Todays vegetable-cauliflower

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Todays vegetable-cauliflower

Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:23 am

[         [ b]Know About Cauliflower, Vegetables and Nutrion

Cauliflower probably originated in Asia Minor, but was
available almost exclusively in Italy until the 16th century when it was

introduced to France and eventually to other areas of Europe.

It was first grown in North America in the late 1600s. Cauliflower is a vegetable that is many times overlooked. It is a member of the cruciferous family, a family which is known for containing nutrients that fight against several diseases.

There are two main ingredients in cauliflower, and all of the cruciferous family, that are the main disease fighters. These are indole-3-carbinol, or 13C, and the photonutrient sulforaphane.

In research done at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, sulforaphane lowered the occurance of breast tumors in lab animals by almost 40%. Toxins that would normally damage the cells and turn cancerous, are swept out of the system by sulforaphane, preventing tumors before they begin. 13C works in concert with the sulforaphane by acting as an anti-estrogen.

Estrogen in high levels is known to foster tumor growth, especially in the breasts and the prostate glands. 13c helps to lower the estrogen count, thus lowering the chances of tumor growth.

Cauliflower also contains vitamin C and folate. Folate helps the blood work more efficiently and is often recommended for preventing anemia. Folate is also essential for proper tissue growth and not getting enough can make you succeptible to many diseases down the road such as cancer and heart disease.

Vitamin C is considered an antioxident. When used alongside other antioxidents such as vitamin E and betacarotene, you can keep your immune system strong.

Three florets of cauliflower a day will provide you with 67% of your daily vitamin C requirement. When purchasing cauliflower, make sure the tops are white. If the floret has begun to spot brown or puple, it is past its nutritional peak.

Serving the cauliflower raw will give you the highest nutritional benefits, however, if you must cook it, lightly steamed will also keep its cancer-fighting components intact.

More Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Articles Like this One.

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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:41 pm

Thank you for sharing.  I have never been attracted to cauliflower.  After the post by Pravinji and now this, I will try to be better friends with it.

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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:53 am

thanks for accepting my favorite cauliflower , i cook them half boiled daily in micro wave  with carrot    for 6 mts  without pouring water and use salt and pepper  over that and eat them ,  as salad , i use little oil in all my cookings and more raw vegetables ,daily one  salad , mixing cucumber carrot ,  beetroot , cabage , tomato  etc  and ad d some  coriander  leaves  over them  for decorative purpose and to give    good aroma , it will look colorful, even it will attract children


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Post by tourbi » Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:54 pm

Thank you dear for the additional info.  You and it are appreciated. Image

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