hip hop freestyle from me and a friend.

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hip hop freestyle from me and a friend.

Post by Cody5202 » Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:26 am

came up with an idea, and started freestyling about it  Im the professor and my friends playing the patient, its about exploring the deep inner memories of the unconscious mind, in order to create a new landscape/structure, in which we can all be free of the duality based illusion,  free of our reaction to our individual temporary realities, and become aware of the existence of the energy around us, and start  to  consciously communicate with it anywhere, anyhow, and at any time.  
for all of those who really want to know, the only editing that occurred, was having to type it all up. have fun

  A recreation of the universe, through the freestyle verse of andrew and cody.

Professor:Dear andrew, im going to use this as a vocation, to treat you as though you were my patient, I work in a psycotic ward, dedicated to a special kind of lord. your parents have made your attendence mandatory,  Tell us a little bit about thee.

Patient : its just im disgusted with people expecting to be trusted when i first crack thru their top crust its nothing but selfishness and self wishes, so doctor how long till im splattered in your petri dish being poked and prodded with mechanical objex you and ur googly scientist specs checkin all ur subjects and suspects

Professor: Being disgusted originates from a fear, That these people will not come near, to the level of being that you yourself want to be seeing, any questions, conceptions, comments, concerns,  conundrums?

Patient: i'm born of man and woman and just as human as you and yours, how many doors do we need to unlock before scores of answers are found and we're unbound from this earthly ground

Professor: We want you to be the experiment of a new age of people, a race that will transcend normal intelligence and recreate the elegance, once visioned in the mind of confucious. In hopes of recreating that earthly ground, so that there is no fear of what comes up around, Because there is nothing that keeps us bound, just the illusion of sound, among other perceptions, a world without direction. Just the simple wave of natural beauty, a L.o.v.e design based on eloquently elevating the conscious mind.

Patient: if you truly have such high expectations for your patients and creations then experiment away put me on your testing tray open me up and arrange my thoughts and feelings into the bouquet of a super human array,This is my permission to mold me like clay

Professor: duality is a malady, a reaction to the reality,

Patient: Thats fine and dandy, soo what are the expenses that you and i need to pay to break the 5 senses and ascend into this new being

Professor: The feeling that there is expenses, eliminates the feeling of natural senses, allow yourself to be free, and unimpeded by thee,now it is time to flow through the journey, soar through the vally of true sensitivity, where we can find the heart of truth lurking beyond the illusory.

Patient: you put me on a non stop flight, i'm heading out of sight of my own body i tell myself to sit tight as my mind takes flight takes me to great new heights, feels so nice to have left the toxic waste site of earth, feels like ive just experienced a rebirth of worth, quite possibly spiritual rebirth, maybe in this form i can unearth lifes secrets and bring them back
, but now all i see is pitch black

Professor: Astral projection, past life regression, riding through the reflection, pondering the ressurection, of natural erection, I see a time in which sex was free, elevating the sensativity, this orginates from the sensual gratitiude  , few can experience such an energetic escetic latitude, like the eradication of a natural connection from the penis and vaginas aptitude.

Patient: the black is fading away now. i'm floating serenely only a few lengths from a brand new sun and behind it i see the sky is dotted with stars as far as the eye can see theres no debris, these new stars remain unmaimed by scars, there doesnt seem to have been any war or altercation here before, i'd like to explore, this shit is hard to ignore
but moving in this space is still new to me,
its hard to get your body to agree when all of a sudden its free, even to gravity,but its nice to be free from the depravity, and feel embraced by immortality, although temporary, but this scene is definitely not contemporary

Professor: Allow yourself to soar, through the memory of your lore, become conscious that everything was all pre planned,with the co creative relationship of the source at hand, this thought allows you to transcend the fear of land, become one with the enelightened man, infuse yourself with the cosmic ocean breathe within the coalition, cause our body mind and spirit are in session.

