a little lower level of your own energy. Please do not be concerned with it. It sounds like you are doing so well! :smt002

Blessings! Linda :smt060

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Post by div_tan » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:33 pm

Thanks Aelis and Linda,

Initially for a few days I felt dry and low on energy but today I am feeling fresh and good.

As you mentioned Aelis when I put my hands on the pelvic region while self healing I see red colour, but one thing is I have not gone deep in my focus or meditation as I went lasttime ( which I mentioned in my first posting).


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Post by aelis2004 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:04 pm

I recently used a Sri Yantra sounds CD to go in alpha state. It is a wonderful way or reaching a really deep meditation state. I've also felt my crown chakra open and stay open for a long while after that. If you use the CD several times you will notice that opening your crown chakra get easier and easier and then it stays open much longer.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:03 am

i completely agree with FloridaLightWorker.

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