December 21 2012

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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December 21 2012

Post by Novus » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:42 am

As some of us may know, the ancient Mayan calendar ends on December 21 2012. This is only about 5 years away.

Most people believe that nothing will happen. But the Mayans were a civilization that was very good at telling time.

Some other people believe that the world will end on that day. I really hope it doesn't...

A few people believe that the mystery of timetravel will be unlocked on that date. I am a follower of that theory.

What do you believe?

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Post by Evie » Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:11 am

Hi Novus!!!!

I have just recently stumbled upon the Mayan Calendar [7 months now]and this prediction. I am so not into all those end of the world predictions which I had enough of it when I was a child. I rather refused to give this any thought at all.

Until I googled 13 moons. I was curious why we have 13 moons but only twelve months.  I have gardened by the moon phases for a long time now and have in a small part of my life had a calendar based on the 13 moons.  What I found is fascinating to me. I love a good mystery.  Learning more about the calendar is a project for me now.  I love it love it love it.  UFO theories too.  This is fun for me.

I don't know whether to buy into an 'end of the world thing' yet though. There are many options and theories to adopt... and this interest is new to me. Knowing me I will perfer accept the 'the end of TIME as we know it.' theory.  And time travelling....????  Oh My!!!  I am a SPACEcadet ... this is right up my alley!

More than this... I found a "World Peace Movement" based on the 13-moon calendar...This is feeding the hippie in me.  Imagine... I found all this innocently?  

Another cool thing is actually paying attention to the day to day changes on the calendar and the meanings of the symbols > much like a daily horoscope.  It is very interesting to me, indeed! This calender does not not help me with my gardening.... it offers me so so so much more.

Even if there going to BE an END of the world... I think the trick is going to be not worrying about it.
Nice to meet you "I am a Yellow galactic Warrior"  what is your sign?

in Lac'ech

:smt003    I love how this happens to me. Twice today!!! It is like magic... the double number thing! ... I am in Canada and although this post shows...11:11 > my time is 8:28 yesterday... Does 11:11 mean anything. to you? ((( oh ya the other number was 4:20  )))   :smt002

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Post by jasontheman07 » Wed May 02, 2007 3:56 pm

i think it will be the beginning of the end and the end is only a beginning in itself. but as far as time travel, i think it is possible we will be seeing sometime soon a worldwide realization of extraterrestrial life. they have been preparing the world for their arrival since WW2. they would be the antichrist and his false prophets. they plan on coming to the world through a series of miracles, messages, and appearances. it is designed to appeal to anyone who can accept a new religion of peace love and harmony and all that jazz...

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Post by christianevanessa » Wed May 02, 2007 5:22 pm

Hi Novus:

I have heard of the Mayan prediction as well. I believe that the world as we know it will end, but I also have hope that it will be a beginning of a world filled with LIGHT and that darkness will fall away... Like=Like Positivity=Positivity Try to stay positive and not worry...

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Post by moonenlita » Thu May 03, 2007 11:32 pm

Pole shifting! In the Mayalan canlander is set to earth not the moon and it shows the different movement of her. If you see the mayalan calander has it is drawn it showns a one line move clock wise the one against. But the one that is run againist comes and gose because it show the pole rotation. And the  year 2012 is the time of enlightment like the early 1800 when languages and writting and mathicatics were created.

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2012 and its meaning

Post by anupam1968 » Sat May 05, 2007 10:55 am

Frankely speaking I even did not know about this 2012 phenomena till two months back. But still since 1 and 1/2 years around the end of august 2005 I have been seeing almost everything which is going to happen around the world and how it will took shape and from where it will start. But the thing is I always have been hesitating to share them for the fear that people will take them like a fairy tale.

And this all happend to me in my meditational hours and that also when I did not have a bit of interest in seeing these kind of things. My path is simple to know the ultimate reality. But still it happened hundreads of times. Strange faces and a kind of world cabinet was there and a person in white cloths around six feets of height,fair complexion and wearing spectackles leading the whole world. It is still hard nut to crack who that person is? And all this I saw in my more than conscious stage. There are lot more but I think there must be a boundry line for me to express myself completely here.

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Post by Amelia Machray » Sun May 06, 2007 9:03 am

I'm not so sur about the whole end of the world thing as such but considering all the events that are happeningdue to global warming it could be the end of the world as we currently know it and possibly the end of many species including humans that currently occupy this world.

If you believe in many of the scientific theories this is indeed possible take for example the dinosaurs and other species that have become extinct due to wide scale climatic changes.

