Everything is going so wrong right now...

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Everything is going so wrong right now...

Post by kellysa111 » Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:59 pm

First thing first...I quit my job about a month ago because I wanted to focus on college until my semester was over. I asked them to lower my hours to 40 because we were working 50+ every week. They said no. So I quit. Well, now... I'm running out of money, and I have credit cards that are wayyy over due and have bill collectors calling me everyday. I can't find a part time and I am not going to work at fast food places.

My parents are telling me to quit college and get a full time job because they say I don't need college... true for them because they didn't even graduate high school, but I like school and I only have a year left for my associates.

My boyfriend is really mad at me because I promised him three times I would lose a bit of weight and I didn't lose any, I gained ten pounds instead. But, its not really my fault. He knew and I told him that I would gain weight when I started taking birth control. And he says hes not hurt by the fact that I didn't lose weight, it was the fact that I promised and didn't keep it.

So, all this is giving me headaches. I took almost a full bottle of nyquil yesterday just to fall asleep. I'm crying out of nowhere. I'm staying in my room all day. And I have no one to talk to.

Just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:24 am

First of all I will give you a big Grandpa Huuggg, it is not a good situation you have entered.

I shall not discuss work contra school, but rather tell a bit about your situation the way I see it.

When we enter a state of negativity (crying staying in room and so on) then we are on a wrong track that never can help us, but rather only bring us further down which will hurt your school education.

You need to take a "timeout", and clearly put up plans.

You must take your problems and sort them out one by one, and then try to solve them in the order of importance.

You say you have credit card which is overdue....VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!...Credit card have a very high interest...and my advice is to use the scissor on it at once.

It must be your priority to get rid of that debt, because if they start to take action you might destroy future possibilities for loan from any source.

If you have no way to pay in full, make contact with them...tell you are out of job....ask for a plan....the worst you can do is to be silent....they always want to help....but it takes your effort...and it cost.....if you are able to get a bank loan to pay out the credit card, then that is the best way to go.

You need also to see on your spending, here is mobile phone something that is used much by the youth....you might lower the use...or find other "Mobil plans" that gives better value for money.

With the economic unrest we see around the world, work is something one cling to, but if there is no work, education is an investment for the future if done inside a field that is in expansion, but it is important that one look for opportunities to earn something beside, else the debt will only grow, and to say you don't want work fast food places is a very expensive attitude, as long as you have debt and interest running.....if you had enough money...then such statement was ok.

You must look for the positive.....you must think positive.....you must fight the negative.....Negativity only look for hindrances....Positivity look for solutions, and creates an aura that people like to be a part of, and it is much easier to get a job. ...or take it...(why not take a Fast food job...do the best out of it...look for a better job...BUT you have now something to give as reference.....you have a job ...you are a good worker...that is of great value for those hiring.....to go without job gives Negative impact on a firm, because they can't know the reason no one want you, or if you are picky, and picky is negative.

Then you, and your boyfriend must sort thing out.
If the relationship is in harmony, it gives positive feelings, and if one feel unrest in relationship it damage the rest because of the negativity it creates.

So another biggg huuugg.....hope the your future become brighter....and it will.....if you yourself act upon it :)

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Post by kellysa111 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:53 pm

My debt is so old now... I already had a company take me to court over what I owe them.
The reason I don't want to work at a restaurant or fast food place is because my mother owns one and I hate talking to customers...
I broke up with my boyfriend on Thanksgiving day and now I want to talk to him to see if we can resolve our problems, but he doesn't want to.

I just can't take this right now. I want to run away.

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Post by druggedoncolor » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:48 am

kellysa111 wrote:My debt is so old now... I already had a company take me to court over what I owe them.
The reason I don't want to work at a restaurant or fast food place is because my mother owns one and I hate talking to customers...
I broke up with my boyfriend on Thanksgiving day and now I want to talk to him to see if we can resolve our problems, but he doesn't want to.

I just can't take this right now. I want to run away.
Running away from our problems won't help things either. It will only make problems worse.

i think right now, as someone said before you need to take a time out. Do a bit of soul searching and figure out what you REALLY want in your life.
A lot of people leave college with debt. Have you checked to see if you could get financial aid? or government loans? or something?

Intuitively I'd stick it out for another year, since that's what you have left of college. it'd be a shame to waste all the time studying and not fulfill your degree.

I don't understand why some people think college is a secondary priority. If you are aiming to be someone in your life, college should be your first priority. Sure debt sucks and the economy sucks... but if you get your degree you have one more thing a majority of the people, don't a solid education.

Hope things work out for you! Don't forget to keep your social life in check as well!

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big hugs

Post by crissydawn3 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:14 am

I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. I'm coming out of a very similar slump you're currently in. My advice (on top of what Rhutobello has already given ..to which I agree) is to just step back, take a deeep breath, clear your head, & then start moving forward one step at a time. Even if it means just paying off that one little $40 bill that's been niggling there for many years. I am a very firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Just go one day at a time & keep your head up. It will eventually get better & will all be worth it!  :smt023

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Post by Seraph » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:51 am

Everyone will want something from other people and the way they want it too.  You just have to do what is best for you.  If you don't take good care of you, then who will.  Wish you the very best because you deserve it.

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Post by srivijai » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:23 am

Be courage don't get depressed or disappointed try to finish your studies don't let your mind at any other way  be confident and achieve your goal

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Post by Spirit_of_Phoenix » Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:14 pm

simply a hug for you and hope you can work out your situation

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:29 am

Here is a hug and my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

All I can say is ... communication is the key.  With you and your parents and you and your boyfriend.  The credit issue is harder to solve.  Use a pair of scissors and go from there.

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:41 am

I am feeling sorry to hear about you. I am keeping you in my prayer.

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