What does Spirituality mean to you?

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What does Spirituality mean to you?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:45 pm

We often hear things such as, "I am not religious but I am very spiritual". And others nod in assent, conveying full comprehension! Have you been in such a situation? Did you nod?

Then it should be very easy for you to describe and define what Spirituality is. What did you mean by Spiritual? What is Spirit? How is it different from the mind, and from the soul? Where does Spirit reside in space, time?

Please comment ...


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:43 am

Thinking........ok here I will give it a go.  Spiritulaity is 'me'  and then your spirituality is 'you'.  To me it is believeing that we are all equal, we are worthy of love and kindness, we can all achieve greatness and we all deserve greatness.  It's about believeing in your ability and faith and believeing in a God that helps you to be a great person.  To have faith in oneself and faith in another.  To love your God and have the love within to love anothers faith in their God.

To be able to stand alone and be proud of your beliefs and be able to stand within a group and be able to support others within their own faith.  To me spritiualtiy is not about belonging to a collective group who all believe in one god but to have faith in your individual beliefs and yet be happy and content with the groups path..  It means never de-grading another or challenging another and picking them apart to see if their faith is water tight.  Its about accepting that we are all individuals and therefore require the ability to have faith that we can all still be one whilst believing in ourselves and their God.  Ultimately one god that helps us be good people, learn our faults and change them as we desire, love each other without restrictions and support each other no matter where there trust and love lies.

I believe we all have the potential to speak to the dead, to understand that aliens do or do not exist, to need scientific evidence, that we have past lives, that there are many Gods and Goddess'.   Whether or not these do or do not resonate with me doesnt matter.  I believe that what resonates with each individual is actually a truth within them.  We have no real boundaries but the ones we put in place for us or society.

Now please I do feel that the topic of spirituality is a very personal and private emotion and belief...yes I said emotion because to me it also is.  I am unable to seperate my emotions from my thoughts or beliefs my emotions play very strongly with me and whilst that makes others uncomfortable I would have it no other way.  What I have said above is "Me and my Spirituality" and I certainly do not expect it to resonate with another....Therefore I never also feel like I have to explain my reasons behind my spirituality or defend it...I'm very very happy with me and my way........:)  Which also means if you are very happy with yours then that's perfect......:)

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Post by swetha » Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:46 am

i guess there is no one definition of spirituality... everyone has his/her own way of looking at it:)
to me it would mean to be at peace with myself.

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Post by suzisco » Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:27 am

Sprituality to me is the knowledge inside me that says there is more to life than the physical entity that i am.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:57 am

This is really interesting, I've had one go at giving my answer and scrubbed it out. More though required.

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Spiritual Perception

Post by sapphyre » Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:23 pm

Wow, what a question! I doubt that I or anyone else can really define such a question with any simplistic answer.
I've studied the various aspects of spirituality now for over twenty years, and have yet to find "the perfect answer"
However, my belief is that spirituality is a matter of perception.
How one is raised (environment) often determines a "social perspective" that parallels the surrounding culture. As is only to well known, this provides a mega variety of "religions" in which to develop spiritual beliefs.
I think "religion" blocks us from developing a spiritual perspective unless or until we decide to delve into understanding our "self". Call it self help, self healing, or finding one's self; it is all a matter of developing a personal perspective around preconceived notions.
Values and ethics are only one degree of spirituality, how one decides to connect to a higher being or higher purpose begins the journey toward developing spirituality. It is when we become AWARE of the Divine Universal Wisdom with-in us that we make a conscious connection. . Spirituality comes from with-in, and is a very personal relationship with what we call our higher power
Spirituality then (in my humble opinion) is the development of AWARENESS of, and ACCEPTENCE of a universal bond between the Divine within the subconscious and the conscious, (universal meaning belonging the ONE Divine Source, (subconscious) and  the conscious (self). The problem with this definition of spirituality is that it means we must take responsibility for our own choices (once we have become aware) and quit blaming "God" for our mistakes.
I hope this is somewhat agreeable and understandable for those seeking to answer such an in-depth question. I thank the querent for giving me an opportunity to think about and clarify this in my own understanding.


