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Post by deepblu » Wed May 26, 2010 7:29 pm


It is easy to say:
-Be positive...
-Love yourself in order others to love you...
-Be optimistic...
If there is no response, if you get nothing in return, how to find strength to love...everybody needs somebody to reflect his receive some after giving some...and lately I feel the whole humanity is getting selfish and self destructive...and I am loosing hope...or shouldn't I :smt012

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Post by Crow » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:02 am


Moved to respond. I too feel discouraged when I see some events in society.  But then there are the little things. Like someone letting another car merge in.  Someone giving change to the person missing a few cents.  People giving a stranger a jump when their car is broke down.  Little things everyday that make me feel like there is hope.  These were just examples of how others have helped me.  I pay the favors forward. Like a little ripple in the water what seems so small grows great big. Once where I served they had people paying for other people's meal, went to 40 tickets payed. Until someone stopped paying for the other.  Neat stuff like this happens all the time. We just don't see it in the news.  So many good people out there. :)  There need be no responce to giving love.  It is then love without strings, uncoditional, unending. To me the most powerful kind of love.  There are people who have just smiled at me and just made my day! Didn't cost a cent, but made me feel oh so wonderful! As to needing a reflection to his or her love, I practice in the mirror. LOL. I tell myself all the time what I like about me, and how much I love me. This helps when the world out there doesn't give us the encouragment or words of kindness. We still hear them, and follow it with a hug. Silly I know but it works for me.

Safe Journey

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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:01 am

lack of reciprocation causes pain. but one who is positive should not lose hope. lessen your expectations. or, wait till you get what you want. your unreciprocated feelings cannot prove human beings to be selfish. see why you are not responded to. isn't it that you are wrong in your ways of dealings with others?

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:18 am

We can only be the light of the world, and love.  It shouldn't be our concern that others do not show love/ reciprocate love/ return love...all we can worry about in the moment, is how WE love...Love ourselves, show that love, and believe in that love..expecting nothing in return.  If others do not 'show' or return love, let it go.  They are doing the best they can.  Let go of the judgment about how they express it.  Worry about only how you express yourself as love.

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Post by Elgina » Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:11 pm

Life has never been so easy for anybody my dear.... Here is the hug...

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Post by FaceValue » Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:57 am

I can share your feelings that humanity is selfish and greedy. Perhaps the day will come when we can all take a step back an re-realize what we are to each other.

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Post by Elgina » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:43 am

The essence of "humanity" is somewhere missing and...

since we live in the world which has a combination of the self contentedness and interdependence, the true element of humanity and the concept of living for others is definitely somewhere missing.

Hugss for a better mankind...

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Post by FairyQueen » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:20 am


Lots of luck and hugs from my side.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:37 am

if so many people are concerned about humanity, why should humanity suffer? i think, if I talk to every single person in the is world, everyone would say that he/she is pained by the way humanity is getting extinct. who is responsible for it then? it is easy to make comments and deliver tall talks about humanity. how many have you seen acting up to this feeling?

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Post by misty sur » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:36 am

take a hug. remember the French saying: "que sera sera".

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Post by mrkiii » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:50 am

Deepblu: Welcome to 50... sucks, don't it? To me, it feels like, everything's on the table all of a sudden, stuck in an unending poker game that's getting progressively less entertaining, but there's no way out without folding... it's annoying.  :smt064
I ain't folding. Here's what I've done lately. First, I stopped generalizing my disappointment that I don't have a life partner. That does suck, and I am lonely, but I was letting that color my perception of the world in general, and it wasn't true. As I've opened myself to it, I've realized that my world is actually filled with opportunities for me to touch other people, and for me to touch them. Kind words and a smile to strangers you pass in stores and on the street. Encouragement to every person you run into who you can see is going out of their way to do a good job. Make yourself walk your neighborhood, and say hi to people in their yard, compliment their gardening, say hi to the kids racing past you. They may ignore you. Laugh at that. You were probably a punk once, yourself. After they see you around awhile, they'll say "hey" back. Has worked for me.
Interact with your world with positive energy, and you MAKE your world a positive place.
You'll get a lot of that positivity back, and it builds on itself. Now, truthfully, is it enough? No. Am I content? No. But, I'm less lonely, and I'm a whole lot less bitter.
Plus, hey? Maybe if we do enough good, God'll give us a break and let us have a relationship. Maybe it's a brownie point system. Who knows.
Hang tuff, bro.

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