Feeling Sad, would like a HUG Please.

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Feeling Sad, would like a HUG Please.

Post by Samson » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:24 pm

I was asked go to celebrate an Engagement, but later learnt that the clothing I was going to wear was inadequate for this function, so I didn't go. I don't have lot of money and thought the clothing that I own would of been okay I was wrong.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:47 pm

That is really sad Samson and you get a big Bear Hug from me.

It's sad when what we wear shall be what there count...we as persons are the most important....not what we can buy in order to show off.

But the development of our society seems to focus on such thing.....but many times we restrict ourself far more then the host, due to our self-esteem.

But I will say a person wearing rags and radiating self-confidence is far better then a peacock wearing his/her cloths as her/his shield.

I think in all stories on our different sons of God (different Religon)he wear "rags" and not the cloths of the upper class.

Another good Grandpa hug to you Samson and forget the "insult"...it's not worth a second thought :)

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Re: Feeling Sad, would like a HUG Please.

Post by Nicole » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:14 pm

Samson wrote:I was asked go to celebrate an Engagement, but later learnt that the clothing I was going to wear was inadequate for this function, so I didn't go. I don't have lot of money and thought the clothing that I own would of been okay I was wrong.
ppl sometimes I tell yeah~!!

I would of gone with you and had my glow in the dark moon sheets on.. Ha-Ha~!!

I would of said PLEASE shut the lights off I'm coming in now... ROFL :smt006
Sorry buddy just trying to make you giggle..
I would of done it you know ask Dare.. LoL

Shame on me.. He-He~!!  :smt018

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Big hug Samson

Post by lunarcraft » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:50 pm

I am sending you one of my HUGE hugs - I echo Rhuto's words regarding our society but rest assured it was the host's loss that you did not attend.

Another HUGE hug on it way to you.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by wiccan_goddess2002 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:31 am

Hugs to you!!!!!! It really sucks when more emphasis is put on the package that whats inside

Brightest blessings

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Big blokey hugs

Post by Psychic Chef » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:54 am

Hey Buddy  : )
BIG BLOCKY HUGS from me and the gang.
You will always fit in where ever you go..     Its your gifts and charm that make you a great person to be with , you just have to go for it .. Dont sell yourself short. They missed you at the function.

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Re: Feeling Sad, would like a HUG Please <immigrant angle!>

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:13 am

[quote="Samson"]I was asked go to celebrate an Engagement, but later learnt that the clothing I was going to wear was inadequate for this function, so I didn't go. I don't have lot of money and thought the clothing that I own would of been okay I was wrong.[/quote]

Dear Samson,

Now that you have gotten all these hugs and caring and belongingness and hopefully recovered <presumably> from your recent social mishap ... how are you going to deal with your life differently?

Let me share with you something I experienced oh some 28 years ago when I was 27 and yes more naive than 27 year olds would be today!

From an ancient culture but still 3rd world in today's lingo, looking for a dream that I had read about in grade 5 (neither the school nor the subject of my choosing, by the way!), when I arrived in Canadian Prairies after my first ever plane ride let alone transcontinental ...

My orange suitcase that had all my belongings or most anyways (I was smart and carried all my documents and certificates in my carry-on bag!) did not arrive and I was devastated! As I tiredly tried to describe it to the airport officials, my english was at its worst and the countrymen and women of my newly embraced homeland of choice smiled disparagingly. I could have cried at that weak moment!

The bag arrived a few days later, delivered to my home! WOW what a country! (I realized later when few years after that I had to go back to India and my luggage was lost, but this time I had to make a trip on my own from Bhopal to Bombay to retrieve my suitcase, initially at my expense!!>

A few weeks after I arrived in the Prairies in BRR January (-40C)  I was standing outside a shopping mall still adjusting to my new home and homeland and a small boy on a bicycle passed me by and after he passed me, shouted, "PIG!".

I would never have believed that he meant that as an insult towards me, the only dark-skinned person in that white snow-covered beautiful visage of nature, unless I happened to see that 25-30 something canadian woman who heard that and smiled approvingly.

Awakenings are moments when we suddenly realize that there are crossroads ahead of us. Do we go the high-way or the way that leads down and down?

As I learned more and more in my new Country I learned that Pig, deplorable as it may be to many cultures, and food for many, is an animal that is very close to human beings and is used by scientists for testing drugs and functions of the heart and vascular system and nervous system and other systems! Isn't that amazing? That the brain of that foul-mouthed kid and the heart of that young woman who joined in the bigoted outpouring so many years ago, painful as those were, were to terminate in the realization that pigs are closer to humans than we give them credit for!

If I can feed so many, and be of use for so many humans to provide knowledge and remedies (for a long time insulin for diabetics came from pigs), despite how they hate me, my life would have been worth a lot. Perhaps a lot more than many would presume or pretend it was! Like that free-wheeling little kid and that cold-hearted young woman did 28 years ago! I wonder where those two are, today ...!


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Post by Evie » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:32 pm

Ouchy... that must have hurt! &nbsp; (((HUGS))) I don't think I would have gone either. :smt009


Evie &nbsp; :smt109

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Post by vella » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:04 pm

hey there,

there is a saying in my language( it's actually more like a rhetoric question), that translated would sound like this:" Are the clothes made by man, or the man (image) is made by his clothes? " &nbsp;it's stupid and sad that people judge other by money and look. If there is to judge someone by the clothes than better &nbsp;look at their choices, it will say something about their personality.... In my opinion if you wear simple and clean clothes, it says a lot more about yourself...

forget about it, this is one of the many small bad things that came along with society ...stamping people......look at history, from the very past the rank of people was represented by clothes...

have a hug,

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Post by suzisco » Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:55 pm

Samson, My hugs to you. &nbsp;You are in my thoughts tonight.


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Post by Samson » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:38 am

I would like to Thank everyone here who understood how I felt, your HUGS have picked me up and I feel a lot better now.

Once again Thank You.


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Post by taraprincess » Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:06 pm

here is a huge hug samson

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Post by curlyDredLocks » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:22 pm

I come to believe that our true friends in life do not care of our clothes or finances. They care only to share time, space, and energy with us. &nbsp;People that make you feel in adequate because of superficial reasons ARE NOT FRIENDS.

Do not feel down because you don't 'fit in'. Those might not be the people you are SUPPOSE to be 'fitting-in' with anyways.

Always know that you fit in somewhere that will glorify and lift up your spirit. Not issue damaging blows to it.

You are a special and wonderful man, do not allow others to detract from that. Show people what it is to be born unique, be yourself always, do not let situations determine who you are or what you have. You be the judge of what constitutes wealth and abundance. Because material items do not equate wealth nor do they define wealth.

Anyways, you are a great guy. I offer to you the biggest my sincere hug I can possibly provide. With love-

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Post by Samson » Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:04 pm

Thank You taraprincess & curlyDredLocks for your thoughtful HUGS, I know that it is sad when times have to come to this and especially when it happens to oneself, this is a lesson that I've learnt, which is something I will not fall back into.

Thank Again,


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Post by taraprincess » Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:10 pm

u welcome samson keep your head up be proud im glad u will not fall back into it, stay strong, here is another hug.

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