Interpretation Of King of Cups - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of King of Cups - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 10:50 am

King of Cups - Upright

Minor Arcana

You are a business man to the core. You are a kind and considerate person. You do not run away from responsibility. You are a great leader. You are a skilled negotiator and seeker of power.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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hehehe...might be on deep water here:)

Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:31 pm

Here we see a man sitting on his throne floating on water, or on an island.
He is holding his cup and scepter firm in both hands, he is looking straight forward.
He is an clever businessmann that make progress outsmarting people around him.
Behind him to the left you can see the head of a turtle, this might indicate that this man takes no hasten decisions.
Since he is surrounded by water he might not be easy to approach and so he will be harder to understand.
Since he gives his thoughts good "work true" his advice is of great value and something you shall listen to, although be careful so you don't become shrewd by him.:) It's said he is a kind and a considerate person although not easily read.

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Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:43 pm

I see the ultimate father figure , a male, who will not desert you no matter what. Call it protector, financier, or a loving elder. Very wise, very brave, very loving. All-goodness for this card.

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Interpretation of King of Cups-Upright-Minor Arcana

Post by Bhadra » Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:32 pm

The King of Cups is the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters
His number is 4, like the Queen of Cups. Four is stability and progress - discipline and work, the most practical of all the numbers. Physical number (world of matter). Square-shaped – down to earth, rock of support.
His Elemental Name is Air of Water

The astrological sign for the King of Cups is Cancer. He rules from 20 Degree Libra to 20 Degree Scorpio.

Each Tarot card has astrological equivalents. This can help in a reading for understanding the character of a person. In this case let's look at that just a little. This card really falls under Scorpio tecnically so the person may be either a Cancer, Libra or Scorpio...let's assume Scorpio just for now. I'll get back to this in a minute and you will see how it ties in.

He holds a short sceptre in his left hand and a great cup in his right; his throne is set upon the sea; on one side a ship is riding and on the other a dolphin is leaping. The implicit is that the Sign of the Cup naturally refers to water, which appears in all the court cards.  Remember to pay attention to the symbols in this card and do not forget that water is always representative of emotion or emotional issues.

A King sits on a throne carved with the recurrent symbol of the bull to suggest courage. Symbols of harvest decorate his robes. He holds a wand in one hand and a pentacle in the other to reflect material rule. His left foot rests on a small ottoman. In the distance there are the rooftops of a successful castle keep.
(Cardinal Earth = Capricorn, Material Authority, Business Acumen, Corruption, power, victory, good forces over bad, unseen strength)

Divinatory meaning
Upright - A person who commands respect, but not love.  A man of business or law, considerate and responsible.  He is kind but ambitious and a skilled negotiator.  He is a born manipulator, someone who has arrived in a position of power by the use of brain as opposed to brawn.  He avoids taking people into his confidence and often works in secret or behind the scenes.  He is a seeker of power, with hidden motives, often distrusted or feared by those around him.

I emphasise that a tarot card's concept is neither negative nor positive in and of itself, but rather is a neutral thing influenced by our questions and our responses to life. These will give more weight to either the problematic or constructive expressions of a card.

This card might therefore mean Intelligence, romantic dreamer, the coming or going of an emotional matter.

This man is A reliable respected man from any walk of life. He is trustworthy and can help you. He is compassionate, a lover of the arts, a supportive friend, cultured.

This person represents the one who heals our wounds who tries to control the course of the relationship because of past hurts. This could symbolize the querent or a close family friend or relative.

Now, let's get back to that Scorpio thing I mentioned earlier. Look for this person or issue to correspond with these characteristics. If the querent or a person close to the querent this can give you a lot of information about this person.

Emotional and creative discipline. A mature, strong, calm, creative approach combined with practical efforts brings success and rewards. A time to trust your instincts - don't give up.
Qualities of Character - Strong, sensitive, patient, creative and deep. Emotionally controlled and spiritually aware. Knows his strengths and weaknesses and he treasures being close to his partner emotionally. Bases decisions on gut feelings or intuition and often works on hunches. Considers the needs of others as well as his own needs. Career and interests - Working in and around water, writing, painting, music, acting, medical, healing professions, counselling, psychology, architecture, computers, website design and study of religion or philosophy. Colouring: Possibly over 30 years of age, Pale eyes, light brown hair.

The person is in command of his emotions and really knows what's happening. Can transmute emotions into spiritual form. Can be a little too rigid (sitting on stone, afraid to get his feet wet). The person is being safely carried along and will reach his destination. The king carries both the scepter of power and the upright cup of controlled emotion. His throne floating on water is that his subconscious sustains him. The fish on the left side and on his chain show involvement in spirituality and creativity and suggest ordination. The ship symbolizes involvement in commerce. The imagery suggest one who has dammed up their emotions and imagination. Key words for this card are partnerships and emotional security.

