A Fruit A day .............Water melon

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A Fruit A day .............Water melon

Post by prasanna » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:58 pm

Health benefits of Water Melon :

Author: Yuki Shoji

    watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year.

Let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #1 Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant found in most red colored fruits, with the exception of a few things such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. People who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who don't.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #2 Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic. These are two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #3 Vitamin C

If you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #4 Vitamin A

Vitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness.

As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long. It means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage.

When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you won't be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it won't leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much.

Don't forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.

     Many parts of the world are still Under the grip of Hot Summer. Let us all benefit  by this fruit , dear readers.

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