Being forced to vacate!

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Being forced to vacate!

Post by Aviendra » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:07 pm

Hi everyone

I woke up today to be greeting by a lovely letter from the Sherriff's department saying I have 28 days to vacate the property or I will be forced out and all my belongings will be placed on the can this happen?

Well, it seems my lovely landlord has been neglecting to make the payments on the house. So, all the rent I have been paying her for over a year now has been spent on only God knows what and now I have to move out because of her incompetence! Grrrr!

What really irkes me about this is I have no rights! I rang up the solicitor and he confirmed that regretably there is nothing he can do since she has errored and the bank has the right to forclose...what about me? Not to mention, that I can't afford to leave and I can't afford the moving out fees and hiring trucks to move everything. Aswell as, the rental market has skyrocketed lately and I can no longer find the property at the price it is now...oh, and did I mention that she already put the price of rent up a couple of months back? So on top of all that...I have no choice but to move or else!

This has really opened my eyes. What if I had a kid? or more than one? Where's the justice in that?? The bank will force the innocent tenants out even with kids because of the landlord's errors? It's bloody shocking!

It also has made me realise that I was living under the illusion that I was safe and secure. I thought for a few more years yet, I would be secure. HA!!! How fustrating now, that my living conditions and now my plans for security and peace of mind have been stolen from me because some person hasn't paid the bills! I'm so pissed off!

*sigh* Sorry guys, I need to vent. But it's just so unfair...this changes many things. Work, savings, living accomodation...its horrible :(

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:22 pm

sweetie im so sorry in what is happening to u but stay positive i know its hard right now, that is so unfair that u have to move out of there because of your imcompetent landlord. gd luck in everything sweetie, i hope everything works out for u here is my blessing and one of my huge hugs keep us updated huggies

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Post by lunarcraft » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:39 pm

You vent away - it is better expressed than contained within.  However, once the initial anger has gone, I hope you will see that this will have happened for a reason - hard to see at the moment, I know.  I am sure you will find somewhere new and that it will be better than the one you are in at the moment - more secure with a responsible person overseeing it.

Here's one of my HUGE hugs for you, Sweetie - stay positive and show the irresponsible idiot of a landlord that you are able to cope with whatever life throws at you.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by cassienyc » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:52 pm

that's terrible.  i am so sorry.  a huge hug for you.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:19 pm

A big Grandpa hug to you.....yes it is a hard situation for you...and I hope you will manage to find something you are able to live with.

The sole one to blame is the landlord....he/she is the one that has brought forward the situation by not fulfilling l their commitments.

In our laws you are protected against them and their option to end a rental, but if we should have the same protection against bank and other financial companies, any "rent house" had to be set as value zero....because no one would have any security to get their money back....or they had to be willing to take over the "renters" , but then you could be sure the rent was adjusted to highest price.
This is not any help for you....just an explanation why it's important to find good landlords.

Another big Grandpa hug and lots of good luck in your hunt for a new place to live!

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Post by Evie » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:55 pm

:smt006    Aviendra

Very pretty name!  :smt003

AWWWW .... that's a hard one to deal with.... the rug has been pulled out from under you.
I know you have the right to be very angry.   :smt013 (((HUGS)))  I'd be slamming doors!

May some good come out of this for you ... something grand and much better.  I shall visualise
a perfect place finding YOU!... and also that you get the help you need to pull off this move with
only a little stress.

Keep us informed .... Thanks

More ... (((hugs))) (((hugs))) (((hugs)))


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Post by joyel » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:40 pm

Wow i don't know what to say but i'm soooo sorry to hear about this, i - like you did'nt even know something like this was possible. Well for every problem there is a solution so try to stay calm, go inside of yourself and ask your higher source/guide for the solution it will come before it's time for you to move just relax, have faith and remember you are loved by a higher source that is there to protect you. Pleas keep us posted and here's a big hug with some positive energy for you.

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Post by Aviendra » Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:20 am

Hey guys :)

Thank you so much for all your support and much-needed hugs! Well, I have some news...are you ready for more? It gets worse...

So, I have found a new place and I now have 2 people who want to live with me...that's all good and well. The property we want is absolutely grand and as soon as I saw it, I wanted it! But it seems as of yet, I can't hand in an application because the current tenant is being a little pain in the butt and being very...oh, shall we say, inaccessible. The real estate can't get ahold of them and they are not replying to the phone calls. Their lease is supposed to be up by the 6th of September!

So here I am, no inspection for the property, no application...twidling my thumbs!

Now, here is the better part...(sit down for this one).
My car got re-possessed by the sherriff yesterday whilst I was at work! Needless to say, I was absolutely shocked because I have no fines and this like the forclosure on the house came as a complete surprise.
It seems, my eldest brother has been clocking up speeding and parking fines UNDER MY NAME!!!
I was bloody fuming. My nerves were already shot as it is and to have this happen was just the icing on the cake. Years ago, when I was living with him (before I found out that behind my back, he was spending all our hard-earned money for a house on gambling...a total of about 30 grand worth!) I allowed him to use my "clean" name because he didnt have a license due to his own thousands of dollars owning to the sherriff. Being the good, naive sister I let him put the car under my name. Now, after I move out and at a rather inopportune time, he does this to me! Claiming of course, that he had no idea (long history here).

