Chakra in Crystal Healing

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Chakra in Crystal Healing

Post by agianto » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:42 am

There are seven major/main chakras that are located along the spinal column to the head of our physical body and many more minor/secondary chakras which are located in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and at major joints in the arms and legs. A chakra is a vortice of energy where universal life force is drawn in (it acts like a transformer: adjusting the frequencies of the universal life energy of mother nature to that of our body’s) and channelled (it act like a transmitter: controlling the level and speed of energy flowing) through our body and auric field. The chakras serve as linking mechanisms between the auric field and the physical body as well as linking mechanisms between the different levels of the auric field itself.

The energy of each of the seven major charkas of the body is different. It is associated with a spectral color that is simply light of varying wavelengths. Each color has its own particular energy that corresponds to each of the major chakras. The color of an object (like a crystal in our case) that we see is the scattering and/or transmitting of light of varying wavelength (spectral colors). Though the color perception is dependent on the source of light, the neighbouring colors and our eye conditions.

Below is the names and location of each major chakras with its color association:.

First Chakra which is also known as Root, Base, Muladhara, Kundalini (Sanskrit), is situated at the base of spine and the pubic bone (but encompasses genitals and reproductive organs). It has associated color of red, thus its corresponding crystals are red garnet, ruby, red jasper, carnelian, rhodochrosite, etc. Bloodstone is included due to its red spots while black hematite is also included because it has a red color streak.

Second Chakra which is also known as Sacral, Sexual, Svadhisthana (Sanskrit), is situated: behind and just below the navel. It has associated color of orange, thus its corresponding crystals are carnelian, fire opal, or fire agate, orange jasper, etc.

Third Chakra which is also known as Solar Plexus, Manipura (Sanskrit), is situated at solar plexus, in the V formed by the ribcage, above the navel. It has associated color of yellow, thus its corresponding crystals are citrine, topaz, amber, sunstone, etc.

Fourth Chakra which is also known as Heart, Anahata (Sanskrit), is situated at the midway between shoulder blades (over the sternum). It has associated color of Green, thus its corresponding crystals are malachite, emerald, green calcite, dioptase, jade, etc. It is also associated with pink with corresponding crystals: rose quartz.

Fifth Chakra which is also known as Throat, Visuddha (Sanskrit), is situated at the throat area
It has associated color of  blue, thus its corresponding crystals are turquoise, amazonite, kyanite aquamarine , gem silica,  lapis, sodalite, blue sapphire, azurite, etc.

Sixth Chakra which is also known as Third Eye, Brow, Ajna (Sanskrit),  is situated at the centre of head, behind forehead. It has associated color of indigo, thus its corresponding crystals are  lapis, sodalite, amethyst, sugilite, lepediolyte, azurite, etc.

Seventh Chakra which is also known as Crown, Sahasrara (Sanskrit), is situated at the top of head. It has associated color violet thus its corresponding crystals are amethyst, apophyllite, phrenite, etc.  It is also associated with white with corresponding crystals: clear quartz, diamond, etc.  Some would include opaque white stones such as white agate.
Last edited by agianto on Wed May 07, 2008 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gem » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:09 am

Actually I have to say that in Crystal Healing Therapy there are ten chakras not seven that are used.

Do you only use seven then?

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Post by agianto » Wed May 07, 2008 11:51 am

Please enlighten me on the other 3 chakras that I have been missing. Thank you.

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Chakras & Auras: A Crystal Healing Approach -

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:04 pm

The Chakras: A Complete Listing

In crystal healing, the seven chakra system is typically used.  However, there are many minor chakras that can be used under particluar circumstances.  In fact, all of these chakras are influenced by the crystal's healing energy during a healing session, but the energy is more precisely directed to the body's seven main energy centers.

Please Note: The seven most commonly known Chakras have been numbered 1-7.  Other minor chakras have been bulleted.