Message to a querent this card might represent: It is important that you make a sincere effort to be understanding at this time, appealing to the emotional aspects of the situation. You must be the ruler of your emotions by understanding them and not repressing them. Trying to bury strong feelings under a false surface of calm is dangerous.

Ok I want to add one more element here and that is Archetypes: The word archetype is used in conjunction with Tarot to describe how the cards fit into a universal symbology. Carl Jung developed the idea of the archetype as a symbol which all human beings understand at birth. (In Jungian psychology) an unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image etc., inherited from the ancestors of the race and universally present in individual psyches.". Some of the more common archetypes are "the shadow" which represents things we fear or wish to deny in ourselves; "The
animus/anima which is the internal representation of the opposite sex (anima -female within a male, animus - male within a female); "the wise old man", "the great mother", "the trickster", and "the shaman". Per Jung, every culture, society and individual recognizes these archetypical figures. They are in our myths, our history and our legends. They have the ability to elicit strong emotional reactions.

Tarot relies heavily on symbolism and pairing it with a system like the archetypes was a natural. Do you need to understand the archetypes and Jungian psychology to read Tarot? No you don't, but learning this material will give you additional insights into the interpretation and meaning of the cards. I recommend you first master the basic meanings of the cards. If you have a background in psychology and are familiar with Jung, by all means use this knowledge to add depth to your interpretations, but if you are not familiar with it, don't fret, there are readers who know nothing about
archetypes and do quite well. The same can be said for Kabala, Astrology, Numerology and other systems which are often linked with Tarot. Learning them adds depth, but not knowing them will not prevent you from being a competent reader. Different Tarot authors assign different archetypes to the various cards. I have seen the Magician described as an aspect of the wise old man, an aspect of the trickster and as an aspect of the shaman. Obviously any worthwhile discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of this course. I am still learning about this subject myself. I just wanted to mention it so that when you hear the word archetype discussed in relation to Tarot, you have some idea of what is being talked about.

So, what does the Archetype of this card suggest?
The King of Cups is a caretaker, often to his own disadvantage. He will choose to heal those he loves before he heals himself. He takes the suffering of others to heart, is accepting of other’s foibles, and is a calming, compassionate influence on those around him. As an indicator for a real-life person in a reading, the King of Cups may represent a person who has a problem with alcohol.

The King of Cups is a reminder to accept the shortcomings of others, but I also feel it suggests a warning against dependence on the shortcomings of others, for the purpose of making oneself feel stronger. Provide stability and caring to those around you, but do not surround yourself with those you perceive to be “broken” merely because you are in love with their predicament. And be very careful of how dependent you yourself, when in need, may become on such a person.

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Post by Bella » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:25 am

Lets take a look at the symbolism in the Rider Waite card to start with, he is for starters dressed in blue, this is a colour I attribute to reflection, communication, emotions and spirituality) around his neck he wears a pendant of a fish while another leaps out of the water (the fish can be a symbol for creative imagination). Look at the arm of his throne and his scepter each bear a lotus flower which connects him to water. According to Book T he is called The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters and is said to rule from 20 degrees Libra to 20 degrees Scorpio and this attributes Scorpio as his astrological sign, although there are some who attribute Cancer as this. If you look closely you will also see waves on his crown. His throne is in the middle of the water (emotions) and the sea is not necessarily calm.

What does all this tell us about this King? This King floats in the middle of the water (emotions) and yet can still remain detached, he is consciously aware of his unconscious and therefore acknoweldges deep emotions but does not necessarily allow himself to experience them, in otherwords he is in control of his emotions. However the choppy sea can symbolise the changeability in emotions and this tells us that this King's moods can change very quickly.

He is a creative King and is able to be inspired to greater things, but he does direct this creative imagination into more responsible goals. He is fully aware of his feelings and can be very loving and attentive to those he cares for.  He has a personality that is caring and loyal to those he serves, he can be very tolerant and ready to meet the needs of those around him.  The fact that he floats in the middle of a choppy sea and yet looks stable and determined shows us that he remains  in control of the pull of his emotions and doesn't allow them to wash over him.

This King is Water/Air and does not look entirely at home in his water element he presents with a calm exterior but inside there is a passion and an intellect about this King, he is prepared to think things over and to listen to both sides of a story.

If this card presents itself as a situation then it may just be saying to you all may not be as it appears to be!

Long Live The King!  :smt029

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Post by Clare » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:43 am

To me he is an accomplished and wealthy man, and easily holds his staff and chalice

but he looks out of place, he is alone, and while deals with situations arising feel possibly mistrust causes him to sit alone

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