Salvation is for one in millions

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Salvation is for one in millions

Post by dattaswami » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:06 pm

Salvation is for one in millions

Sage Sharabhanga could not identify Rama as God, because Rama ended in problems by blindly following the foolish desire of His wife for golden deer even though Lakshmana warned.  He submitted his alive body to the fire alter for the sake of God and thus he showed highest value for God.  But he could not recognize the contemporary human incarnation.

King Dhrutarashtra believed Krishna as the contemporary human incarnation but his value for God is not high before his value for his son and therefore refused the proposal of Krishna even after seeing His cosmic vision (Vishwaroopam). If you see Hanuman, He not only recognized the contemporary human incarnation as God like Dhrutarashtra, but also gave top most value to God like Sharabhanga by opening His chest with His own nails and offering the life for God. Thus, Hanuman contains merits of both Sharabhanga and Dhrutarashtra and avoided defects of both. Most of the human beings have both the defects and therefore salvation is for one in millions and that too in millions of births as per Gita.  

In the statement of Jesus that unless one sacrifices all the worldly bonds including bond with life, one cannot be His dearest disciple, both these merits are indicated. Generally the inner circle-devotees of God, who are very few in number are born as devotees and get salvation, which is only a show for the devotees because they are already liberated souls.  

The sage Nara was a liberated soul already associated with Lord but he was born as Arjuna, hunter and finally Vivekananda.  In these three births, he represented an ordinary human being (Nara) and showed the path of salvation in the role of a devotee. Thus, the same liberated souls are born again and again and get salvation to show the path to devotees.  Only one in millions after millions of births gets the real salvation and enters the inner circle of God.  To achieve this goal, you have conquer the ego and jealousy in order to recognize contemporary human incarnation on one side, and on the other side you have to increase the value of God to the highest place defeating all the other worldly values including even the value of your life.

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Post by royalcrab » Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:24 pm

The inner circle of God, as you put it, consists of 144,000 spiritually annointed individuals (beginning with the 12 apostles) who lived their lives according to God's word, the Bible.  The resurection of these people to spirit creatures began in 1914 when Jesus took the throne of his heavenly kingdom.  However, the rest of us still have the hope of everlasting life in a new paradise on earth (salvation).  This is known as the "great crowd." (see Revelations, last book of the Bible).  To be part of this "great crowd," one must dedicate their life to God, be baptized, study the Bible, exercise faith in Jesus Christ, and cease practicing sin.  Practicing sin means to continue to sin (according to the Bible) regularly despite knowing it is a sin.  We are imperfect human beings, and therefore are apt to sin.  But doing our best to avoid sinning and asking Jesus for forgiveness when we do sin is a good start.

It's not that one must sacrifice all worldly bonds (all property, relationships, their life), but that no person or worldly possession can come before God.  It's the priority that is important.  However, Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to enter heaven."

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Re: Salvation

Post by dattaswami » Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:34 pm

royalcrab wrote:The inner circle of God, as you put it, consists of 144,000 spiritually annointed individuals (beginning with the 12 apostles) who lived their lives according to God's word, the Bible.  The resurection of these people to spirit creatures began in 1914 when Jesus took the throne of his heavenly kingdom.  However, the rest of us still have the hope of everlasting life in a new paradise on earth (salvation).  This is known as the "great crowd." (see Revelations, last book of the Bible).  To be part of this "great crowd," one must dedicate their life to God, be baptized, study the Bible, exercise faith in Jesus Christ, and cease practicing sin.  Practicing sin means to continue to sin (according to the Bible) regularly despite knowing it is a sin.  We are imperfect human beings, and therefore are apt to sin.  But doing our best to avoid sinning and asking Jesus for forgiveness when we do sin is a good start.

It's not that one must sacrifice all worldly bonds (all property, relationships, their life), but that no person or worldly possession can come before God.  It's the priority that is important.  However, Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to enter heaven."
Thank you for that reply. I would like to add some more points to you.

