Alliance For An Awakened Humanity

Spiritual mysticism for mystics and magical topics of any kind.

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Alliance For An Awakened Humanity

Post by RoseRed » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:29 pm

This is quite alot to read, but its well worth getting through it though.
My personal favourite is my second post, esp event 2.
Also have a look at this, free book - ... 319#234319

We are the people we've been waiting for.
We are the miracle we have been wishing for.
We are the prayer we have been praying.
We are the dream of which we want to live.

The Alliance For An Awakened Humanities Mission is:

* To give birth to the Ambassadors of the next stage of our human evolution.

* To inspire individuals to become powerful forces of change and transformation within their own sphere of influence.

* To show the world, by our own example, its own greatness.

* To use the power of our own thoughts to create the world of our dreams.

* To be radiant beacons and expressions of love.

* To be conscious points of oneness working in harmony with each other and this beautiful planet for the greater good of all.


(c) Ian Paul Marshall

I am awakened!

I have now awakened to the magic of my life, this present moment and the divine connection I have to all of life.

I live, breathe, and have my being within a living field of unified consciousness.

My heart is aflame with love, joy, and compassion
and my hands reach out to touch and care for all of life.

I affirm that all the people of the world are created equal and divinity is the true nature of our being.

I accept responsibility for my life and use the power of my thoughts wisely to consciously and lovingly create creation.

I have a purpose in life, I believe in miracles and I strive to release the awesome power and potential that is within me.

I accept abundance, joy, health, and peace as my natural and complete state of being.

I am a unique expression of the One True Source of All and I allow others to enjoy the unique experience that they are creating for themselves.

I am certain that heaven is truly here on earth.

Life is beautiful, perfect and exactly as it should be.

I am awakened!

And so it is.


ONENESS - "We have Connection."
Everything and every single person is One with all things, each other and the very source of existence.

LAW - "We have Potential."
Our Consciousness creates creation. What we think about we bring about.

TRUTH - "We have Purpose."
We all have our unique voice. Our voice is part of a collective song. True happiness will only come when we sing our song for the benefit of others.

PRESENCE - "We have Power."
Presence is present in this very moment. Now is the moment of our being. This is where the power is. When we live in the present moment time melts away and our brilliant essence shines forth in all existence.


The Alliance For An Awakened Humanity believes in the experiential process of awakening.

"There is no point in telling you about water for the only true way to know of its essence is to dive right into the ocean."

Ian Paul Marshall

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

- Buddha


Mahayana Buddhism regards the Bodhisattva as a person who already has a considerable degree of enlightenment and seeks to use their wisdom to help other human beings to become liberated themselves. In this understanding of the word the Bodhisattva is an already wise person who uses skillful means to lead others to see the benefits of virtue and the cultivation of wisdom.

The nature of the Bodhisattva is apparent from a teaching story in which three people are walking through a desert. Parched and thirsty, they spy a high wall ahead. They approach and circumnavigate it, but it has no entrance or doorway. One climbs upon the shoulders of the others, looks inside, yells Eureka and jumps inside. The second then climbs up and repeats the actions of the first. The third laboriously climbs the wall without assistance and sees a lush garden inside the wall. It has cooling water, trees, fruit, etc. But, instead of jumping into the garden, the third person jumps back out into the desert and seeks out desert wanderers to tell them about the garden and how to find it. The third person is the Bodhisattva.

(c) Ian Paul Marshall

1) Love
2) Presence
3) Awareness
4) Gratitude
5) Passion
6) Truth
7) Innocence



Meditation fills The Enlightened Rebel with presence.
Revelation gives her/him their purpose.
Transformation is the power of their joy and love.
And Inspiration is the effects of their actions.

Source: Your Great Awakening: Inspiring Humanity For The Shift Of 2012 & The Century Beyond


"It is done unto you as you believe." — Yeshua

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." — Buddha

The old paradigm was:

"I'll believe it when I see it."





May it be that in this moment you know that everything is One.
May you heart be set aflame with love and passion.
May you see the magic that is all around you.
May you awaken and live the dream that sleeps within you.
And may the only trace of your presence here on this earth be found within the hearts of all.

I Love You.


Know Thyself


The Quantum Buddha ... 925&ref=nf

Healing Prayers

I Love The Whole World
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Last edited by RoseRed on Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:34 pm

I found this the other day and I really loved the events that they doing.
Here they are: (I really like the second one)

Event 1 : THE HOUR OF POSITIVE POWER - Global Event All Times Are Local
Time and Place
Date: 01 February 2009
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Global

The Hour Of Positive Power - Global Event All Times Are Local! (c) Ian Paul Marshall

For one hour let's shift our consciousness and become the very presence that we wish the world to be.

So if it's Peace that you want to see in the world be Peaceful for that hour.

