Write to Express Not Impress

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Write to Express Not Impress

Post by Felicia » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:43 pm

Danny wrote: I took a business writing course the key was "Write to Express not Impress".
Hi everyone! I recently started reading what is posted here. Those words I quoted have been on my mind from the time I read them. Great words, with a lot within and between them.

There are various ways in which people approach creative writing. The way it happens to some is they really do not know what they will write. They have an idea about where they will begin and they begin. Then they just flow with what comes. Often by the end of the session they are surprised by what they wrote - they did not know that this is what they would be writing. It is a very humbling experience because one knows that what got written was way beyond one's capabilities and there is as if the Hand of Someone else, the blessings of Someone else who guided one through it all. Gratitude fills one up and one is Touched by the Presence of Love in one's mental, spiritual environment.

After this kind of an experience, one may or may not post and publish that creation. The fulfillment is in the experience of writing and is complete and has ended there, during writing. Some perhaps never publish. And yet others do publish with the Hope that the same Love that flowed through one during writing, may have permeated into the creation, and what if the reader is Touched by that Love while reading this bit of expression! That perhaps there is a message of LOVE that wanted to get conveyed to the readers though this creation and will find its way into the hearts of those who are ready to receive.

The experience of writing is often so Divine that it needs no acknowledgement. In fact superficial responses of applaud irritates a poet. He knows that if IT Touched, then one would be quietly receiving now and not jumping up and down clapping.

Whether the reader resonated with the creation or not is an extremely personal experience of the reader, just as the writing was an extremely personal experience of the poet.

We all need Love. The mother as much as the child. The child and the mother, the poet and his creation are in this self-sustaining Divine orb. Whether the creation was accoladed or looked down upon can in no way change the sense of satisfaction and Love that the poet or the mother has. The mother often wonders how she could have loved her son more had they called him a genius, a savant or even a prophet instead of calling him autistic, mentally-retarded or 'special'.

Which child isn't special!

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:54 pm


Thank you for sharing your opinion.  As for mine, if I give a clap for a poem, it is truely my wish just to encourage.  Never ment to aggravate a poet.  Perhaps I should review it and just keep my mouth shut.  Even if I like it.  Took me almost a year to post anything to Danny's poems out of fearing being disrespectful.  To share that love that you talk about.  I felt it.  My spirit is but a child, I get so darn excited when I see things that I let my inner feelings known.  Unreserved at times. I see this is something not understood, a feeling not shared by many.

What the comments did for me.  I went back to writing again in hopes to help others. To lift spirits the way mine had been.  Years ago I had a creative writing teacher come to me and say, I don't know what is so special about you!!!  You do not belong here in the Honors class.  Apparently she had said this to many other students.  One being my best friend too.  So long I thought so little of myself in my ability to write.  To hear sincerty lifted me up.  Now I know that there were bull comments, but since not all were commented on, I see that there were some real sincerity.  As you see I do not comment on everyone's poem.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  There are poems I may find with distaste, while others may not be able to get enough of them.  Like it is said, all children are special.  For the poets, or writers who lost their voice.  Due to whatever circumstances...it still burns deep within.  I wished to help people, this has shown me that perhaps I still can do it through my writing.  And have started after years of being silent.  So If I leave a happy face, or a little smile who clapps.  You know that I am being loving.  Coming out of my shell was hard.  Those here that have helped me along the way. I thank you.  For those who find my notes annoying. I am sorry. Never ment to cause any grief.

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Post by Danny » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:36 pm

Last edited by Danny on Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:44 pm

Came back to add to my incomplete thought. Oh I do that from time to time.  Since a good point was brought to light.  Perhaps we could request an author, poet, etc to add if they wish to have no comments on their work.  I had seen one poet already do this, and in respect I have kept my admiration to myself.  Not all are me, and I am not all.  I understand some may wish to have no praise, while some may wish to have some encouragment.  

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Post by Felicia » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:29 pm


Very glad that you are out of your shell. Please continue to be yourself. As to the responses, I am sure the poets find out which ones are genuine expressions of resonance and which are here unsuccessfully trying to impress. Like Danny mentioned.

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Post by prasanna » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:21 pm

dear  friends, Felicia, Crow and Danny ,

             Thanks a lot  for    sharing your views on poets and  poetic talents. (writing skills)  I like all your views. Special thanks to Felicia for elaborating on Danny's words. Let me share  mine here . I like to comment on poetries as I like poetries from my child hood days.  I   believe , by  our encouraging words , we can bring more new  writers or poets to this world. In Economics subject too,  I like motivation theories more. . To my experiences and opinions,  I always tell my people ,  if u motivate a child (through mere  words of  appreciation ) it  will sure  bring more super results in to the over all development of child ., cause every human mind awaits praising. I wont accept if any one says , He or she  dislikes praisings. Only Saadhus or saints can feel like that.  So , I never fail to praise anybody, when ever I notice   talents  or in other words , talented people. I am more fascinated towards  talented people.


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Re: Write to Express Not Impress

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:03 am

Felicia wrote:...Which child isn't special!
I am assuming and hope that that was a question? Not a conclusion!

Pardon my 'boomer' view in this youthful room in the *house*

Generally speaking, observed from a wide variety of perspectives (please take my word for it!) what I have seen is that the 'child' most neglected by most if not all (all but a few!) is the child each one was born with (which we mistakenly think of as 'being born as' and must grow!) and often that child gets neglected the most!

A 'sad' even if "perfect" child can lead to a lot of misery and there is a simple measure of its misery! Lack of creativity and imagination!

If anyone finds that they are less creative or less imaginative than before -- it is a warning signal! Look after your inner child first before anything or anyone else!


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Post by cedars » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:46 pm

dont ever stop writing. Once something comes to your mind, put it on paper and do not throw it away. I go back and read and re-read my writings (prose or poetry) and think......."hmmmmm, what was I thinking when I wrote that?" Every moment of what you feel is expressed in different words and style and be critical to yourself, but do not destroy what you have written.


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Post by prasanna » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:52 pm

Dear cedars,

            Thank U so much for your encouraging words to my dearest friend Crow. I love her writings .


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Post by Crow » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:52 am


Thank you for your kind words. The reminder was good for all.  How many times have I burned those papers I wrote as a teen or young adult? lol Too many to count.  Now I've come to find that I miss those writings. My partner had kept those letters I wrote to him when I was a teenager.  Asking myself the same question. What was I thinking??!!!  While there were still good insightful things that boosted my spirit.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts reguarding this.  Hope there are others who may learn from my mistake.  

Dear Prasanna,

You always bring a smile to my face.  Keep writing your poetry too, and one day I hope to know enough your language so I can understand the way you have learned my language.  I miss the other poets that used to drop by.  Just not the same without them.  Perhaps I will have another poem soon, just not in the mood.  Take Care.

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Post by prasanna » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:06 pm

Dear crow,

                  Thanks for your motivation my friend . I  am also   mising  other wonderful poets,  Danny and Ranjanji  here now. The total poetry forum  seems very dull without good poets now. No new poems are seen now., try to write a new poem please.

with love,

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