So, now my name is no longer clean...I can't get a loan for a house now for 7 years!! Currently, I have my car back because I spent all day at the necessary sherriff departments trying to clear this $3,500 new debt!

Can you believe the stroke of bad-luck I'm having here? So now its gone to court and I have to wait and see if my plea that HE was the one driving the car will be approved. I was standing next to him all day today and all I wanted to do was stab him!

In all this, I know I have to get rid of all the old to make way for the new...I "know" this but its still so damn fustrating! *sob* I think I'm getting depressed *sigh*

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Post by lunarcraft » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:36 am

Just think though that when this is all over you will be completely free of any negative vibes from any quarter - painful at the moment but all resolvable ... honestly, it will all work out and come together at the right time for you.

I am sending one of my HUGE hugs to you - hang in there, it will be worth it.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by joyel » Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:17 pm

Oh no, now this what the &*#$...If it's not one thing it's another. Anyway i know it's so hard to stay positive right now when negative things keep happening and it seems it's for the worse but the good thing is that it's only for the moment, this too shall pass and brighter days are yet to come. Hold on and focus on the brighter days instead of the storm that way you'll see it pass sooner, and like Sarah said when it's all over you'll be free of all the negative vibes then you can move on to a better place in your life. A big hug to you with lots of positive energy, keep yr head up.

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Post by XsynfulX » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:20 pm

that's awful! a big hug to you!  i'd be going thru the full range of negative emotions with that one...  from disgust and used to frothing, foaming, rabid-mad. i truly hope things work out to your advantage, if only having to look at the silver lining in this storm cloud.

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Post by Aviendra » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:46 pm

Hey everyone  :smt006

I have good news!! YAY!

Looks like the real estate FINALLY got through to the tenant and we will be inspecting the house on Wednesday next week. Thank the saints!

I also want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your very needed blessings. When things were really tough I would come back and read your positive posts and it would restore my depleted faith. Big hugs to you all for the support.

I will let you all know the details after the inspection.

I hope I, in turn, can do the same for all of you should the need ever arise.

Many thanks and may the Light bless you always  :)

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:24 pm

great news sweetie and u welcome we love giving hugs here and im so glad that everything is going well, keep us updated after the inspection gd luck hugs

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Post by Aviendra » Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:06 am

Hmmm...I swear it's as though someone has a voo-doo doll and is pinning me to some more bad news...sigh

Work has called me up and has stated that I wont be working for a while (I know, you're kidding me, right?). You see, I work in a TAB and it seems the horses have been catching an aweful flu virus and just to be cautious, they have cancelled all the races for today and tomorrow and possibly Monday.

Now, considering I havent worked all week due to this sherriff thing with my brother, I now know I will have absolutely nothing in my bank account next week to put away for the new house and bond...and food, petrol...oh and just to live on! GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

This is the third one, right? "These things happen in 3's", apparently, right? Surely, this bad energy must be over after this! I'm banging my head against the wall here! It's actually kinda comical when I think about it...I mean, what next? Seriously, I'll be robbed? Ack, I know I shouldn't say that but ACK! I'm told to be patient but this would try the patience of a saint!!

*starts thinking she should buy a punching bag....*

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Post by LibB » Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:21 am

Some suggestions for you Aviendra. First, if you could let us know where you are living at the moment. Country, State, Suburb it would help greatly for us  to help you find resources. I'm in Australia and could help find ways to deal with this kind of crisis. Of course others are from different parts of the world and could help in other areas.
Regarding work one suggestion would be to immediately sign up with temp agencies in your area and surrounds. If you have the skills of typing data entry even filing, you should get something almost straight away. Send in your resume to any and all of them. Let them know of your situation regarding work and home. Mentioning TAB I would assume you are in Australia.
I live in Melbourne, so if you need further support do not hesitate to call me!!!!
Ask your Spirit Guides and Angels for help and Guidance. Expect miracles to occur for you. If you really want this house, see yourself living in it already and ask your angels to help you. It seems a blessing in disguise the the tenants are stuffing around as they won't have let it to anyone else. What is the date you need to move out by? and can you go to VCAT or the body that is having you removed from your present house to explain your circumstances and ask for an extension? I know this is probably a silly question as you have already done this and if they are or are anything like VCAT, I completely understand. Let me know what is going on so I can help you find solutions.
A Really Big Hug to you.

I will put links of mine here for you to look at and Meditate upon.
One is a prayer, one is a portrait of Mary and the others are mandalas.
Good luck and best wishes
May the Light Shine Brightly Upon You Now and Forever Amen

Libby ... hp?t=25382        (Mandala's 1 ... hp?t=25383        (Mandala's 2 ... hp?t=34994        (Mandala's 3 ... hp?t=27202        (Prayer ... hp?t=12888        (Mary's Portrait

These are here to help you find your way. Please ask for Heavenly help and light through these channels.
Last edited by LibB on Sun Aug 26, 2007 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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