Maybe the end of the world we know is near not the end of the world altogether

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Post by WhiteLightLotty » Sun May 06, 2007 9:54 pm

hi Novus

i havent come across one of these calenders yet, i am however seaching for one. I dont believe in the end of world predictions, like the world will end in such and such, however the time travel is a theory that may become a possibility. It could be a possibility that some big event will happen on that day though that will have a big effect, some massive discovery that could affect the way we live for the future. A break through in technology, that could then further the theory of time travel.

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Post by Brera15 » Tue May 08, 2007 7:26 pm

I deffinitely do not think it will be the end of the world, mainly because the calender may have stopped for several different reasons, they didn't want to write anymore, or maybe that's a very important could have many meanings...however, in 2000 many people believed the world would also end.

Interesting thought though! ;)

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Post by WanderingSoul » Wed May 09, 2007 4:31 am

I can sense a feeling of military actions associated with December 2012. I believe that is when the third World War may begin, and the end of the peace that we so much love living in today.

That would make me.. 22 when the war begins.

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2012 Doomsday Prophecies

Post by hit1710 » Wed May 09, 2007 4:46 pm

2012 Doomsday Prophecies

Many of us are aware of the changes occurring around the globe. Weather patterns are changing and more severe weather and natural disasters; Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions etc. are occurring. There is also a shifting of the belief patterns of many people. More people are turning away, disheartened, from the chains and restrictions of the recognised "religions" of today and turning to a less restricting belief more based in love and nature, a faith commonly referred to as Paganism. It is a simple faith that is unfettered by the chains and misinterpretations of the main religions of today, a faith based in loving and caring, not just for each other but for the world we inhabit. More and more people are becoming aware of angels and spirits guides at this time and are seeking contact with others who share the same feelings and experiences. And so the Ring of Light, which I have written about before, is forming around the globe. And also at this same time many "doomsday prophecies" are arising, ancient prophecies are being re-read and often misinterpreted into stories of doom and gloom and the end of the world warnings. It was previously prophesied that the world would end in 1999 – we are still here!
Now the "prophecies" vary, stating the end of the world will be between 2012 and 2020. Many of the current warnings, based on the end of the Mayan Calendar, pinpoint the Winter Solstice on December 21st in the year 2012 as the "end of the world". The prophecies range from the return of Satan to dominate and destroy the world, through a whole load of different gloomy scenarios, to the end of the world due to a collision with a massive comet which will wipe all life from the face of the earth. There are prophecies from Nostradamus, Merlin, Mayans, Aztecs, Aborigines, Native American….. the list is endless and they all vary in content except for the years they are supposed to happen. It is no wonder people get confused or worried or just plain lose interest in them and dismiss them.
I have come across many of these warnings on the net, but dismissed a lot of them. Then I read some Native American prophecies, books and a magazine article recently that threw a whole new angle on the whole thing and which prompted me to do some researching into the whole subject of these 2012 doomsday prophecies. I became aware how misleading and disturbing some of them are, after all 2012 is only 6 years away. I also became aware that some stated that if not 2012 it could be 2020 – I got thoroughly confused about the whole thing. Yet I myself can feel that changes are occurring in the world and more importantly in us humans.
So rather than my original desire to repeat and dissect the many prophecies and warnings I am simply going to state proven facts and then what I personally believe to be occurring. I have realised that it is up to us individually to read all the information available freely on the Internet, and to make up our own minds. We must each decide what we believe and then decide whether we need to take steps to prepare ourselves or to just sit back and see what happens. We each control our own thoughts and actions and destiny, so whatever may happen in the future we cannot blame anyone but ourselves if we are not ready – we each have a choice!

