Jesus told “first will be last & last will be first”

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Jesus told “first will be last & last will be first”

Post by dattaswami » Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:31 pm

Jesus told “first will be last & last will be first”

The people who are treated as great devotees and scholars by their sacrifice of words and feelings and by their dramatic dress of devotion, in the eyes of world stand in the first position but such people are pushed to the last position by the Lord. The people who do not express their love in words and mind and do not expose themselves with dramatic dress of devotion and those who sacrifice practically stand in the last position in the eyes of the world. But the Lord will push such people to the first position. A gravel stone covered by a glittering paper and a diamond covered by the dust are given first and last positions by the world. But the Lord reverses these positions.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:48 pm

In other words, what some may hold in high esteem such as wealth, titles of rank, book knowledge, etc, may mean nothing in the end, and that what matters most, ie one's true intent, shall be the true weight of our character?

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Post by dattaswami » Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:14 am

sidewalk_bends wrote:In other words, what some may hold in high esteem such as wealth, titles of rank, book knowledge, etc, may mean nothing in the end, and that what matters most, ie one's true intent, shall be the true weight of our character?

Your wealth, your fame and your power in this world are absolutely useless in the upper world.

Shankara (Human Incarnation of Lord) was also an exceptional case in the education even in His childhood.  But, all His exceptional talent was diverted to the right goal in the childhood itself.  Shankara lived for thirty-two years only.  Sometimes we find in newspapers the information about a person who lives more than one twenty years with great grand children.  If you compare these two lives, one is a small bright lamp and the other is very wide intensive darkness.  What is the use of life without realizing the real and ultimate aim of the human birth?  People are always concerned about illness and death only.  It does not matter whether someone lived for a long time or someone lived for a short time.  It is immaterial whether a person had a particular disease or other.   The only point that stands at the end is the achievement of God’s grace in the human life.

In one institution the academic year ended by March.  In some other institution the academic year ended by July.   In the first institution some holidays were given and in the other holidays were not so many.  All these are not big points.  The point that is left over at the end is that which institution got good results.  The life has to end today or tomorrow and it has to end due to some illness.  

Death is inevitable.  It may be today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow.  How does it matter?  The success in the spiritual effort achieved during the human life is going to stand finally in the judgment of God.  Similarly, the materialism up to the basic needs of yourself and your family is inevitable.  A little more than the actually needed is also not wrong.  But some people concentrate all their time only on work, work and work only.  Such work only has the worldly goals like earning wealth, fame, power etc., only.  Your wealth, your fame and your power in this world are absolutely useless in the upper world.  Every body is always worried about the worldly matters only like wealth, welfare of family, fame, politics and power etc.,

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:49 am

These things only separate us from God. What really matters is the condition of your love. Is God judging us or are we judging ourselves?

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:53 am

everything you will find in nature.

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Post by dattaswami » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:34 am

Raveness wrote:These things only separate us from God. What really matters is the condition of your love. Is God judging us or are we judging ourselves?
A prostitute sacrifices sweet words and sweet feelings of mind for getting her minimum requirement. This is justified. But today the people who are having already the minimum are trying to please the Lord through sweet words and sweet feelings of mind (devotion) to get extra from the Lord. These devotees are called as divine prostitutes who can never be excused by the Lord. One can please a person who is either ignorant or a person having less knowledge in false way. But no one can please the Lord who has the full knowledge (Sarvajna). If any one tries to please the Lord by the sacrifice of words and mind only, such a person is blind. These people are made blind by the fraud preachers who exploit their ignorance and natural ambition. The people who follow such fraud preachers loose time here and those fraud preachers will be punished there. These fraud teachers encourage these innocent people and make them to do Karma Phala Tyaga also. These innocent people are advised to spend hundred rupees and get one lakh rupees from God. A part of these hundred rupees is wasted in purchasing some unnecessary materials and these fraud preachers steal another part. Such a sacrifice of the fruit of the work cannot be the Karma Phala Tyaga. It is just like a patient going to a fraud doctor and loosing money and time without any reduction in his illness. Sometimes the illness may increase.

In such worships the Lord is giving the fruits of your own good works which are present in the future life cycle arrangements. The fruit of good work from your future birth is drawn to this birth as a pre-matured deposit. You are thinking that you have attained the fruit of the good work, which you have not done just by spending hundred rupees. You are getting rid of the present trouble because the Lord is pushing this trouble to the future birth with added interest. By this your future life cycles become miserable with full of troubles only from birth to death. Are you not seeing such people in the world? They blame the Lord for such life cycle but they do not know that they pressed the Lord for this in their previous births. You just see this wonderful world and imagine the intelligence of the Lord. No body including your fraud teacher can fool the God. Therefore the present tradition of blind preachers and blind followers is leading finally to the ever-lasting fire only. Therefore it is better to know the true path which is established by Vedas and Bhagavat Gita. It is better to put at least one step in the true path because the distance from the goal is reduced at least by one step. What is the use of putting hundred steps in false path by which you have moved away from the goal by hundred steps? The true path is only Hanuman and Gopikas i.e., Karma Sanyasa and Karma Phala Tyaga and both put together called as Karma Yoga as emphasized every where in Gita.

The value of the words and mind are two paise only. The value of practical action is hundred paise. If you do the sacrifice of these three (words, mind and action) without aspiring anything in return you will get the fruit from the God according to the corresponding values. If you praise the Lord without aspiring anything, the Lord will praise you by His sweet voice. If you meditate upon the Lord without aspiring anything the Lord will love you with His sweet heart.

If you serve the Lord practically without aspiring anything the Lord also gives the fruit in the same practical way. Hanuman simply participated in the work of the Lord. He was given the highest post, which is the fruit that is practically real. Gita says that He will approach you in the same way as you approach Him (1). Gopikas sacrificed the fruit of their work and they were given the highest Goloka. In these examples sacrifice is without aspiring anything in return from the Lord. Such sacrifice is called ‘Nishkama Karma Yoga’. But when you do the same sacrifice aspiring the fruit in return, you will get the results accordingly here also. But here the results are the fruits of your own works, which are arranged in the future cycles.

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