The healty diet

If health is wealth, then surely beauty is what reflects it.

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The healty diet

Post by Angelsway » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:55 am

I came up with a diet plan awhile ago and it has always worked for me. I now only have to worry after the holidays and even then it's not a worry because the few extra pounds seem to fall right off.  I came up with this diet and lost 40+ pds and have kept it off for some odd years now.   Alrighty then the secret to my weight control.......First find a picture of yourself from when you were at a weight that you would like to be at now. Me I have pictures of when I did Glamour shots with my sisters back when I was 24 maybe 25 ewwww so like 18 or 19 years ago. It's alright thou since I still got carted this last year  I took my favorite pictures and I have them in various places, one on the dresser (it is the first thing I see when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up) one in the kitchen, one in my makeup tub in the bathroom etc. I still want to put one on the cabinet door in the laundry room where I spend some time folding cloths. I'm still setting up since I just moved here.  So when I started this weight control I would meditate and think about being my goal weight alot and I pushed all of the I don't want to be fat, I don't want to be overweight, and I'm sick of how I look thoughts out of my head and only kept the I am a beautiful and I am thin and I am the weight I want to be thoughts. I trained myself to only think of what I wanted, of how I wanted to look, what kind of energy I wanted and not what I didn't want since the brain doesn't really know the difference between I want or I DON'T want and will help give you what you ask for or what you think about the most. When I lost the 40 pds I had gained from being depressed and feeling sorry for myself or I gain those extra holiday pds.  I first quite going out to the fast food places no more greasy fries at McDonalds instead if I felt the urge to go I would go to Subway and have a 6inch of what looked good on wheat bread. I would eat half and save the other half for later because it's better to eat 6 to 8small something’s through out the day then 3 huge meals and I can never just eat 3 times I like to snack too much. I would have oatmeal every morning to get the much needed fiber that is needed in a diet.  Instead of eating chips I would eat pretzels, I would have 2 scoops of ice cream instead of 5 and only once a week until I loss what I want. I cut back on how much I ate but not a lot on what I ate.  Just watch out for the greasy food items. In doing this I now only have to loss weight after Christmas and I’m sure it’s because Thanksgiving, Christmas and new years are so close to each other.I didn't do any special exercises I just cleaned more things around the house, like pulling the windows apart or pulling out the refrigerator and clean under it, the same with the stove, rented a rug doc and cleaned carpets. I figured if I was going to use the energy I had I would get the house looking nicer and tone up while doing it. I would also take fun time and dance with the kids since we all love music..........

So basically the main object/goal to this diet is to get your mind to think different... think of yourself as being thin and at the weight you want to be and you will get there....I know some of you are saying oh ya right....but, I really believe the mind has the biggest roll in everything we want to accomplish. In changing your way of how you look, think, and feel about yourself  you will drops the inches and when you keep that thought the weight will stay off.  Good luck everyone…………..Hugs…………Jen

Now if I could just get that positive thought into other area’s of my life I’d have it made and as always I fall a day late and a dollar short. Should of had this in couple weeks ago
Though no-one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end...............~ Author Unknown ~

Brenda Russell
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:32 pm
Location: South Africa

Post by Brenda Russell » Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:11 am

Thanks for the sharing.  Certainly some great ideas to try.  I, for one, will give it a go.

Light and love

Brenda R

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