It's Strange... Isn't It?

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It's Strange... Isn't It?

Post by NoBody » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:08 pm

1. Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill
seems like such a large
amount when
you donate it to a place of worship, but
such a small amount
when you go shopping?

2. Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when
you're at a place of worship, and how
short they seem when you're
watching a good movie?

3. Isn't it strange that you can't
find a word to say when
you're praying,
but you have no trouble
thinking what to talk about
with a friend?

4. Isn't it strange how difficult
and boring it is to read
one chapter
of a holy book, but how easy
it is to read 100 pages of
a popular novel?

5. Isn't it strange how everyone
wants front-row-tickets
to concerts or
games, but they do whatever
is possible to sit at the last
row in a place of worship?

6. Isn't it strange how we need to
know about an event for a place of worship 2-3
weeks before the day so we can
include it in our agenda, but we can
adjust it for other events at
the last minute?

7. Isn't it strange how difficult it
is to learn a fact about God to share it
with others, but how easy
it is to learn, understand,
extend and repeat gossip?

8. Isn't it strange how we
believe everything
that magazines and newspapers
say, but we question the words in a religious book?

9. Isn't it strange how everyone
wants a place in
heaven, but they don't want
to believe, do, or say anything
to get there?

10. Isn't it strange how we send
jokes in e-mails and they
are forwarded right away,
but when we are going to send
messages about God, we think
about it twice before we share
them with others?


Moderators note: this post was moved to spirituality as its not a general forum discussion item.

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Post by suzisco » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:59 pm

I don't think its strange at all.

However I have never been a fan of organised religion.  So that may account for my attitude.


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Post by prasanna » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:17 am

Dear Nobody ,

                 I fully agree with U . Your post is thought provoking and lovely.  Thanks for sharing. Yes, it is very strange. All the points given are worth mentioning and noting.


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