PLEASE can you guys offer some insight!!

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PLEASE can you guys offer some insight!!

Post by infinitii525 » Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:01 am

infinitii525 wrote:
Gem wrote:
infinitii525 wrote:Hi! I recently started learning tarot. From you :) GREAT JOB. I did a reading for my self using the software and asked this question."is april really a my true friend?" I used the 3 card lay and got card #1 the devil reversed, #2 the sun, #3 and the tower. Could you please give me some more insight. We have been friends for almost 20 years but the last 5 or so have been strange. Thank you for your time.


You could post the reading in the Learn Tarot forum so everyone could offer suggestions if you like?

Its hard to interpret second hand, but this is what I would get from those cards. First you do not title the positions, the heading that each card is meant to be read under. That makes it much easier, to understand, and I would suggest not using reversals until you become more familiar with the cards.

The Devil reversed is pointing away from you and so I would take it to be for your friend, perhaps showing that there are currents of unrest running through the relationship, that on the face of it is bright and sunny and noone wants to admit to anything else. The Tower can show that things are being bottled up and that there will be a power struggle, trying to keep emotions in control and harsh words unsaid.

I selected one card and The Chariot came out, the crossroads, being pulled in two different directions, trying to make a choice of which way to go, you have to decide and maybe ask your friend in a roundabout way. See if she might be feeling the same?

Post in the Learn tarot forum and we can all discuss this :)
Hello everyone :smt006 . I got this reading and I was hoping to get some more insight on it from you guys. Gem has been so great to offer hers. Which I think is on point. Please feel free to give any and all info possible.

Thanks Gem!

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Post by Chooky » Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:07 am

Hi Infinitii525

Just to double check do you want more clarification on your 3 card spread, or a reading regarding the same issue.


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Post by Gem » Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:28 am

Hi Chooky, clarification on the spread please.

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Post by infinitii525 » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:58 pm

Chooky,thank you for your response I need clarification on the spread.

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Post by Chooky » Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:13 am


I will enndeavour to have a look at it soon,

with the 3 card layout is it past, present, future?

By the way not sure that I am going to be that insightful for you, but I can only have a try.


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Post by infinitii525 » Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:26 pm

Chooky, that's okay . Any help is great. I am so stressed over this I am tired of feeling negtive energy on between my friend and I. I don't know which direction to in.

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Re: PLEASE can you guys offer some insight!!

Post by chrisdee » Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:38 pm

Hello everyone :smt006 . I got this reading and I was hoping to get some more insight on it from you guys. Gem has been so great to offer hers. Which I think is on point. Please feel free to give any and all info possible.

Thanks Gem![/quote][/quote]

Hi there is nothing i can add to what Gem as said about your original reading--
i did however as you opened this up for insight-- draw one card Ace of chalices
A new person in Aprils life as clouded her judgment/opinion of you,but April as not had the courage to confront you so as drawn away

Please remember i to am a learner :smt003

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Re: PLEASE can you guys offer some insight!!

Post by infinitii525 » Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:52 am

Hi there is nothing i can add to what Gem as said about your original reading--
i did however as you opened this up for insight-- draw one card Ace of chalices
A new person in Aprils life as clouded her judgment/opinion of you,but April as not had the courage to confront you so as drawn away

Please remember i to am a learner :smt003[/quote]

Hi thank you for your time. I wanted to give you a little more info on the subject. I introduced April to a guy 7 years ago. He got into a fight with my boyfriend who he introduced me to. April to told me she told him too much about me but she never said what. So he HATES me. Not that I care but she hides our friendship from him or if he knew I was around he would be upset. I have been friends with her for so long but I guess not everybody is ment to go on with you in life. I feel bad though she has been my best friend and I have never betrayed her.  :smt010
Even though you are just learning tarot you are doing well I am going to keep practicing myself. Once again thank you so much.

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Post by Chooky » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:37 am

Ok this is what I am thinking...

It suggests to me that it has been a relationship that has not necessarily been implemented by either of you, that perhaps your parents were/are friends (you say that you have been friends for 20 years and you are 23, so other people have ignited the friendship.  

So perhaps it has been a friendship that has developed out of having to, rather than becuase your two personalities clicked at the time (I have a question to pose to you, if you didn't know each other, would you pick her to be your friend in this current period of your life? Do you think she would do the same?).  I am not trying to sound negative, I have a friendship with someone that I have known for all but 1 year of my life...I will explain later, back on to i feel that this relationship has had its restrictions, and limitiations becuase of this.  You have grown up together so you know absolutely everything about each other, good and bad, so you are bound to each other in perhaps not such a positive way.  

