Linear and Circular Time (Ousted thread from 'I need a hug' forum)

The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Linear and Circular Time (Ousted thread from 'I need a hug' forum)

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:47 pm

Yes, only when one stops percieving time as unidirectionally linear that one understands that neither a gain nor a loss but an experience!

When was this first composed though?[/quote]

Between 1993-Sept-27 and 1993-Oct-03 (those were the dates of the poems written just before and after this one! The assumption is (and a safe one!) that all poems were added to the archive in a linear-sequential manner ;-)

Dear Votive -- I beg to differ slightly! TIME can only be unidirectional and linear! Once someone begins to view the creation in a wholistic, beyond time manner, TIME ceases to exist! But as long as it lives, it is linear and sequential! Think about that!


I have been thinking about it, Sir, all sorts of crazy thoughts!
There is nothing in nature which is linearly sequential, maybe because we see only a very tiny bit of the time line that we say it can only be such.

The thoughts and words expressed in the poem are definitely not unidirectional!
They are cyclic and several cycles interspersing each other, can be a beautiful natural phenomena. Think about that!


Dear Votive,

Since this Q&A started from a poem I had posted in the 'I need a hug' forum, it seems perceived as being posted inappropriately there I am afraid, at first I thought of posting my reply on the poetry forum; however, since this discussion may be misconstrued in the poetry forum as inappropriate as well (since we have moved a bit far from the poem and are merely using it to illustrate our discourse, I am posting this with great temerity in the philosophy forum. I hope we do not get chased away from this forum as well on some pretext or another of breaking some protocol etc.

Anyway, getting back to the discussion: I was not saying that nature or thoughts must only be linear. I was merely saying that the concept of TIME as a measure can only be linear. I realize that neo-philosophers and channels have thrown around terms like circular time and parallel realities and so on to give a multidimensional flavour to TIME as we know it, but perhaps in doing so they should have moved away from using the term/label/descriptor 'TIME'.

Time is a very artificial and 'convenient' measure conjured by the evolving human mind in an attempt to gauge, measure, organize, and in a sense get a control over reality that surrounds us. It is a good approach, particularly for the operation of the worldly reality, but we should stop treating it as some gospel truth that must form the pivot (as a concept) around which all reality and the entire human experience must revolve.

I hope you see my point now.


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