Panic Attacks/ Out of Control

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Panic Attacks/ Out of Control

Post by Marquitta » Thu May 19, 2011 10:18 pm

I have been suffering from frequent panic attacks for the past two months. Every time I have a really big one it is a setback and I end up in bed for a day or two after. It's really hard to keep re-learning how to live when I just get set right back again in a week or so. Even showering is hard. I am very sensitive to noise, and I can't do the things I once enjoyed, like going to see live bands or dancing, or most physical activity.

I have had a very despressing 6 months. Cheated on, family troubles, brief drug addiction. Basically the ultimate realization that I am on my own.

I really feel like the attacks could come from that feeling like I am on my own and just failing in life, as it's been ahrd to get a career going, let alone find a job to pay the bills. My relationships are mostly stressful, especially with my family, where I live. I've been trying to find a job to save up and get my own place to be away from this influence but it takes all the energy I hhave just to get up and take a shower in the morning. When that's done I am usualy wiped.

Basically I started having panic attacks on really bad "comedowns" and now that I have been clean for 2 months, I've been having panic attacks or near panic attacks every day, at least one time a day, and during the night I am having them now too. I will wake up from a bad dream (from the medications I have been given for anziety which seem to do nothing) and my heart will be racing. I ahve to calm myself own. I think it could be post traumatic stress because often the drugs would invite shady or emotionally harmful situations. I don't know.

How do I begin to deal with this?> My mom also thinks I havbe an ulcer from stress and spicy food. What aspects should I treat this from? Because the regular doctors only want to give me medicine after medicine that doesn't work for me. Any input would be appreciated so much. Thank you for taking the time to read this. <3 <3 <3 <3

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri May 20, 2011 9:04 am

First of all a biigg huuugg to you.

Then the advice that you see your doctor for an all-round check, and maybe tell him about how you feel.

If you have ulcer, then that is easy treated &nbsp;with some pills for a big deal with that....but if you have it can make much of the symptoms you describe.

It is very IMPORTANT that you work with yourself in order to come into harmony....if the relationship aren't function as best...then maybe a brake...or an end would be the must only have one fix yourself back up....and that might request some changes in your life.

Try to figure out what your problem is...try to see them as one and one...not as a whole...because as a whole they are difficult to single task they might fix them self because they might be caused by each other.

Start to have regular exercise, this is much more to help then any med toward refresh your makes you fit for endure much more.....and you might meet people that you feel have your values.

I am not saying it is easy....but if we don't put up the goals...and start to work with it...we only bury us deeper into it.

Another biiiggg huuugg and good luck :)

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Been there done that

Post by chipperspet » Mon May 23, 2011 9:40 pm

I hope you don't mind, at your age my son was dying and I had panic attacks, ulsers I suffered from depression I hoped no one would ever have but things being as they are. I hope you will look into synthetic sugar, it makes your body produce lactic acid and it doesn't belong there. Corn syrup and the rest of the artificial sugars are just as harmful to your health. In some circles they call B-complex vitamins the happy vitamins, if you have horizontal or vertical lines on your finger nails you have a deficiency. I use alfalfa and brewers yeast TABLETS, the stuff at the grocery is active so it won't serve your purpose. For the ulsers I used raw goats milk, it will stop the burn and coats your stomach. To your end though I would use a yogurt with both acidophilus and bifidophilus unsweetened. This board has a holistic health section but I would encourage you to do a lot of research on this subject, 16 years later I still don't know it all. Take care of your "self" nobody else can. Doctors can only prescribe chemicals, you already know how that works. Be really careful before you consider giving up the medications for anxiety the withdrawls can be trouble, and ask your doctor to help you. "Let the fruit of the tree be for your meat, the leaf thereof for your medicine" Ezekiel.
Rhutobello is right exercise and get to know your "self" your monetary worth does not define you, you do.

Take care
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patient in diet, care of the human frame, and the cause and prevention of disease." &nbsp; Thomas A. Edison

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Post by adrianna » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:53 am

My heart goes out to you. I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks early last year and I know how you feel. It was so bad i remember hating going to bed. &nbsp;Its the manisfestation of whatever that is going on with your life. Just remember you can control it. I refused the anxiety medication and worked with understanding what was going on with my life and knowing that I control how I handle whatever that's going on around me. I also took Valerian ( a herbal supplement) for 3 months and turnd to the spiritual path and looked for answers in meditation and mantra chanting. It has somehow managed to ease the chaotic mess my mind was in and calmed me down considerably. I wish you all the best and you will get better don't worry about that.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:56 am

A big hug to you.

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Hello and Hugs

Post by Duchess1964 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:38 pm

Okay ... I love this site, I was amazed when I found it. &nbsp;It's like a therapists dream and then add to that my rather interesting views and voila, we have a match *s*.

Anyway. &nbsp;Treat the all around you ... the doctor should fix the stomach issue first, but in conjunction with that (which would include not just meds but diet change as well), he/she should be seeking something perhaps different in the way of meds for treatment of moods and flash thoughts. &nbsp;There's everything from Prozac to Vibryd (which is relatively new).

If we can get you to treat for now with meds, the issues to calm you down. &nbsp;There can be work begun on helping you deal with YOU as the person you are now off the drugs. &nbsp;She's in there, she wants to be out here and much more happy than you are now.

If you are in a relationship that brings you down ... get rid of it. &nbsp;Lets make you happy with you. &nbsp;That's honestly the only way anyone else will be happy with you or for you. &nbsp;You have to come to comfort in your own skin without anyone else. &nbsp;Know you first. &nbsp;Good luck to you. &nbsp;Feel free to note me if you wish.

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