I feel that you see the relationship in quite a different way to your friend, and I feel that you need to open up to the prospect, that you aren't little kids anymore and that your friendship might need be go in different directions for a while to give each of you the freedom that you both need to develop more and to develop new friendships (that is not say that your friendship will go backwards, just needs a rest, it does sound like you do a lot of things together).

I feel that it is enevitable that your friendship is going to take a different path, if only for a while, and I think you need to take this opportunity to develop new friendships, and go on your own path for a while (you will always be friends with her, its just you will come back to each other at another time, and it will kick up from where you left off).  It will be hard to let go, but there are other people out there who you have a lot to offer, and likewise them to you...


PS That was from a learner reader...

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Post by Chooky » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:39 am

Hi Infinitii

The other thing you could possibly do is try a new reading with a different question about your friendship.


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Re: PLEASE can you guys offer some insight!!

Post by chrisdee » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:10 am

infinitii525 wrote:Hi there is nothing i can add to what Gem as said about your original reading--
i did however as you opened this up for insight-- draw one card Ace of chalices
A new person in Aprils life as clouded her judgment/opinion of you,but April as not had the courage to confront you so as drawn away

Please remember i to am a learner :smt003
Hi thank you for your time. I wanted to give you a little more info on the subject. I introduced April to a guy 7 years ago. He got into a fight with my boyfriend who he introduced me to. April to told me she told him too much about me but she never said what. So he HATES me. Not that I care but she hides our friendship from him or if he knew I was around he would be upset. I have been friends with her for so long but I guess not everybody is ment to go on with you in life. I feel bad though she has been my best friend and I have never betrayed her.  :smt010
Even though you are just learning tarot you are doing well I am going to keep practicing myself. Once again thank you so much.[/quote]

thank you for your feed back
I am sorry that your friendship as fallen apart ,may i had it is not your friends decision to pull away but the decision was made by this other person i don't know if she fears him or just wants to keep the peace but i do not feel she would choose to end the relationship unless it threatened her relationship with this other person

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Post by infinitii525 » Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:49 pm

Chooky, You took it back. Yes I was friends with someone she was friends with and that's how we met. It's actually 18 years of friendship. Your right when in the beginning we were together because of the other person. At this point in time no I wouldn't have choosen her to be friends with now if I didn't know what I know. We lived almost the same lives what I did she did what she did I did.

I am engaged with a 2 year old. She has a steady man (I am his enemy). He caused us to distance ourselves from each other shortly after they got together. I introduced them which is funny. I moved away for 2 years and have been back for the last 2 1/2 years. In the 2 years I went away we didn't speak much but we never ended our friendship. When I came back I had a baby and we spoke on the phone constantly even though she lived like 5 blocks away. This past year we started visting each other more but I feel strange when were together. Other than the past we really do not have much in common.

Over the past couple of weeks I have started to distance myself but I still you catch at least twice a week. Right now she is always saying how this person stop talking to her or pretended they didn't see her. These people are people we also grew up with and from what I know she didn't do anything to provoke those actions. I hear her talk about how it hurt's for people to act like that.

Yes I do feel like our friendship is still like we are kids. My fiance picks up on that.

You never told your story about your friend Chooky.

Hi Chrisdee:
She will not leave him unless he leaves her. If he saw me in here house while he was there. WOW what a fight that would be. He told her he would leave her if she was my childs godmother. She said don't worry I still want to be her godmother. I never went through with it.

You guys have been so great this has been the best website I have ever logged on to. You don't know how much your insight has lifted a weight of of my chest. You don't know me but you guys have helped me. I did three readings regarding her all three times the death card came up but in diffrent places in the three card spread. I am going to try to do one using one card. I wish I was ready to do a Celtic spread. Till later you guys

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Post by Chooky » Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:46 am

Hi there Infinitii

The friend that I had when we grew up was/is one of my closest friends, we were friends, becuase our parents were best friends, so we spent a lot of time together, pretty much 4 to 5 times a week.  As we got older, we basically outgrew each other, she and I had totally different friends, (she now lives at the other end of the country) but the moral to the story is, we hardly speak to each other especially over the last 10 years or so, but we still remain close! The only problem is that we really only talk about the past and unless we see more of each other, the conversations will always revolve around the past (i get really bored with it).  But regardless of all that we can pick up from where we left off.  

I think it is time to go your own way without April for a while, you will always be able to pick up later on. There is definately some stuff going on that you are not privy to, just take a step back for a while, and enjoy your 2 year old and your fiance.


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