Interpretation Of Ten of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Ten of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 8:35 am

Ten of Wands - Upright

Minor Arcana

This is a time for struggle. You may have to bear more burdens than you can handle. You are going through a struggle and there is a lot of tension on your head.  Projects may not work out as planned. Do not take up all responsibility. Learn to delegate work. Do not feel overburdened. Learn to relax.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:25 am

This man is really struggling to get where he wants to go. He seems to be taking on too much by himself. He should maybe lighten the load. He maybe should ask for help even if takes things slowly he will still get there in the end.

Taking on too much.

Trying to do it all on your own.

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Post by xiyang » Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:03 pm

This card happened to me. 3 months ago, I did reading for my new part time job.

Feeling is take over too much responsibily on yourself. Need think about some other option to deal with the issue, try to get help from people around.  The jobs block the road ahead you, so you would better re-plan and organize them.

Health concern; your head and shoulders are painful.

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Post by nicnic » Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:01 am

it's funny xiyang but I am starting to relate to a lot of cards now.
I have never really looked at them that way before!

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Post by Mav62 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:42 am

Reading others interpretations is great. I always see this card as everything comming to a head like one last effort and you will complete this faze an end or completion of an event

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ah what comes to me

Post by HOLMES » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:33 pm

is that as the ten is a completion and new beginning,,
in the ace of wands he took up the wand,
and now he has mastered the suit and is going to apply it in new ways.

reversed i can say yes that you are too overburdened,, and need help or you may fail at what you are going to attempt.
but upright ,
i would say yes you can do it,,
the path looks so far,,
and the burden heavy
but the journey up until now has made you strong.
and thus you can do it.
for you know how to keep the bundle balanced.

in the old days the person would bundle up the sticks until one big burden and carry it home that way ,
the person knew how to balance the sticks so they would be uniformed, comfortable to carry.
much like when we put a saddle on the horse , we have to do it so the wieght is balanced and not to much on the tender spots.

of course it all depends on what context , how we apply this ideal.

"i am going to venture forth into a business venture but it is so much to think about and prepare for,, can we do it ?"

well yes ,, you could do it,, but this card isnt' about so much about profit,, but enterpise and testing your limits.
it could be that you may break even or gain a profit or even show a loss.
but your team will be strong,, your expereince from this venture will make your whole team stronger and able to do other ventures even better.

that is just an example. :)

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