Listing Appears in Order From the Base of the Spine Toward the Crown of the Head:
-   Gaia Gateway Chakra
-   Earth Star Chakra
1. Root/Base/Perineum/Muladhara Chakra
-   Coccygeal Chakra
2. Sacral/Pubic/Spleenic/Pelvic/Swadhisthana Chakra
-   Navel/Sea of Chi’i/Door of Life Chakra
3. Solar Plexus/Diaphragmatic/Power/Manipura Chakra
-   Lower Heart/Sacred Heart Chakra
4. Middle Heart/Shoulder Blades/Anahata Chakra
-   Higher Heart/Ascending Heart/Thymus Chakra
-   Base of Throat/Base of Neck Chakra
5. Throat/Will/Back of Neck/Vishudda Chakra
-   Zeal Point Chakra/Mouth of God/Talu/Lalana Chakra
6. Third Eye/3rd Eye/Brow/Ajna Chakra
-   Manas Chakra
-   Indu Chakra
-   Upper Forehead Chakra
7. Crown/Sahasrara Chakra
-   Golden Crown Chakra (Gateway Chakra)
-   Causal Chakra (Gateway Chakra)
-   Soul Star Chakra (Gateway Chakra)
-   Stellar Gateway Chakra (Gateway Chakra)

The Auric Realms: A Complete Listing

From the Innermost Layer Toward the Outermost Layer:
-Physical Body
-Etheric Body
-Emotional Body
-Mental/Vital Body
-Astral Body
-Etheric Template
-Celestial Body
-Causal/Ketheric/Intuitive Body

An Exercise for Aura Health:

One should strengthen and protect the aura in various everyday life situations.  One should especially strengthen the aura if he or she knows that he or she will encounter an individual that will drain his or her energy, as this is extremely detrimental to the auric body.  This should also be done if one knows that he or she will have to spend time in a negative energy environment or deal with a situation surrounded by negative energies and emotions.

To protect the aura, one should close off their energy body to others by engaging in the protective posture (feet crossed at the ankles and with thumbs and fingers touching).

To strengthen and energize the aura, one can undertake the nostril breathing technique.  In this technique, the breath is used to strengthen the auric field and to balance the mind and the physical body.  This technique is performed by alternating one's breaths, breathing in through one nostril and then out of the other.

To begin the technique, hold the nostrils between your thumb and  index finger.  Place your right thumb and finger over your nostril (without squeezing) and exhale.  Then connect your tongue to your palette just behind your front teeth.  Next, press your thumb against right nostril to close it and inhale through your left nostril for approximately three seconds.  While keeping your right nostril closed with your thumb, press your index finger onto your left nostril.  Your nose should now be closed between your thumb and finger.  Keep your nostrils pinched shut for approximately 15 seconds.  If 15 seconds is too long for you, then reduce the time limit to amount that you feel comfortable with.  Now, remove your thumb so as to open your right nostril, but continue holding your left nostril closed with your index finger. Slowly release your breath through your right nostril for aproximately three seconds.

Remove your right hand from your nose and place your left hand on your nostrils with your thumb pressing on your left nostril. Inhale through your right nostril for approximately three seconds and press your left index finger onto your right nostril, so as to close it. Hold this breath for approximately 15 seconds.  Then, remove your thumb to open your left nostril, but continue to press your right nostril closed with your index finger. Slowly release your breath through your left nostril for aproximately three seconds.

Repeat this exercise, while alternating nostrils for approximately three to five repetitions.

To purify the aura, one can perform the cleansing vortex exercise.  In this exercise, one visualizes a whirlwind of purifying, healing, white light which surrounds the auric body (beginning at the Causal/Ketheric Body) and removes all negative energy and transmutes it into positive energy.  This positive energy is released into the earth for the good of all beings when the vortex departs from the etheric body and moves into the earth.

Once the aura has been strengthened, protected, and cleared, one is ready to absorb the healing energy of the crystals.

Crystals & Chakra Correspondences:

Some of the most common crystals and their associated properties are as follows:

AGATE, BLUE LACE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for encouraging peace and calming, to promote speaking one's truth, in the garden to enhance crop production and for general plant health, to encourage joy, to become grounded, to stay centered and balanced in mind, body, and spirit, to stimulate will power, to heal problems associated with the nervous system or circulation, & to block out negative energies associated with geopathic stress.

AMAZONITE: (Also known as Amazon Stone) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for blocking electromagnetic energy, for balancing the mind, body, and spirit, for soothing and comfort after trauma, to manifest the love of the universe, to overcome fears, to stimulate positive communication, to benefit bone health, & to relax muscles.

AMETHYST: Use at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection against negative energies, blocking geopathic stresses, to relieve insomnia, to enhance memory, to increase motivation, to promote dreams and their interpretation, for emotional balance, to become open to your intuition and psychic abilities, to strengthen the metabolism and immune system, to enhance meditation, to ease headaches, & to heal and cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.

