Jesus Gives Painful Warnings sometims

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Jesus Gives Painful Warnings sometims

Post by hippydude » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:10 pm

I was addicted to cocaine, been flying high for about 14 days, by the way, that takes a heck of alot out of ya, i tell ya that. anyways, i had been having signs before in my life, that Jesus wanted me to wake up. Well i didnt listen. On Janauary 17, 1997, i was hit, and critically injured by a car. I lived. The next day in the hospital there was a man who got hit THE EXACT SAME WAY I DID BY ANOTHER CAR, IN A DIFFERENT PART OF TOWN. He died. I lived. God and Jesus was giving me a warning telling me to wake up, or i woul dbe on my own and suffer the same fate.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:37 pm

I am happy for you hippydude. It takes a lot for people to change sometimes. Though I was not addicted to cocaine, I had my own issues that took a choice between life and death for me to finally realize the gift of this life. Though different your story reminded me of another story I heard on the news a while back. There was this man who had been addicted to heroine. He had been on a binge for a few days. One day he was in a stooper and several angels came to him. They picked him up off the floor, cleaned him up, and got him through the physical pain of kicking his addiction. They essentially gave him the choice to live as he had, or to change his life. He chose to change his life. As thanks, the man wanted to repay the angels but did not know how he could do such a thing. He was told he would be guided and that he would paint the angels to spread the news of God. The man didn't know how to paint, but one day he picked up some paint and a brush and went at it. I've only seen his paintings on television but they are amazing. He uses puffy paint so that even the blind can see his paintings, all of which are paintings of angels or at least Western depictions of them. The point is, we all touch people in different ways. Be open to the ways that others have also been touched. Be open to the ways that others will be saved.

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Post by soul_flower » Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:09 am

Wow hippydude,thats awsome that you did get thru that very bad and hard stage of your life.To come through the other end and be ok and be able to tell ur story,good on you  :smt003

I think everyone has times when life is hard and crap.Different people with different issues.Sometimes its hard for people to change and see that life doesnt have to be that way,depends on ones situation,i know it isnt easy. And thats why we have higher powers to help us.I myself have to change,im going through a difficult time,not drugs or anything like that,personal crap but i know i can do it with the help of all i have around me.So good on anyone who has over-come a bad time in their life and is stronger for it.

sidewalk_bends  :smt006  what a cool story,his paintings sound gorgeous.What a lucky man to have gotten help and have a gift after all that pain he went through :o)

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:00 am

Hippydude, I am very happy for you! You have been blessed with another chance and I will pray for you on this new journey in your life. Good luck and always remember HE loves you!

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