Whether God require our service and love?

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Whether God require our service and love?

Post by dattaswami » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:48 am

Whether God require our service and love?

Some clever people say that God does not require any service from anybody because He is the basic potential doer of any work in this world. But if you go to such fundamental stage God alone remains and the entire creation disappears with which you will also vanish. But you are asking the help from God and hence you are not in such fundamental state of realization. While asking for the help from God you are remaining on the stage of ignorance-based dualism ( God and you are separate). You are going to the fundamental basic stage of realization of monism to avoid the service (where God alone remains). This shows your intellectual interpretation to suit to your convenience.

A monkey may avoid the participation of itself in constructing the bridge on sea in the service of Rama stating that Rama is God and God requires no service of souls. When Rama is realized as the absolute God in such fundamental state, God alone exists and the monkey does not exist since the creation is vanishing in that state. While praying for the grace of Rama, the monkey joins with other monkeys standing in the first position! A student who is ignorant of the subject questioned by the examiner may say “Oh Sir! You know the answer very well. If I give the answer it may look as if I am teaching you”. The examiner will not give marks for his smart obedience. The examiner is asking the question to test the student and not to learn the subject from him.

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Post by Greyfox » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:17 pm

God, being God, requires nothing, wants nothing, expects nothing.

Much of the mischief in the world--jihads, the current war in Iraq,  the Burning Times, the Holocaust, the cultural and literal genocide of Native people by "missionaries"-- has resulted from misguided people thinking that God "wants" them to commit unspeakable acts.

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