Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by hit1710 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:07 pm


The Earth has a consciousness of its own, it is a living being. The Divine Plan of the Creator, which we all follow, knowingly or unknowingly, calls for the Earth to ascend from the reality we know as the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th Dimension (an intermediate or temporary existence) and then to the 5th Dimension. This has long been suggested to be around the end of 2012, or earlier. Humanity, and all other life must be ready to ascend, or increase vibration, to move with the planet Most people no longer have the time to go through separate and individual ascension processes that could take another 200 or 390 years. They are in their last incarnation and should ascend to help establish the next creation on Earth and the whole universe. This means keeping these bodies and gradually bringing them back to about the age of 30. Those not ready, will incarnate back into the 3rd Dimension on another planet. They cannot return to the higher dimension Earth. Some people’s “contract” is up and they will return to previous star systems, if they wish, and even ascend higher than the 5th Dimension. No one on Earth was originally from this planet.

Ascension is the integration of spirit and matter. It is the process where our physical, emotional, mental, and all spiritual bodies combine to create a fully conscious being. We take on a Light body. We are really spiritual beings having a human experience. We have other aspects of ourselves who exist on other worlds, in other dimensions or realities. In essence, we are all physical Angels with a giant amnesia problem. Through ascension, we realise we are all connected; we are all One with all other life in the universe. Everything came from one Creator. Race differences, war, owning property, land rights, in fact all aspects of our current world, are really illusory. We live in a giant hologram.

Many dimensions, also known as planes, mansions, and parallel worlds exist in the same space. They only differ by degrees of vibration. When we increase our vibration sufficiently, we change dimension.
A measure of the vibration rate of the Earth, its heartbeat, is the Schumann Resonance, which appears to be measured differently by some Earth scientists compared with higher realm information. For years it stayed at 7. 8 cycles per second (hertz). It began moving up at the time of the Harmonic Convergence. August 1987, the year of much spiritual awakening. In theory, when it is constantly at 13. 0, we are in the 4th Dimension. According to some sources we have been sitting at 12. 9 for some time, and will move to 13. 8 in the near future.

Ascension is expected to be achieved when we are fully exposed to the photon belt energies. This is a toroid-shaped energy band that our solar system passes through twice in a 26, 000 year cycle. Each pass in previous cycles has lasted about 2, 000 years. We are currently in the belt, but protected from premature fatal ascension by a holographic energy field placed around our solar system by the Galactic Federation of Light, our allies from other civilisations in our Milky Way Galaxy. As our vibration rate increases, some photon energies are gradually released into our solar system.

Initially, a 12-strand RNA/DNA system will have replaced our body’s current 2-strand system. We will have increased our 7-chakra system of body energy vortexes to a 13-chakra system. We will also consciously use 100 percent of our brain, instead of the 10 to 20 percent currently utilised. Full consciousness will return to us, that is the awareness of why we are here, what we are to do in the future, and what our past lives have been. We will have universal knowledge at our finger tips, or rather, our brain receptors, and have super-human abilities.

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