Animal Totem Excel Program

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Animal Totem Excel Program

Post by arrowstar » Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:42 am

For our upcoming Animal Totem store & website, I developed an Excel program to discern true meanings based on multiple entries.  For example, I copied 30 different explanations for the bear as an animal totem.
The program then took all of the explanations (over 15,000 words), broke them down to individual words, and then took a count of how many times each word was used.
I ended up with quite a long list, so I first thru out such words as and, the, it, etc.  
Then we threw away all words that were only used once.  Our theory being that a word only used once out of over 15,000 instances was not revelant.
Words that had 2 or more "hits" were then weeded down, keepng only verbs, adverbs, nouns, etc.
We ended up with around 30 very concise words describing the bear as a totem animal, with the top two being "bear" and "dreams"
We are going to do this with each animal, and when completed compile a little test people can take in our totem animal shop to help determine the animal that best represents them.
We felt we had to take this approach, because if you check 30 different sites, you get 30 different meanings for any animal.
Appreciate your comments or questions.

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:01 am

WOW!! that is absolutely wonderful!!!
I am very keen to be a 'test' subject - this is something that I have always been majorly interested in and its very difficult to sift through the info on the web so GREAT!!!
oh and what is your upcoming Animal Totem store & website called?
I think there is a link section here at MB, you could post your website there and then just put a link referring back to MB and then hey presto!!
Thank you for putting so much time and effort into something like this!

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Dear Rose Red

Post by arrowstar » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:28 am

Thanks for that post.  We are calling both the website and the store THE TOTEM PATH.  At our store we will have a number of metaphysicial items but will specialize in all things totem.
There is an old saying that where there is smoke, there is fire. We've applied that axiom to tarot animal meanings.  If there are keywords that are mentioned over and over from different sources, then those keywords accuratly describe that animal.  
We applied the same program to the true uses of Rose Quartz, and our top three meanings were 1. Love  2. Romance  3. Sexual.  So there is truths to be found using the computer!
Isn't it odd that very few new age people use the computer as a magicial tool, much the same as a wand or candle?  Yet, like this website, what grand things can be done!
We'll keep you posted and will definatly ask for a link to this site when our site goes up.

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