If it's joy then be joyful.

If it's healing then spread healing energy.

If it's abundance then begin to see the world as abundant.

Whatever it is that you believe the world needs more of BE THAT!!!

Be Peace
Be Love
Be Healing
Be Joy
Be Abundance
Be Supportive
Be United
Be Wise
Be Awakened

Think to yourself what a peaceful person would do. How would they speak? How would they stand? How would they react to the world?

Once you can see how that person would be then become that. Be that person! BE THAT PEACE! BE THAT PRESENCE!

Just for one hour. That's all. Just one hour out of twenty-four.

I know it may be hard because the mind's always chattering on about non-sense but just be gentle with yourself for that hour and steer your thoughts back to that image of peace that you created and BE THAT PEACE!

That's all. Nice and simple. For just one hour you'll become a positive source of power that will help to shift and change all the people and the world around you.

This is a personal process. An individual unfoldment. A moment whereby you truly can see the influence that you have, not only on your life but in the lives of others.

Have fun with it!


May it be that in this moment you know that everything is One.
May you see the magic that is all around you.
May you awaken and live the dream that sleeps within you.
And may the only trace of your presence here on this earth be found within the hearts of all.

I Love You.


This is a global event. All times are local times. It takes place in your own homes, where you work, and at the places that you frequent.

It's about shifting your own awareness where you are and then influencing the world around you. YOUR world.Your own sphere of influence. Just for one little old hour.

It's about being that resonant frequency and sending out the signal for all to see, hear, and feel. It's about participation, creation, and manifestation.

It's about Love, Peace, and Perspective. This event is about you and the incredible positive power that sleeps inside of you.

Little by little, bit by bit, smile by smile.

It's time to awaken. Awaken to our own Positive Power.


Event 2 : WORLD AWAKENING WAVE - Global Event All Times Are Local
Time and Place
Date: 21 February 2009
Time: 11:00 - 23:00
Location: Global

On the 21st of every month we join together to revel in our Oneness and send out shockwaves of awakening to enlighten all the world.

This event will run to and through December 21st 2012.

This is a global event - all times are local.

In regards to times the key thing is to take the time at some point during the day to connect with yourself and all of humanity.

Step 1: Focus on the formless stream of air at the tip of your nose and follow the breath. In & out. Let your thoughts and feelings pass without evaluation.

Step 2: Recognize the precious opportunity that we have right now to benefit all the world. Embrace your power. Feel the urgency build inside you.

Step 3: Realize your greatest good will come only by awakening your own greatness. And once awakened it has to be awakened with others.

Step 4: Say the words below silently our out loud...

There Is One Power,
One Presence,
One Intelligence,
One Creative Force that permeates
and penetrates all the universe.

It is a Force for Good.
It is the Source of all Existence.
It is alive in all things.

The One has been called by many names throughout the ages; God, Spirit, the Source, Supreme Consciousness.

That One is Divine Guidance, Perfect Awareness,
and Perfect Love.

That One, that Radiant Clear Light of Awareness
is expressed as everything and every one in all of the galaxies and universes.

It is pure potential.

It is an Energy available to all humanity
and is present now in this very moment.

That One is expressed as me right now.
That One Is expressed as all of humanity.

We Are One and I Declare That...

In this moment I know that I AM one with the Source of all existence.

I can feel it's Power.
I can feel it's Wisdom.
I can feel it's Love.


I am awakened!

I have now awakened to the magic of my life,
this present moment and the divine connection I have with all of life.

I live, breathe, and have my being within a living field of unified consciousness.

My heart is aflame with love, joy, and compassion.
And my hands reach out to touch and care for all of life.

I affirm that all the people of the world are created equal
and awareness is the true essence of our existence.

I accept responsibility for my life and use the power of my thoughts wisely to consciously and lovingly create creation.

I have a purpose in life,
I believe in miracles
and I strive to release the awesome power
and potential that is within me each and everyday.

I accept abundance, joy, health, and peace
as my natural and complete state of being.

I am a unique expression of the One True Source of All
and I allow others to enjoy the unique experience
that they are creating for themselves.

I am certain that heaven is truly here on earth.

Life is beautiful, perfect and exactly as it should be.

Now is the time of the new beginning.
Peace is present within every mind
Love is felt within the hearts of all
And I'm doing my part to co-create this new way of being.

I am thankful for the miracle of existence
and I claim these truths as being my own.
And as I accept them for myself
I know I have accepted them for all of humanity.

I envision shockwaves of this truth-energy rushing out from my body.
They travel through my city, my country, and all the world.

My words are filled with Truth and Power
and I release them to the Universal Law of Life.

I am certain that as I have said it so shall it be.

I am awakened!

We are awakened!

And so it is.



(c) Ian Paul Marshall

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