AMETRINE: This stone is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine found in the same stone due to uneven heating during the crystal's formation. Therefore, it embodies the properties of both stones.
AMETHYST: Use at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection against negative energies, blocking geopathic stresses, to relieve insomnia, to enhance memory, to increase motivation, to promote dreams and their interpretation, for emotional balance, to become open to your intuition and psychic abilities, to strengthen the metabolism and immune system, to enhance meditation, to ease headaches, & to heal and cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.
CITRINE: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing creativity, for protection from negative energies, to activate the intuition, to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to encourage sharing, to promote joy, to increase self-esteem, to encourage a positive attitude, to enhance concentration, to overcome one's fears, to increase ease of communication, to balance the emotions, to diminish symptoms from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to help eye problems, to help with blood circulation, to relieve menstrual or digestive problems, & to balance the thyroid.

ANGELITE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for manifesting peace and good will toward all beings, for communication with the Angelic realm, to stimulate telepathy, for grounding during meditation, astral travel, and shamanic journeying, to increase awareness, for protection from negative energies, to aid in voicing your inner truth, to bring compassion to one's life both toward and from other beings, to improve one's understanding and comprehension of astrology, for acceptance of one's life on the earth plane, to become inspired in spiritual matters, to initiate the channeling state, to balance the thyroid gland, to control body weight, & to remove the heat from sunburned skin.

AVENTURINE, GREEN: (Also known as Green Quartz) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for healing the physical body, to increase wealth and prosperity, to protect gardens and homes from electromagnetic pollution, to turn negative energy into positive energy, to encourage compassion, to stimulate will power and confidence, for use during past life regressions and ascensions, for balance of the mind, body, and soul, to stimulate creativity in artistic endeavors, to promote peace and calming, for protection, to aid in problems related to the nervous system, to help prevent heart-related conditions such as heart attack, to relieve symptoms of allergies, to remove headache and migraine pain, & to diminish acne and other skin problems.

BISMUTH: Use at any chakra.  Bismuth is a semi-metal. In nature, it is silverish and is not found in its crystallized form. Bismuth does not crystallize naturally, because there is usually not enough space for its crystals to form properly. With a little help from humans, it is melted and recrystallized into a beautiful iridescent rainbow form. Bismuth is excellent for improving concentration and visualization, especially for use during Shamanic journeying. It aids in the shape-shifting practices of the brujo/bruja. It has also been known for its ability to lift one's awareness to the celestial realm while maintaining grounding. Bismuth is a stone of transformation, moving things from chaos to order. In addition, Bismuth has been known to promote cooperation in group situations and also in relationships.

BLOODSTONE: (Also known as Heliotrope) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra) or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for cleansing the blood, for general healing of the physical body, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to aid in receiving guidance from the inner self, for grounding, for protection, to encourage dreaming, to increase vitality, to promote feelings of courage and confidence, to aid in trusting one's intuition and acting upon it, to stimulate the immune system, to detoxify the physical body, & to aid in the proper blood circulation.

CALCITE, CLEAR: (Also known as Optical Calcite, White Calcite, and Iceland Spar) Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for intensifying visual imagery during meditation, astral travel, dreaming, and shamanic journeying, to heal the eyes, to reveal the veiled meaning in a situation, to relieve headache tension, to cleanse the aura, to cleanse oneself and one's environment of negative energies, to increase vitality, to quicken one's spiritual development, to increase awareness, to facilitate intuitive visions and psychic powers, to aid in channeling, to encourage motivation and dispel laziness, to stimulate the memory, to heal damaged tissues in the body, to boost the immune system, & to remove warts & other skin blemishes such as acne.
PLEASE NOTE: This stone is only known as Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar when it is held up to images and creates a double-refracted image.

CALCITE, ORANGE: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) to cleanse the aura, to boost one's energy, to cleanse and detoxify the physical body, to banish depression, to heal the reproductive system, to cleanse oneself and one's environment of negative energies, to increase vitality, to quicken one's spiritual development, to increase awareness, to facilitate intuitive visions and psychic powers, to aid in channeling, to encourage motivation and dispel laziness, to stimulate the memory, to heal damaged tissues in the body, to boost the immune system, & to remove warts & other skin blemishes such as acne.