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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:42 pm

went to find inspiration in the pub, several beers later + a few G&Ts when we got back - still no nearer, damn, this is a good question.

Got a joke instead.

A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat, but it was dead. "How do you know that the cat was dead?" she asked her pupil.  
"Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," answered the child innocently.
"You did WHAT?" the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
"You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst!' and it didn't move."

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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:05 pm

Dear Rohini,

To me being a Spiritual Person means

1.   to Know that I am a spark of the Divine....
2.   to be Conscious of my connection to a Greater Whole,
3.   to accept my responsibility as a person to whom certain Gifts were entrusted in order that I may use them to make a difference  to those that need it....
4.   to know that these Gifts are not my posessions to profit or benefit from, but that instead that they only operate through me for the benefit of those
who need them.
4.   to merge with the Great Consciousness and absorb all He teaches me....and to rejoice in knowing that I am loved by Him....
5.   to stand in awe as a child before His creation and to wonder about Him,... the sensitivity he placed in the delicate wings of a butterfly and the strength he placed in rock which has to withstand the pounding of the ocean...and to share my wonder with the rest of His Creation....
6.   to understand that I came into this world with my fists clenched, wanting needing....and that I will leave this world with my hands open, giving and at peace....
7.   to know that I am hear for a reason and to find that reason and then do here what I came to do...
8.   never to judge, but to observe and learn...
9.   to dissolve my ego in love and compassion....
10. to know that only by having experienced stumbling through darkness, could I ever appreciate the Light which now shines on my Path...

love and rainbows


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:50 pm

Other than the guy who first went out drinking (diuretic) and then was trying to revive a cat with urea breath (Urea is present in the breath when one says PSST and has uremia -- thanks to all those decades of pub-crawls)...

All other beautiful souls have given their all to this thread, with shining and brilliant gems, essentially parts of their soul and heart.

Which makes me want to say Thank You (let us think and meditate more and post more of our soul to this topic!) -- but also the following:

Spirituality is the feeling of eternal LOVE for all even at the moment when the lover has just left the bed, never to return!

Makes sense? I hope I am not being distasteful and hopefully there are not minors around :-(


-- [quote="Mlady Raka"]Dear Rohini,

To me being a Spiritual Person means

1.   to Know that I am a spark of the Divine....
2.   to be Conscious of my connection to a Greater Whole,
3.   to accept my responsibility as a person to whom certain Gifts were entrusted in order that I may use them to make a difference  to those that need it....
4.   to know that these Gifts are not my posessions to profit or benefit from, but that instead that they only operate through me for the benefit of those
who need them.
4.   to merge with the Great Consciousness and absorb all He teaches me....and to rejoice in knowing that I am loved by Him....
5.   to stand in awe as a child before His creation and to wonder about Him,... the sensitivity he placed in the delicate wings of a butterfly and the strength he placed in rock which has to withstand the pounding of the ocean...and to share my wonder with the rest of His Creation....
6.   to understand that I came into this world with my fists clenched, wanting needing....and that I will leave this world with my hands open, giving and at peace....
7.   to know that I am hear for a reason and to find that reason and then do here what I came to do...
8.   never to judge, but to observe and learn...
9.   to dissolve my ego in love and compassion....
10. to know that only by having experienced stumbling through darkness, could I ever appreciate the Light which now shines on my Path...

love and rainbows


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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:03 am

Dear Rohini,

I think I mentioned something to that effect in my point number 9.....

There are different ways that Love expresses itself....but the Main source is and will always remain the AGAPE (Godly love)....
(pronounced aghapey with exclamation on the pey) which is selfless and above the EROS, yet encompassing it .

Spirituality and Love are not opposites.  Spiritual is what I am at my core, love is what permeates and saturates me, giving me the power to be true to who I am....

love and rainbows


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:23 am

Dearest Raka,

I am glad you did!

Because without LOVE, that which most of us represent would not be complete for we all humans are born out of an act of love, or so we were supposed to be!

Thanks for being here for all of us and reminding us of the essentials!


[quote="Mlady Raka"]Dear Rohini,

I think I mentioned something to that effect in my point number 9.....

