The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:47 am

A Sufi was once engaged in prayer, when his cell caught fire. He did not stop praying for one moment. Afterwards, people asked him about this. He replied: The divine fire held my attention, so I could not attend to the fire in my cell.

- Qushayri, "Risalah"

To return what exists to pure possibility; that is the deep, the hidden work.

- Paul Valery

You may be an extraordinarily good coper or you may find you have trouble just making it through some days. Either way, coping with cancer taxes you to the maximum. I believe you can benefit from knowing about the types of psychological help that are available and trying those that appeal to you.

- Jimmie C. Holland, M.D.

When Muhammad reached the Grand Mosque, most of the population was at the entrance, eager to look at him. As he went in, he threw the end of his cloak over his left shoulder, leaving his right arm free. He declared, "May God have mercy on the man who today shows the people he is strong." Then he walked round the Kaba, kissing each side, and finally kissing the black stone. After a short pause he trotted round the Kaba three times, and walked around it a further three times.

- Ibn Ishaq, "The Life of Muhammad"

What is truthfulness? It is the speaking of words Which are entirely free from harmful effects.

- Tirukkural 291

People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live...[We] never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.

- Albert Einstein

Refuse not food to those who are hungry. When you feed the hungry, you serve the Lord, From whom is born every living creature. Those who realize the Self within the heart Stand firm, grow rich, gather a family Around them, and receive the love of all.

- Taittriya Upanishad

Know that there's enough room for everyone to be passionate, creative, and successful. In fact, there's more than room for everyone; there's a need for everyone.

- Marianne Williamson

Take away my license, but don't steal my independence. I will let you drive, But let me tell you Where I want to go.

- Joanne Coste

Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.

- Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

God reveals Himself to a devotee who feels drawn to Him by the combined force of these three attractions: the attraction of worldly possessions for the worldly man, the child's attraction for its mother, and the husband's attraction for the chaste wife. If one feels drawn to him by the combined force of these three attractions, then one can attain him.

- Ramakrishna

Do not talk ill of the dead, for they have reached the final destination to receive what they sent before them.

- The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by A'ishah bint Abi Bakr

More Quotes

I rejoice in seeing you as you have never been seen before, yet I am filled with fear by this vision of you as the abode of the universe. Please let me see you again as the shining God of gods.

- Bhagavad Gita 11:45

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