Spiritual mysticism for mystics and magical topics of any kind.

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Post by smallelk » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:30 pm

I, like so many others, was raised in a very abusive, dysfunctional family.  So I grew up with little or no Spiritual or Religious teachings.  I have very few childhood memories, but believe I did attend Sunday school at some point.  Actually I have a bible with my name embossed on the cover, which I think was from Sunday school.

I have always had a problem with Religion.  I lost any faith I might have had as a young child.  (If I even knew what faith was back then).  I do remember praying night after night as a child.  But my prayers were not answered.  Of course, we usually don’t understand HOW to pray as a child.

As an adult, I did learn to accept that there was a higher power, which I chose to call Creator.   I have been doing a lot of healing work on myself recently.  I am in the middle of having a very intense Soul Retrieval performed on me.  Then I am also a member of a Healing Study Group, which involves an element of religion.

So a few weeks ago now,  I had asked GOD for proof of his existence.  At work on Monday my left palm started itching so badly it almost drove me insane and then it started bleeding.  I had an odd shaped puncture on my left palm.  Then my Right palm started itching just as insanely and a red spot started to appear.

Both hands were very blotchy red and white.  Also sweaty.  I had to keep wiping them off.  Then hot flashes, tingling all over my body but mostly my heart and head.  Then after discovering this, for at least an hour it was a struggle not to burst into tears.  My eyes kept welling up.

I went outside for a smoke.  I get alot of messages when I am out there in nature.   (I work in the Bush on a Lake) A voice said "If you are getting the message I am sending, I will stop with the proof." !!!

Well this freaked me out. Then some geometric shapes, stars, squares, numbers and feathering appeared on my left palm.  Also the usual lines became very deep and red.  My palm began to look like a road map of the Galaxy.  

I have attached a picture of my hand.  Although you can't see the lines, you can see the puncture.  I tried to enhance the pic so much, that it is a little distorted and that's not the color of my hand. LOL

Since then I have noticed many changes in myself and my healing gifts.  I find now that Spirit moves me to combine all the gifts I have been given now.  So in meditation or journeying, I do healing on the DNA and on the body itself.  It’s like working on holograms of the person.  It seems to be quite effective from feedback I get and from work I do on myself.  The only problem now is that Spirit doesn't give me much warning.  If there is a healing to do, I have to stop what I am doing as I feel myself slipping into Shaman consciousness.  This can be very inconvenient if I am at work.

One message I received since this happened is that we have the right to STATE or DEMAND if you will, what we want manifested, instead of humbly praying or begging.  So the odd time I have remembered to do this, something usually manifests.  Actually the first time was years ago, being frustrated that everyone else seemed to SEE their guides and I never could.  I DEMANDED rather rudely LOL, to see my guide.  To my surprise a spirit appeared right in front of me and scared the daylights out of me. LOL   I guess I really wasn't ready to see that.

Last month while participating in a healing study, I experienced another event.  One morning I woke up and I don't know what the problem was, but I couldn't get out of bed. I had to slide out of bed, my arm wasn't working and I had to drag my arm off the  bed.

I couldn't stand up straight.  My back was also out.  I leaned on the kitchen table doubled over and just said in my mind something like "THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN.....I can’t be sick or disabled, I refuse this" and OMG it went away. I gingerly stood up straight.  There was nothing.  No pain, nothing!

Another event happened just yesterday.  I need a new job desperately and Gina in the group reminded me to State what I wanted.  So I did.  I stated something like I want a new job now where the wages are the same or more and the people are respectful and kind.

Now opportunities have been opening up for me.  There seems to be more positions asking for my qualifications available.

I hope in sharing my experiences, this will help others to realize their gifts.

Aho Small Elk
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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:25 am

Dear Smallelk,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience with us!  This is really something very special which is busy happening to you...  

Especially as to how your Gifts and how they work now has also changed...  Yes there are Spiritual Laws in the Cosmos which Creator placed there and which supersedes the Natural Laws, and one of them is the Law of Divine Decree...  (I am currently posting all the Laws known to me in my blog here (Pandora's Box), and this is the one you are using now when stating what you need happening.