CARNELIAN: (Also known as Carnelian Agate) Use at the 1st Chakra (Base Chakra/Root Chakra), 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra), or 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for grounding, to increase motivation, to increase vitality, to cleanse other stones, for protection of those who are crossing over, to stimulate success in business endeavors, to aid in overcoming negative thought patterns, to help improve concentration, for peace and calming, to banish negativity, to help heal lower back problems and remove pain, to quicken the healing of bones, & to increase blood circulation.

CHALCEDONY, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for enhancing group cooperation, to aid in telepathy, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to enhance generosity by yourself or by others, to bring joy to any situation, to increase self confidence, to enhance enthusiasm, to stifle bad dreams, to cleanse wounds, to dispel dementia, & to regulate circulation.

CHRYSOPRASE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging hopeful attitudes, to assist in receiving truthfulness, to fuel creativity in artistic endeavors, to energize the physical body, to encourage one to become more outgoing and to take risks, to bring virtue into practice in daily life, to dispel judgemental attitudes from the self and from others, to aid in forgiveness and compassion, to help one to communicate in a positive and encouraging matter and to enable one to give constructive criticism, to prevent bad dreams and to encourage restful sleep, to encourage self reliance, to relieve symptoms of gout, to heal the eyes, to absorb and assimilate Vitamin C, & to relieve stress-related stomach discomfort.

CITRINE: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing creativity, for protection from negative energies, to activate the intuition, to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to encourage sharing, to promote joy, to increase self-esteem, to encourage a positive attitude, to enhance concentration, to overcome one's fears, to increase ease of communication, to balance the emotions, to diminish symptoms from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to help eye problems, to help with blood circulation, to relieve menstrual or digestive problems, & to balance the thyroid.

EMERALD: (Also known as Green Beryl) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for bringing peace and calming, for inspiration, to bring loyalty to a relationship or to attract a loyal partner, to encourage friendship, to enhance love, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to enhance psychic powers, for protection, to enhance memory, to aid in positive expression of the self, to stimulate group cooperation, to treat infection, to heal the eyes, to lessen to symptoms of diabetes, & to aid in joint pain caused by arthritis.

FLUORITE, RAINBOW: (Also known as Rainbow Fluor Spar) Use at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection, to block electromagnetic pollution, to reduce stress, to transform negative energy into positive energy, for maintaining balance in the physical body, to strengthen the intuition, to improve concentration, to promote confidence in oneself, to improve coordination, to dispel mental illness, to show the truth in any situation, to aid in objectivity and fair judgement, to balance the emotional body, to relieve symptoms of infection, to protect against viruses, to stimulate stiff joints, to relieve arthritis pain, to help heal injuries of the spine, to diminish pain related to the nervous system, to heal blemishes and other skin problems, to encourage accurate psychic readings, & to treat unhealthy bone marrow.

GOLDSTONE: (Also known as Monk’s Gold, Monkstone, Stelleria, Avventurina, and Aventurine Glass) Goldstone is a type of synthetic, or man-made, glass which is made with copper. The copper forms tiny crystalline clusters within the glass. The most common form of goldstone is reddish-brown, although, in fact, the color is produced by the copper crystals and the glass itself is actually colorless. Some goldstone varieties use colored glass, usually blue or violet, and more rarely green. Goldstone’s alternate name, "Stellaria", is based on Goldstone’s starry, night-sky-like appearance. The original Italian name for goldstone is "avventurina" indicating its accidental discovery. Hence, another alternate name for Goldstone is "aventurine glass.”
Because of its copper content, Goldstone can be used at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra).
COPPER: Use at the 1st and 2nd Chakras for aiding in motivation, to increase self-love, to encourage an optimistic attitude, for an increase in confidence, to overcome negative thought patterns and conditioning, to create balance between the physical and ethereal bodies, to stimulate telepathy, for good luck, for grounding, to amplify energy and intention, to maintain proper circulation, to relieve infection, & to treat arthritis pain.

HEMATITE: Use at the 1st Chakra (Base Chakra/Root Chakra) for grounding, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, for astral travel and shamanic journeying, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage confidence, to aid in removing addictions, to aid in acceptance of one's life, to increase concentration, to stimulate memory, to encourage creativity, to aid in studying, to maintain proper blood circulation, to help the body assimilate iron, to relieve insomnia, & to reduce fever.

