Forget names

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Forget names

Post by symulhaque » Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:45 am

I find very difficult to remember the names. When I get introduced to new people, I forget the name of that people as soon as I hear it. Sometimes this causes embarrassing situations.

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Post by miss_perfect13 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:20 am

Well I find any awkward social situation can always be eased up if you are able to make a joke about yourself, nothing deprecating but just something cute to break the tension. Follow that up with a simple explanation like you just wrote above, along with an apology and I would think you should be good.
Hope this helps a bit,

P.S. If you look online or speak to a neurologist, they will tell you a spoon full of coconut oil can actually repair memory and stop early onset of a lot of neurology diseases. I know because my mother has M.S. and the doctor has given her info packets on this particular topic.

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:46 am

Thanks for your reply. I try to make joke about myself and it works. But i want a permanent solution for such situation.

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Post by miss_perfect13 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:46 pm

Then I would absolutely try the spoonful of coconut oil a day. :) Wish you all the best

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:11 am

But i want a permanent solution for such situation.
Unfortunately there are no permanent or guaranteed or perfect across the board must work solutions to any problem.

Often we do not hear the other person's name (if they gave it to us) because our minds and concentration are elsewhere. Thinking about what we are going to say to them and whether they will be interested, or whether we turned off the stove before we left home.

Spiritual teachers tell us that we must live more in the present which means to temporarily make an extra effort to focus all our energies and conscious awareness upon what we are doing, seeing, hearing or feeling at that exact moment in time.

Multitasking or trying to think of or doing too many things at the same time can be a disaster when you need to remember their name.

I always have some paper and a pen with me to make lists of things which I need to do, and the best way to remember a person's name is to write it down and use their name several times in your conversation to reinforce the process of changing it from a short to long term memory. Actually writing down their name forces us to be more in the present moment. Electronically adding them to a mobile device does not seem to work as well.

Memory hooks or pegs are also a valuable tool when your memory regularly fails you. Either associate their name with when and how you met them, or with something already familiar to you which once again helps the memory to become more persistent.  

For example a piece of music which was played a lot on the radio at the time that you met them, or something about their appearance which reminds you of something or someone else also very well known to you may help to kick start your little grey memory cells.

EoT (what was your name again?)  :smt002

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Post by symulhaque » Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:03 am

Sir,If i repeat the names several times in conversation, then he/she will feel embarrass.....but writing the names in paper will help me a lot..
My memory is quite well, but i can't remember series of things such as number series, people names, credit card number etc.

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