Please keep us up to date with your progress and experiences....

love and rainbows, your Spirit Sis


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun May 13, 2007 3:47 am

The 'head line' represents mars! Mars deals with red, blood, bloodloss, soldiers, efforts.

It is interesting that you received such strong messages from what I call astrological mars.

It is all about 'head' and 'action/effort' now...


[quote="smallelk"]I, like so many others, was raised in a very abusive, dysfunctional family.  So I grew up with little or no Spiritual or Religious teachings.  I have very few childhood memories, but believe I did attend Sunday school at some point.  Actually I have a bible with my name embossed on the cover, which I think was from Sunday school.

I have always had a problem with Religion.  I lost any faith I might have had as a young child.  (If I even knew what faith was back then).  I do remember praying night after night as a child.  But my prayers were not answered.  Of course, we usually don’t understand HOW to pray as a child.

As an adult, I did learn to accept that there was a higher power, which I chose to call Creator.   I have been doing a lot of healing work on myself recently.  I am in the middle of having a very intense Soul Retrieval performed on me.  Then I am also a member of a Healing Study Group, which involves an element of religion.

So a few weeks ago now,  I had asked GOD for proof of his existence.  At work on Monday my left palm started itching so badly it almost drove me insane and then it started bleeding.  I had an odd shaped puncture on my left palm.  Then my Right palm started itching just as insanely and a red spot started to appear.

Both hands were very blotchy red and white.  Also sweaty.  I had to keep wiping them off.  Then hot flashes, tingling all over my body but mostly my heart and head.  Then after discovering this, for at least an hour it was a struggle not to burst into tears.  My eyes kept welling up.

I went outside for a smoke.  I get alot of messages when I am out there in nature.   (I work in the Bush on a Lake) A voice said "If you are getting the message I am sending, I will stop with the proof." !!!

Well this freaked me out. Then some geometric shapes, stars, squares, numbers and feathering appeared on my left palm.  Also the usual lines became very deep and red.  My palm began to look like a road map of the Galaxy.  

I have attached a picture of my hand.  Although you can't see the lines, you can see the puncture.  I tried to enhance the pic so much, that it is a little distorted and that's not the color of my hand. LOL

Since then I have noticed many changes in myself and my healing gifts.  I find now that Spirit moves me to combine all the gifts I have been given now.  So in meditation or journeying, I do healing on the DNA and on the body itself.  It’s like working on holograms of the person.  It seems to be quite effective from feedback I get and from work I do on myself.  The only problem now is that Spirit doesn't give me much warning.  If there is a healing to do, I have to stop what I am doing as I feel myself slipping into Shaman consciousness.  This can be very inconvenient if I am at work.

One message I received since this happened is that we have the right to STATE or DEMAND if you will, what we want manifested, instead of humbly praying or begging.  So the odd time I have remembered to do this, something usually manifests.  Actually the first time was years ago, being frustrated that everyone else seemed to SEE their guides and I never could.  I DEMANDED rather rudely LOL, to see my guide.  To my surprise a spirit appeared right in front of me and scared the daylights out of me. LOL   I guess I really wasn't ready to see that.

Last month while participating in a healing study, I experienced another event.  One morning I woke up and I don't know what the problem was, but I couldn't get out of bed. I had to slide out of bed, my arm wasn't working and I had to drag my arm off the  bed.

I couldn't stand up straight.  My back was also out.  I leaned on the kitchen table doubled over and just said in my mind something like "THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN.....I can’t be sick or disabled, I refuse this" and OMG it went away. I gingerly stood up straight.  There was nothing.  No pain, nothing!

Another event happened just yesterday.  I need a new job desperately and Gina in the group reminded me to State what I wanted.  So I did.  I stated something like I want a new job now where the wages are the same or more and the people are respectful and kind.

Now opportunities have been opening up for me.  There seems to be more positions asking for my qualifications available.

I hope in sharing my experiences, this will help others to realize their gifts.

Aho Small Elk[/quote]

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