JADE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for gaining wisdom and insight through meditation, to bring love and compassion, for protection, to bring mind, body, and spirit into balance, to bring luck, to stimulate new friendships, to encourage independence, to stimulate creativity, to bring intuitive dreams, to bring peace and calming, to cleanse the physical body, to increase fertility, to aid in successful child birth, & to bring balance to the systems of the physical body.

JASPER, FANCY: (Also known as Rainbow Jasper) Use at the lower chakras; 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra), 2nd Chakra (Sacral/Spleenic Chakra), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra); 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging peace and calming, promoting group cooperation, to aid in grounding, to assist with shamanic journeying and dreaming exercises, for balance in the mind, body, and spirit, to promote emotional strength, to activate creativity, to aid in circulation of the blood, & to increase positive thinking.

JASPER, LEOPARD SKIN: (Also known as Rhyolite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) for manifesting healing energies, to increase energy in the etheric body, to maintain proper health in the systems of the body, to increase your personal strengths, to bring balance to mind, body, and sprit, to banish negative energies, to aid in the assimilation of nutrients, to bring peace and calming, to encourage a helping hand both to and from others, to stimulate shamanic journeying and astral travel, for protection, to cleanse the etheric body, to banish electromagnetic pollution, to facilitate accurate pendulum dowsing sessions, to bring will power, to stimulate courage, to increase organization of one's environment, to bring support during times of illness, & to stimulate cognition.

JASPER, RED: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for grounding, to encourage justice, to stimulate intuitive insight to one's problems and life challenges, to aid in remembering one's dreams, to aid in the process of reincarnation-providing a more favorable rebirth, to aid in asserting one's personal boundaries, to detoxify the blood, to regulate circulation, to bring peace and calming, to encourage a helping hand both to and from others, to stimulate shamanic journeying and astral travel, for protection, to cleanse the etheric body, to banish electromagnetic pollution, to facilitate accurate pendulum dowsing sessions, to bring will power, to stimulate courage, to increase organization of one's environment, to bring support during times of illness, & to stimulate cognition.

LABRADORITE: (Also known as Spectrolite) Use at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for protection, to dispel negative energies, to form personal boundaries, to facilitate past life ascension or regression, to facilitate astral travel, to aid in accessing the akashic records & other esoteric knowledge, for balancing the physical body with the etheric body, to increase conscious awareness, to facilitate intuition and psychic powers, to dispel fears, to increase faith, to strengthen trust, to stimulate the imagination and creativity, to remove illusion, to reveal the truth in any situation, to bring companionship, to remove stress, to treat symptoms of the common cold, to relieve arthritis pain, to regulate hormones, & to lower blood pressure.

LAPIS LAZULI: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or athe the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for facilitating spirital enlightenment, aiding in dreaming practices, encouraging psychic power and intuition, to stimulate spiritual & shamanic journeying and astral travel, to remove stress, to bring peace and calming, for protection, to access one's spirit guides such as totem animals and guardian angels, to banish negative energy, to aid in speaking one's truth, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to dispel depression, to facilitate communication, to encourages virtuous behavior, to stimulate compassion, to increase creativity, to remove headache pain, to balance the thyroid gland, to relieve insomnia, & to boost the immune system.

MALACHITE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for amplifying energy and intention, for grounding, for protection, to block electromagnetic pollution, for earth healing, to connect one with nature, for spiritual guidance, to aid in visualization practices, to activate psychic powers, to encourage unconditional love, for scrying divination practices, for facilitationg astral travel, to access intuitive messages from the subconscious mind, to encourage positive changes in one's life, to reveal obstacles on one's spiritual path, to remove negative thought patterns and conditioning, to facilitate the expression of one's emotions, to increase confidence, to encourage compassion, to enhance concentration, to heal the emotional body, to aid in exploring the inner self, to help ensure successful child birth, to treat asthma, to relieve arthritis pain, to lower blood pressure, to relieve vertigo, to strengthen the immune system, & to remove toxins from the body.

MOONSTONE: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing insight and intuition, to bring chaos in to order, for peace and calming, to encourage compassion, to facilitate lucid dreaming, for ceremonies and rituals pertaining to the full moon, to promote psychic powers, to increase feminine energy, to encourage one's nurturing qualities, to reduce stress, to balance the emotional body, to facilitate healing of the emotional body, to heal the female reproductive organs, to stimulate the pineal gland, to calm restless children, to aid in the assimilation of nutrients, for detoxification of the physical body, to aid in conception, to relieve insomnia, & to prevent walking in one's sleep.