There are different ways that Love expresses itself....but the Main source is and will always remain the AGAPE (Godly love)....
(pronounced aghapey with exclamation on the pey) which is selfless and above the EROS, yet encompassing it .

Spirituality and Love are not opposites.  Spiritual is what I am at my core, love is what permeates and saturates me, giving me the power to be true to who I am....

love and rainbows


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:39 am

Dear M'Lady,

Thanks for your beautiful and love-filled message.
Interestingly -- I NOW comprehend your earlier sharings on other threads about olfactory sensations where you shared your sensing (as the French call smelling) of what you smelled as Champa and

I had a similar smell-experience several days ago when I was on a tour of rocky terrains. The young lad that was our guide started talking about his spiritual quests )He called himself the ZEN COWBOY!) but anyway, he stopped the van and went out to get some SAGE for all of us. Sage is a beautiful aromatic leaf that the Native Americans utilize for clearing and purification and spiritual cleansing!

Thought you might want to know ...

[quote="Mlady Raka"]Dear Rohini,

I think I mentioned something to that effect in my point number 9.....

There are different ways that Love expresses itself....but the Main source is and will always remain the AGAPE (Godly love)....
(pronounced aghapey with exclamation on the pey) which is selfless and above the EROS, yet encompassing it .

Spirituality and Love are not opposites.  Spiritual is what I am at my core, love is what permeates and saturates me, giving me the power to be true to who I am....

love and rainbows


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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:12 am

Dearest Rohini,

Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience....  It is true, love is all around us....  

There is a reason the Rose has thorns...  If one decides to pick it for exclusive enjoyment...one will have to risk the thorns...and sacrifice ones own life blood in order to obtain it.  

One day people will understand that in order to enjoy the Rose and the love it represents, one should plant it in one's garden.  Those who pick a rose does so for selfish reasons, wanting to exclusively posess that which should be shared with all....  They place it in a vase, closed up in a home...and the Rose while remaining beautiful and giving, slowly dies, cut off from its life giving source....

The thorns of the Rose remind us that we should not attempt to "capture" it for our own pleasure, but should leave it where it is so all can have joy from it and admire it while being blessed by its fragrance....  Thorns are teachers, trying to prevent us from making a mistake...  We should heed them...

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:00 pm

Also beauty and fragrance can be enjoyed BEST without touching the beautiful object!

[quote="Mlady Raka"]Dearest Rohini,

Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience....  It is true, love is all around us....  

There is a reason the Rose has thorns...  If one decides to pick it for exclusive enjoyment...one will have to risk the thorns...and sacrifice ones own life blood in order to obtain it.  

One day people will understand that in order to enjoy the Rose and the love it represents, one should plant it in one's garden.  Those who pick a rose does so for selfish reasons, wanting to exclusively posess that which should be shared with all....  They place it in a vase, closed up in a home...and the Rose while remaining beautiful and giving, slowly dies, cut off from its life giving source....

The thorns of the Rose remind us that we should not attempt to "capture" it for our own pleasure, but should leave it where it is so all can have joy from it and admire it while being blessed by its fragrance....  Thorns are teachers, trying to prevent us from making a mistake...  We should heed them...

love and rainbows


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About Roses and Thorns

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:39 am

This is definitely not newly created (This is your chance to RUN or HIDE, folks!!)


Treading so softly
  she tip toes
  lest my desires awaken
  SO rapidly doeth the river of time flows.
A rose petal that fell
  off a branch riddled with thorns
  bruised and injured, it sobbed alone
  and floated further down.
To rest finally on the cold moist ground
  shivering in its loneliness
  a wonder that it still remains
  a pleasure to hold close!

The innocence of grapes,
   as they enter this world, and grow just ...
   to get crushed and trampled
   as they lose bits of their souls over time.
Their original heavenly sweetness
   faces the rigours of existence
   some turning into a heady wine
   while others end up sour and embittered.

But people are not grapes,
   raisins or roses
As life squeezes innocence out of us
   we do get sour, sometimes even bitter
But can we ever really lose that divine sweetness,
   that awaits patiently within the core of our souls?
To be born, again, as a fresh new innocent little being, again and again?

(originally written circa mid-nineties)


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