new contact from old friend

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new contact from old friend

Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:43 am

Hey guys I have had a weekend of lots of fun things. Got stung on the temple by one of my Dad's new honey bee's, great way to figure out they are aggressive. I have a fairly bad allergy and ended up going to the hospital for medicine to help the itching and swelling. I also got a text message from someone I have not talked to in like 3 years. She lost someone last November and was wanting to get in touch with people that knew him. She has had issues with lying and abusing drugs in the past which is why the friendship dissolved. I am really having a hard time with this. Do I just talk to her on the phone and remind her of the father her son lost. Or should I try to offer help she says she wants ( not the first time I have heard this.) or do I simply keep my distance. I am looking for direction and some other points of view on this. I was not hurt when the friendship ended before, I was past hurt and was bitter about the person she had become and how little what we had seemed to mean to her. I really cared about her and her son. I forced myself to move on and am in a great place in my life. I have for the last 3 years kept the lines for communicating open and made sure I never missed a birthday or Christmas for her son.  I want to believe that this could be a new beginning, but I have been burnt by that before with other people.  Anyways any thoughts would be appreciated, along with some snuggles/cuddles/ and hugs.

Thanks for listening.

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Post by JJ11 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:53 am

That is a difficult one sounds like you have been doing the right thing over the years by keeping lines of communication open but some people are beyond help I know others may think this harsh but your inner voice will tell you how to proceed but can a liar change?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:00 pm


 I found myself nodding as I read what you wrote and then reread it again. Self doubt in my personal dealings in life has been an issue for me of late. I think it is why I have come back to MB after being gone for so long. I do not think I can trust her but still wrestle with the feelings that I have and if I can move forward without trying. The loss she had in November was someone I once had a friendship with too. He was only a few months older then me and his lifestyle led to his down fall. I have so much of the past that bounces around in my head when I think of either of them that it is hard to see the path to take now. I will try to focus on listening to that inner voice and pray that I can hear it above the roar of the memories both good and bad. Thank you for the response, although short and to the point it has given me alot to think about.


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