OBSIDIAN, BLACK: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for protection, to reveal the truth in any situation, to expose areas of oneself that need growth and development, to facilitate past life ascension and regression, to block negative energies from entering one's auric field, for grounding, to shield one fom electromagnetic pollution, to banish negative energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage living in a virtuous manner, to encourage personal growth, to increase courage, to facilitate compassion, to reduce arthritis pain, to detoxify the physical body, to maintain proper circulation, for use in scrying divination, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, to aid in acceptance of one's weaknesses and to begin to heal and correct them, to address issues of control and power struggles, for use in shamanic ceremonies and rituals, & to remove negative thought patterns and conditioning.

OBSIDIAN, SNOWFLAKE: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for protection, to reveal the truth in any situation, to expose areas of oneself that need growth and development, to facilitate past life ascension and regression, to block negative energies from entering one's auric field, for grounding, to shield one fom electromagnetic pollution, to banish negative energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage living in a virtuous manner, to encourage personal growth, to increase courage, to facilitate compassion, to reduce arthritis pain, to detoxify the physical body, to maintain proper circulation, to balance mind, body, and spirit, to encourage independence, & to improve circulation.

PYRITE: Use at the 3rd (Solar Plexus Chakra) for an increase in vitality, to conquer vices, to build confidence, for protection, to block electromagnetic pollution, to ward off infection, to aid in business endeavors, to promote group cooperation, to remove worries, to balance the conscious and unconscious minds, to banish depression, to increase vitality, to balance the ethereal body, for grounding, to encourage creativity, to aid in focus and concentration, to help manifest abundance and prosperity, & to treat infertility.

QUARTZ, CLEAR: Quartz crystals can be used at any chakra and are by far the most powerful and energizing crystals of all. Quartz is a powerful healer and cleanser of the physical and ethereal body. Quartz crystals amplify our own energies and intentions and thus are ideal for any kind of spiritual work.

QUARTZ, ROSE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for promoting unconditional love, peace, and compassion, to inspire self-love, for calming after traumatic events, to add spark to a romance, to ease mid-life crisis, to soothe a broken heart, to ease the grieving process, to promote forgiveness, trust, and understanding, to help with healing lungs, to increase fertility, & to treat a poor complexion.

QUARTZ, RUTILATED: (Also known as Venus Hair Quartz or Angel Hair Quartz) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing vitality, to facilitate the transfer of vibrational healing energies, to balance body, mind, and spirit, to cleanse the aura, to facilitate astral travel, scrying divination, and channeling sessions, to remove barriers interfering with spiritual growth, for protection from negative energy vibrations, to aid in past life ascension and regression, to aid in acceptance of the soul's current life purpose and lessons, to facilitate positive change, to encourage forgiveness and compassion, to remove depression, to heal and repair the aura, to increase fertility, to restore energy to the physical body, to balance the thyroid, & to promote proper posture.

QUARTZ, SMOKY: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for grounding, protection from negative energy, to increase energy during meditation, to encourage environmental concern & ecological consciousness, to relieve stress and promote peace and calming, to block electromagnetic pollution, to aid in detoxifying the physical body, to remove fear, to enhance passion, to dispel bad dreams, to use in scrying divination to promote insight, to stimulate concentration, to promote communication, to aid in stilling the mind for successful meditation, for use with people undergoing chemotherapy, to relieve physical pain, to treat problems associated with the lower half of the physical body, to remove headache pain, & to aid in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

QUARTZ, TOURMALINATED: (Also known as Tourmaline Quartz and Tourmalated Quartz) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for grounding, to protect one against negative energies, to release stress and promote peace and calming, to balance mind, body, and spirit, to aid in self-acceptance, & to balance the energies of the subtle body.  This stone will also take on the properties of the type of Tourmaline that it includes (i.e. Black, Green, etc.).

RHODONITE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging love, to promote group cooperation, to reveal all aspects of a given situation, for grounding, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, to encourage successful meditation using mantras, to heal the physical body as well as the emotions, to facilitate independence, to encourage compassion and forgiveness, to aid in healing form past life experiences, to bring peace and calming, to enhance confidence, to heal wounds and insect bites, to reduce arthritis pain, & to ease the symptoms of shock.