Patient: i must be back where it all began
i scan the span of murky galaxies thrown up before my sense of sight
, this new sun's light is so softly glowing that im certainly knowing it was recently born and that confirms ive returned to the origin of life
, cut through the void with a sharp switchblade knife
, in a flash time accelerates as i watch this sun grow and burn out i watch the planets around it go from drought to an icy heartless tundra and i watch their inhabitants scream and reach for me as their savior but i shake my head and tell them this is disorderly behavior and they should embrace a new relaxtion behavior and accept that they are soon to know as i know, time continues and the beings pass on, the planets without gravity have spun off and are gone, i move the the next system and just as i arrive their inhabitants are already struggling to survive i shake my head and tell them to accept, as i hold onto their planet as it spins off in a swan dive towards the edge of the universe
,crossing distances unimagined by all beings alike, intelligent and lack thereof, i'm at the edge now and my courage surges
, i penetrate my hand through the cell wall of our old boundaries and find myself in the gods foundries where they melt down and mold new lives
, new planets
, new galaxies
, new stars
, they see me and at first question my appearance then they recall "Earthling" and drop jaws in disbelief because what could be the cause that i violated earths laws and made my way through the gods flaws and now sit infront of them in shock and awe
, and they give me a gift, they allow me to use their forge and create a planet of my own, where i may live eternally and peacefully and happily
, where i may meditate and concentrate and perhaps one day become a god in the flesh.

Professor: The planets have left there solitude, and journeyed south of there latitude, You have done the same, but in a different direction unheeded by fame, What they have given you is the gift of self, do not misconceive this as wealth, You are now allowed to travel to the spiritual realm, without the fear resonating from the healm. That which they have given you is the gift of a new world, to visit any realm of existence observed, something noone else can expereience,unimpeded by the illusion of grievence, resonating from realities existence, Lets fly back to your mind, where you can coincide with the newly attained awareness of your energetic inside

 -  Andrew plays as the-" patient" ( my good friend)..... And i play as the professor.

Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:34 pm

Post by Cody5202 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:45 am

This is just some brainstorming without a really synchronized story. uhhh my friend decided to change his "MC name" for now,  too " The Thoughtless one"

Thoughtless one(patient): u think me meek ill tell you what you seek its called a death wish ill make you wish you hadnt fished in this pond ur gonna find sharks in the water this water is boiling the slaves in my mind are toiling giving me rhymes to tear you apart and pierce your skin and your mind like ripping and shredding vines

Professaaa:Sit down little boy as i tell you a story, of how a man once was shreaded by his glory, He walked outside and toiled with the royalty, the mafia, oh shit the mafia, maniacs marinating a malady called a monsoon reality.  He died soon after from a mind fracture, cause his pride was stolen in the midst of his daughters capture. be mindfull of death, in every breath of self, and you will become devoted to disaster, with the motive to kill whose faster, the ego possesses till your reckless with affection towards the way of the selfish who embelish their own eyes with the diamond of their own demise. beautifull at the time, subtle suffering seducts the blind mind.
Thoughtless one : you talk about mind fracture ill show you real broken bones you better phone your boys cuz ur raps instigating trouble like a knife as a childs toy, think with one eye open cuz im assaulting ur thoughts provoking ur mind into becoming like mine ill tap u with electrical wire and zap you into a dire state of mind and push you into the fire and drown you in the mire

Professa G Its not as though this is a bad thing to be, its just one option of how you can see, I suppose you allready know how sadness can relate, To the eternal debate of revenge and hate, just remember that nothing can be removed, from the atomic structure that is imbued, its there all the time, even in the midst of decay it dines on our decline.  Im aware of what my pain is: it is one of many cessations, maya lurks in the den of perceptions and illusory conceptions.

Thoughtless one: my teacher before you pass i must say your words are like nerve gas or vladimir in a giant shot glass, travels down the spinal cord toward the reward you seek at the top of this mountain we will draw our swords and if you strike me down ill skip town and ull get into heaven if i win then only god knows whatt'l happen then, but for now look theirs an opium den we can get wrenched once again then again we gotta climb we're almost their to not accomplish would be a crime and we'd surely do time in the penitentiaries of hell but in due time we'll reach the pinnacle we'll reach the apex and ur life will climax if you dont watch your breathing time

the Professa: I Feel the sunlight suddenly fading, from the countenance of the clouds of hady , as i watch the gods awaiting I tell myself that if this is so, let it be without saying no, The fear of life ending was the biggest one, till that boulder moved and there was a royal road on the other side of this abode.It was as though i was standing in wrong, while the right was just over there next to the glimmering golden node, as the river flowed as nature did, another world found me in it,  the cycle started, and then it was done, but the thoughtless one, will live on and on, till the light brings dawn, enlightenment will shine im sure it will,  Bring him light as though he was a color blind man in the night,   So that he can atleast catch a glimpse of the surreptioucious sight, and grasp hold of what is the enlightened right.Allow him to grow one more wing so he can take flight, An angel with one wing a diety with no name, I wanted to become enlightened, and i knew that that wasnt your dream, so in the end I wanted you to grasp hold of your own enlightened truth, what you would call right, and die with that thought, because i myself did not,

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