The Facts

1. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete.
2. Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies across the globe for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. However since 1980 the resonance has been slowly rising and is now over 12 cycles per second! This apparently means that time is speeding up and currently there is the equivalent of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. . Science doesn't know why, but it is believed to be a sensitive indicator of temperature variations and worldwide weather conditions. I have read another interpretation of this – "We, or rather Consciousness have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but creation itself that is accelerating".
3. While the earth’s heartbeat rises the magnetic field strength is declining. According to research the earth’s magnetic field has lost up to half its intensity in the last 4,000 years. This is believed to be an indication of a future magnetic polar reversal, something that has happened in the past, and so it is believed that another reversal is due. Research has shown that earth’s geological record of previous magnetic reversals also mark previous shifts in history, or the "era’s" that many ancient civilisations refer to in their prophecies. There are believed to have been quite a few of these shifts during the vast timescale involved since the earth was born.
4. Global Warming is a fact and the weather patterns around the globe are changing, severe weather and "natural" disasters are increasing.
5. Over the past 50 years or so there has been a dramatic increase in UFO sightings, Crop Circles of ever-increasing complexity are appearing.
6. There is an increase in the number of children being born who are considered as not being "normal" and are being diagnosed as suffering from A.D.D or Autism or the like. It is strange therefore that many ancient prophecies or spiritual messages have long referred to the coming of these children. They refer to them as Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow Children and warn us to look after these exceptional children, as they are important to mankind’s future. An internet search reveals just how widespread these children are and how their parents are coming together to seek guidance in the raising of these special children.
7. There is an undeniable increase in the availability and interest in the older forms of religion or Spirituality. It Is known as New Age, Pagan, Neo Pagan, Druid or any one of numerous other titles, but they are all based in nature and promote love, not only of oneself but of our fellow man and the planet we live on. More people are showing an interest in Angels and Spirit Guides and are more willing to stand up and recount their experiences with them. These people are actively seeking others with similar beliefs and experiences looking for help and guidance.
8. If there were a comet or asteroid approaching the earth, of a size large enough to destroy the earth in 6 years time, we would know about it. With all the research going on, all the equipment pointed to the skies, the Hubble telescope etc. such an object would have been seen by now. Forget the films such as Deep Impact, something of that magnitude could not be kept secret for long. Yes it may happen in the future but we will have plenty of warning and time to take steps to prevent it if possible.

What I believe

I believe that, as the Native Americans and Ancient Civilisations have stated, we are approaching a new era in the earth’s history. A time when we need to change our attitudes to each other and the planet we live on. A time when we need to accept and acknowledge the signs we are being given and take steps to change our ways.
I believe we need to stop listening to the misleading influences from outside and look deep inside ourselves and listen to what our intuition and conscience is telling us. We need to stop being afraid of what others may think of our beliefs and stand up and be true to ourselves and say what we think and believe.
I believe we need to open ourselves to possibilities, to the fact that there are many things in this life of ours that we do not yet understand. The facts are there for all to see, but because we do not understand them we choose not to believe them. But not believing in them does not make them go away or make them any less of a fact. I believe we need to change our rigid thought patterns and start to consider the possibility that we have strayed from our path and that now is the time to change our direction through life.
I believe we need to look at what we are doing to the planet we live on and realise this cannot go on; how much punishment can it take before it fights back. We do nothing but take from this Planet Earth and give nothing back. We cut it open and take all the substance from inside its body, the gas, the oil, the metals, the minerals, everything we want we take, leaving vast expanses of emptiness in its place. We drill down deep into its heart and set off explosions and bombs of such magnitude as to be beyond belief. We pollute its sea’s, devastate its forests and destroy its wildlife, all for our own needs, without considering the consequences of our actions. We are not only waging war against each other, we are also waging war with the planet we live on – and it is a war we will not win. Now is the time we need to stop and realise just what we are doing.
I believe in a Higher Power, or Creator, an all-powerful, but loving force that knows all. I believe this power watches in despair as he has watched us stray further from our paths. Many times this creator has given us signs, given us chances to mend our ways, all of which have been ignored by us or misinterpreted and distorted by those who wish to have power and control over us. I believe we are being given a final chance to mend our ways and restore peace and love to this planet and those living on it. His agents are drawing closer in order to help us; we just need to acknowledge them. Each of us has Angels and Spirit Guides eager to help and guide us at all times, but they will not do so unless we ask them. They can make their presence known to us in dream and everyday life, as a lot of us are experiencing, but they will not interfere, we have to ask for their help. Think back to times of great distress or need, when we automatically cry out for someone to help us. Some kind of help or relief always turned up from somewhere, but we disregarded it. If only we acknowledged those brief moments and built upon them, acknowledged this angelic help and guidance, then we would not be in the sorry state we are in today. And it is not just from angelic and spiritual realms that we can seek and find help. There is so much information out there for us all to gather, people willing to listen and understand, people who will help you if only you ask – you only have to reach out and ask.
I do not believe that the world will end in 2012, I believe it marks the beginning of a new era, a transformation. I believe we are being given the chance to evolve and regain our true destiny and set our feet on the path we have strayed from.
As always I wish to state that this is simply what I believe to be true. I have made my decision on my future and on the path that I wish take through life from this moment on. My only regret being that I did not have the strength to do it much earlier in my life, but denied my own self in order to be what others wanted me to be. I only hope that others do not make the same mistake and waste so much time denying themselves the joy and wonder that discovering your true self can bring. I am simply stating here what I believe, in the hope that maybe it may make one or two people stop and think and maybe stop denying their own beliefs and feelings, or simply to go do some reading of their own.
I am going to end this with quotes from two, of many, inspiring and uplifting books that everyone of us should read………