RUBY IN ZOISITE: (Also known as Anyolite) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for incresing vitality, to stimulate passion, for increasing motivation, to protect one against negative energies, to stimulate positive dreaming, to encourage accurate visions created by the pineal gland, to help transform negative energy into positive energy, to encourage one's leadership qualities, to instill courage, to increase physical and emotional strength, for detoxifying the body, to reduce fever, to maintain proper circulation, to stimulate altered states of consciousness, to access the soul's past, to aid in past life ascension and regression, to encourage one's unique characteristics, to promote oneness, to enhance one's auric field.

SERPENTINE: (Also known as Infinite) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for aiding in meditation, to enhance psychic powers, to clear a pathway for the kundalini, to aid in past life regression and ascension, to create balance between the mind, body, and spirit, to aid in intending to direct energy to heal the physical body, to cleanse the physical body, to aid in the assimilation of nutrients, to aid in connection with the angelic realm, to promote compassion, & to relieve muscle pain.

SODALITE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for increasing accurate intuitive thoughts, to encourage successful stilling of the mind during meditation, to bring out the truth in any situation, to help one to stand up for him/her self, for protection from electromagnetic pollution, to enhance group cooperation, to aid in speaking one's truth, to banish habits and negative thinking patterns, to aid in absorbing new information, to remove fear, to banish guilt, to encourage confidence, to encourage a healthy metabolism, to remove insomnia, & to reduce fevers.

TIGER'S EYE, BLUE: (Also known as Hawk’s Eye) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), or at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for grounding, to increase psychic powers, to encourage the rising of the kundalini through the chakras, for protection, to stimulate compassion, to aid one in sorting through details and to aid in completing tedious tasks, to aid in removing negative habits, to banish depression, to heal the eyes, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, to aid in healing broken bones, for peace and calming, & to banish fears of all kinds.

TIGER'S EYE, GOLDEN: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) for grounding, to increase psychic powers, to encourage the rising of the kundalini through the chakras, for protection, to stimulate compassion, to aid one in sorting through details and to aid in completing tedious tasks, to aid in removing negative habits, to banish depression, to heal the eyes, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, to aid in healing broken bones, to help one succeed on tests and exams, & to encourage success in business meetings.

TIGER'S EYE, RED: (Also known as Falcon’s Eye and Ox Eye) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) for grounding, to increase psychic powers, to encourage the rising of the kundalini through the chakras, for protection, to stimulate compassion, to aid one in sorting through details and to aid in completing tedious tasks, to aid in removing negative habits, to banish depression, to heal the eyes, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, to aid in healing broken bones, to increase vitality, & to encourage motivation.

TOURMALINE, BLACK: (Also known as Schorl or Aphrizite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra) for protection against electromagnetic pollution and negative energy, grounding, increased physical energy, to banish negative thoughts, to enhance positive thinking and creativity, to strengthen the immune system, and to aid in decreasing arthritis pain.

TURQUOISE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for enhancing communication with other realms, to enhance self expression and communication, to help one to live in the moment, to remove negativity from oneself and one’s environment, to enhance self confidence, to help one to remain on the path for his/her highest good, to boost the immune system, to aid in healing ailments of the eyes, to reduce acidity in the body and aid in detoxification, and to reduce inflammation.

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Post by agianto » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:27 pm

Thank you for the great information crystalhealer1.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio

Thank you all for being you

Post by Deeperpoet » Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:51 pm

This thread has been well written and very enlightening to me....

Much love light and peace to all of you!

Ann Rich

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Post by wgamer » Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:11 pm

very comprehensive information crystalhealer.  My swadishthana chakra is overactive( You know what happens when that is not balanced with other chakras). I experimented with Zen meditation. But didnt complete the process. It opened the swadisthana and I discontinued unknowingly without taking it to the next logical step of opening the higher chakras and raising the energy.  I am involved in that process now.  You have mentioned serpentine and tiger's eye(blue, golden, red ) for helping with Kundalini. Do they open the chakras as such?  Is there crystal to open the chakras. I heard rose quartz can open Anahata. Could you suggest a crystal for overactive swdisthana? All these crystals are so wonderful.  Can I just buy a bunch of them and put them in a bowl?

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