Luke—14:26 to 27
“If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple’’.

The knowledge is compared to a sword. Bhagavatgita says “Chhitva Jnanasinatmanah”. This means that the ignorance should be cut by the knowledge, which is like a sword. The bonds with wife or husband and children are due to ignorance. Such bonds should break when the Lord in human form competes with them to conduct His test. Lord comes in human form in every human generation to preach and give His direct presence. If the Lord comes in only one human generation, God becomes partial to that human generation because other human generations are not blessed with such opportunity. To see, to touch, to talk and to live with the human incarnation, He comes down as per the prayers of the devotees. The Lord comes to preach and so He will not enter the statues or animals or birds. Veda says “Na tasya pratima asti’’ which means that God will not enter the inert statues.

Gita says “Manusheem tanu masritam” which means that God enters the human body only because the main purpose is to preach the human beings. Gita strongly says that he who worships the inert statues will be born as an inert stone (“Bhootani yanti”). The Christians should be commended on this point who are worshipping the Holy Jesus only, who is the most powerful human incarnation of God. Veda says “Na tat samah” which means that nobody and nothing should be equal to the Lord in human incarnation. One should leave everything and everybody for the sake of the Lord in human form. Only the bond with a new human being can break the bond with the human beings. Such new human being must be very powerful who can be only God in human form.

A new bond existing with formless God or statues cannot break the human bonds. Only the bond with another living being can cut the bond with the living beings. The bond with formless God is impossible. The bond with inert statue has no use. The above statements of Holy Jesus indicate that one should cut the bonds with his family and with the wealth. In Hindu religion also it is said that God (Datta) cuts all the bonds of family and wealth (“Dattam Chinnam”). Even the bond with the body should be cut for the sake of the God. Gita says the same thing as “Mat Gata Pranah”. Holy Jesus says that one has to carry his own cross (death) for the sake of the Lord. This means that one has to invite his own death with his own hands for the sake of God. Holy Jesus did like this as an ideal example for others. This means that you have to cut your bonds not only with your family and wealth but also with your life if necessary.

Hanuman, a top devotee, tore his heart with his own nails for the sake of the Lord and was blessed by the Lord to be immortal. So when the devotee sacrifices his life, his life gets protected forever. The essence of this gospel is that the love is proved only by the practical sacrifice. Veda says “Dhanena Tyage nyke…” which means that sacrifice of money proves the real love.

Money is the fruit of the work. So money is another form of work. If it is inconvenient to sacrifice the money, atleast they should sacrifice the other form of money, which is work for the sake of God. Depending on the money all the family members are attached to you. If money is not there all the family will leave you. You are also giving the money to your family only. Therefore if the bond with money is cut and if the money is sacrificed to God, the family bonds are considered as vanished, even though the family exists externally. The work of God in human form is the propagation of His divine gospel. For doing such divine work the family also stands as an obstacle because most of your energy is diverted for the family only. Therefore you do not have any energy to work for the sake of Lord.

Hence Holy Jesus wants His disciples to leave their families for the sake of God. The propagation work needs both money and work. Generally every body works to maintain his family. In the name of maintenance, several luxuries are introduced, which look like essential needs and thus there is no end for your work to earn the money for the sake of your body and your family. Your blindness increases and you will be putting more and more efforts to work and earn money for the sake of the family bonds. In such a case you can never even see the human form of God. At least you should remove your blindness by the divine knowledge if not the actual bonds. People of very high devotion only can cut the actual bonds. You are giving money to your family but you are giving words to God by prayers and you are giving mind to God through meditation.

You are giving love to your family through your work and money, you are calling the sacrifice of words and sacrifice of mind as love to God and you are fooling the God. Your real love is only with your family and not with the God. Holy Jesus tests your real love to God by these statements. The Christian Pope and fathers and the Hindu Acharya and saints left their families and concentrated completely on the work of God. Such pious souls can only be representatives of God in this world.

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