Excerpt from A Little Light on The Spiritual Laws by Dianna Cooper

" We are preparing for the year 2012 or thereabouts when there will be a mass awakening of human consciousness. A quantum leap is to take place.
Once in every ten million years, there is a moment of stillness, a moment of total silence in the Universe. At that moment changes take place that are beyond our comprehension. We have absolutely no concept of the enormity of what awaits us at that moment.
The calendar of the Mayan civilisation ends in the year 2012, for they could not foresee what would happen after the great awakening. The year 2012 marks the end of life as we know it. In the entire history of the planet there has never been an opportunity like this for spiritual growth. Your task is to prepare yourself and be ready to take the leap. Stop wandering round the maze of life in confusion and fear. It is time now to walk confidently and purposefully into a new arena."

Excerpts from The Standing Stones Speak – Messages from the Archangels
Revealed by Natasha Hoffman with Hamilton Hill

"There is a fundamental order in the cosmos, of which you form an important part, which cannot be tampered with – not without risking a devastating outcome. Whatever has been damaged on one level will inevitably work to repair itself on another. On the planetary level scale this will mean movements of the earth, air and water…….............

Regaining trust in yourself and learning to be yourself are both of the utmost importance. If you do not trust yourself through a lack of connection with your higher self, you surrender control to others who will make decisions for you. How can you trust those who are merely practised in leadership and desirous of governance when they are not in touch with their inner guidance. This situation effectively puts you on hold, as it were, and while it may be comfortable for a time, it achieves nothing. It is the blind leading the blind.  To take off the dark glasses and see more clearly your own motivation and that of others and so act more wisely and appropriately, there must be always be a space for inner silence, the dreamtime, the quiet attunement to nature and the other realms of being. In this inner communion you can refuel yourself, drawing in the spiritual sustenance that in full consciousness you cannot live without. In that way you can acknowledge and respond to the energies at work in your life with a positive rather than a negative strength. Learn to listen; it is vital, and yet so many of you have lost the art of inner listening……………………..

In past incarnations, danger has often arisen from speaking your own truth, which has led to persecution and suffering. This time the danger lies in failing to speak your own truth, and in consequence being unable to live it. The desire to act a part – any reluctance to be yourself – has to be overcome. …………

We have been concerned with telling you about your origins, the past and present distortions of the truth, and the responsibility each of you bears for yourself and for the way you live upon the Earth. Knowing your true birthright, the inheritance of love, you have the ability to heal yourselves and one another. Our influence, borne on the networks of solar and planetary energy, is constantly around you, and our help will always be given to those who ask. We can say with certainty that all human energy will eventually come to a point of balance and harmony, however difficult, painful or lengthy the process may seem. You are not humans on a spiritual journey, you are spirits on a human journey, and as such you need spiritual as well as physical sustenance. Air, water and food provide the fuel for your body, but the magic that makes life itself has its origin in spirit."

I would recommend everyone to read these books, regardless of your beliefs................Earth Mother

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we will never know till the day arrives

Post by Gooleander » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:11 pm

we cannot possibly know what will happen until it happens, even to guess is to be foolish. Just let whatever happens happen and if you are worried about it, then live as if it will be your last day.

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Post by pamDemonium » Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:11 am

well my money's on it being 'just another day'.  Y2K revisited.  

But I agree with Gooleander ' if you're worried live life as if it was your last day'.  Tho in saying that, best not  sell the family home and go on that world cruize.......just in case.

Good post tho. It got me looking up the mayan civilization and I was amazed at the advancements they had made.  Too often we think Europe brought civilization to the world.....perhaps the world already had it.

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Post by soul_flower » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:48 am

I dont know really what to believe....I hear different opinions from so many people and have read things here and there.I dont believe it will be the end of the world as such,but it will be a very different world to what we have today.....Our earth has had it,with all this "lets save the planet" people talk about,well its to late,cant fix it now,the damage is done.The earth always renews itself,so i guess we will have to wait and see when the time comes  :smt102  because i dont think anyone knows for sure exactly what will happen.

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Post by suzisco » Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:15 pm

I think you have a wise attitude soul flower.

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